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Some of those make the job sound a bit like a personal assistant/secretary. Although I imagine there are actual administrators for that. (Yeomen?)
And in practice all the work gets pushed onto them so that the First Officer is free to host poker night for the heads of department, yes.Some of those make the job sound a bit like a personal assistant/secretary. Although I imagine there are actual administrators for that. (Yeomen?)
Or, for that matter, Data- who if he weren't so utterly tone-deaf in social areas would make a great XO. Spock, who is quite aware of social dynamics even if he chooses to mostly stay above them with dry wit and Vulcan aloofness, certainly could, even if we don't see him in the role of 'link to the crew' much.Normally true, though given that Starfleet is made up of geniuses anyway I suspect you'll occasionally get a "extra genius in specific area" first officer who does do a dual hat role anyway. Like Spock being Science Officer.
Eh, they're arguably not. My views are kiiinda evolving through this very conversation.
Pretty much. Although it's... a bit less than 'every week,' arguably. Depending, too, on how you count women who don't affect the plot much, and women who are trying to use him (e.g. Elaan of Troyius, arguably The Conscience of the King, probably some others).She has some very valid points in that article, but she's completely off-base on others.
In particular, while its true that Kirk often weaponized his sexuality in a way that's normally the province of female characters, and that its often ambiguous whether or not he actually had sex with this episode's hot alien chick, it is nonetheless the case that TOS was written in such a way that Kirk ends up seducing another woman for some reason or another each week.
To be fair, I think Riker talked a fair amount of business in those poker games.And in practice all the work gets pushed onto them so that the First Officer is free to host poker night for the heads of department, yes.
I have a couple of questions today.
1. How big is the Megatortois in comparison to the Starfleet ships?
2. Are we planning on having a Starfleet vessel named USS Thunderchild?
I have a couple of questions today.
1. How big is the Megatortois in comparison to the Starfleet ships?
2. Are we planning on having a Starfleet vessel named USS Thunderchild?
I ship it.So, working on Megatortoise post, and JFC the scale difference...
You can't stop Shakatort OTP
I'd ship it, but I can't find a box that big. How much is the postage?
If you seriously wanted to pack up and ship a Megatort and Shakakoun you'd probably need the Bascilica of Lahkept to carry it.I'd ship it, but I can't find a box that big. How much is the postage?
So, working on Megatortoise post, and JFC the scale difference...
Renamed to Rondeau, since Flavored Soda Water was a placeholder.Personal Log, Cadet Fourth Class Oliver Rondeau, Stardate 230X.08.XX
Expand your consciousness Enterprise! Shakakoun personification would be smol and brash to hide her feelings of inferiority! Megatortoise would be tol and self-assured! This is like, a classic pairing!Enterprise:
"You're disgusting! That poor little Dawiar thing is small enough to be her cargo!
"Shakakouns, like Constellations, are tiny, determined, adorable, and not for lewds. At least not if you're an explorer."