All the Syndraxian cruisers survive - that battle. Their frigates - don't do so well.

No idea if Simon intends to do a write up of the next battle, but their cruisers come to a bad end there. Whether or not Simon's Syndraxian OCs made it to escape pods or not in that fight, has not been established.
The only one of my Sydraxian OCs appearing in Devas and Asuras, who is also present at Lora III, is Conductor Orchestrator Rexasodie, who actually got promoted for putting up a valiant effort at Deva IX, due to circumstances that made her immediate superior look really stupid. More on that later.

Rexasodie commanded the mobile force at Lora III. Her fate during and after that battle, I choose not to address; anyone who wants the character is entirely welcome to use her if they can think of a reason for her to be not-dead.

As to the fates of other characters who haven't already died on-screen, I will not comment at this time.

EDIT: Though I will happily expound on the biography of any of my Devas and Asuras characters, living or dead. If you look closely, you will note several jokes, easter eggs. and interesting very-minor character ideas, at least one of which I decided to kill off specifically because war is a tragedy. :(
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...Is there literally anyone except me who does omakes on this thread, and hasn't used Captain's Logs as source material?

Because I'm pretty sure I never actually have used one directly, as far as I can remember. Combat logs, yes (e.g. Harmony), but not event logs.


Actually there have been a couple of times it's felt like I've anticipated one, which is as bizarre to me as anyone else.
Omake - Devas and Asuras Pt 5 - Simon_Jester
USS Endurance, Sickbay
Six Light-Minutes off Deva IX,
Stardate 25152.7

Chekov stared at the bloody shambles five Sydraxians had made of his sickbay, remembering an orange phaser beam creasing the air a hand's breadth from his head. A decision crystallized in his mind.

He had baited many, many people this way over the years. Since the '60s, it had become one of his favorite fallbacks. A way to get a measure of revenge, in situations where it would otherwise be impossible. Or just grossly unfair. He turned to his communications officer. "Adele, did I ever tell you the story of the old Russian folk hero, William Tell?"

Chatsworth was, as usual, expressionless. "No, sir."

No use. No use at all.

"Perhaps you had best find a place to stand with better lines of fire. You are our heavy weapons emplacement."

"I'm doing so, sir. People keep moving." She stepped sideways half a pace, as always, calmly.

No use.

After so many disasters, Pavel Chekov was... hardened. As much so as any of his old Enterprise shipmates, if not more so. Even so, it tugged at him to see Lieutenant Commander T'Toia, an astrophysicist, drawing on her seemingly endless well of cross-training, as she fought a losing battle to save Commander frinc Cheg's life. She had only an ensign from Xenobiology to assist her, with so terribly few of Medical's people left on their feet.

And while a grim-looking Security woman with one of the Sydraxians' automatic disruptors was covering the supply closet they'd thought would be safe to turn their backs to, the threat of a transporter-abusing enemy was terrifying.

They needed reinforcements, or this would be impossible. He made a few more decisions, quickly.

"Chekov to battle bridge. Status report?"

T'Mest's voice was as dry as ever. "Heavily engaged. th'Varyk has modified my tricorder as a local transporter jammer. I'm trying to lock their hackers out of the ship's computer network, remotely. Security's taken heavy casualties; we're surrounded. Ensign Stevens has the boarding parties pinned down in the access corridor with a repeating phase cannon. Logic suggests they will try grenades."

Chekov gulped. That sounded- about as horrible as what was happening to the rest of his ship.

"What's the ship's weapons status?"

"All ship-to-ship weapons systems are disabled, locked down to prevent use by the enemy, or both."

"Understood. Continue counter-intrusion work, and- thank you, T'Mela. For everything."

"It is an honor, sir."

"Chekov out." He tapped a few buttons on his communicator, blinking fiercely and trying not to think about whether he would ever speak to his first officer again. Without weapons there was no point in weapons control, and perhaps he could yet save the people here. "Main Tactical, this is the captain speaking. Abandon Main Tactical and shift your personnel to Sickbay. We need to concentrate our forces- though I have an idea to stop their transporters."

Adele Chatsworth's eyes scanned the room from the corner she stood in, her phaser at the ready. There were enough troopers to have the compartment firmly covered if any more Sydraxians beamed in, and she trusted them- but she didn't trust anything far enough to let down her guard, on a day like this.

Not until duty demanded it- which it did, now. The captain, his voice pained but steady, spoke.

"Commander Chatsworth, hand me your PADD." Adele complied with only an eyeblink's hesitation. She took two steps and handed the device over to the captain, suppressing an uncomfortable shiver. She felt more naked without her PADD than without her phaser, but this wasn't the time to worry about such things.

The captain brought up a signals analysis package, and began sketching a curve on a wavefunction plot. "I have a job for you. I want a signal flooding the interior of our wessel. Every backup radio, every wireless transponder, every single electromagnetic antenna in the ship with the performance required. Regular pulses. This wavefunction." Chekov finished the sketch- a jagged, bastardized sawtooth wave. "As soon as possible. The field will replicate the effect of an ion storm, causing asymmetric distortion of all annular confinement fields."

She checked the frequency distribution with the practiced eye that had served her well in her years on this ship- and better, on her last one, in the thick of half the Cardassian navy.

This EM signature wasn't something familiar. Her brow furrowed. "That will-"

"Oh, trust me, it will work. Knocks transporters for a loop. They'll be able to beam out, but not in. It's been- analyzed." Chekov's voice was rueful. "But be careful, do not use a duty cycle over seventy-seven percent, or we may wind up receiving the Sydraxians' evil opposites!"

"What?" Adele's composure was seldom rattled, but that did it.

"I'll tell you later. Just do it!"

USS Endurance
Deck Three

"File Eight-Thirteen, this is Transporter Room Three. Your request for a rapid-download multiplex pallet is affirmed. Captain Drakh sends her thanks, we think that's a Starfleet main navigation database. We'll decrypt it later. Beaming the pallet in, right around the corner from your position."

She craned her neck- Sydraxians could crane most effectively- to see. And so she got a lovely view of the pallet materializing, as a crumpled mass of packing crate material surrounded by shattered fragments of a dozen kinds of computer hardware. Several of which immediately overheated, as did the backup batteries. The batteries in particular overheated violently. She reeled back, jagged pieces of duraplast bouncing off her helmet.

Melodie hadn't been picked as file-leader for her tendency to get flustered. She relayed the problem to Transporter Room Three immediately. But as she made the report, she met some confusion.


"And it exploded."

"It... exploded."

"Do you think I'm joking, or am I talking to an echo in the trees? The smoke lingers. What happened?"

"I'm... picking up some electromagnetic interference. It's disrupting inbound confinement beams. Sending a general alert out."

"Do we still have medical beamout?"

The naval rating trilled. "I think so. Slap a transponder on someone, and we'll find out."

She looked around. While the sheer ferocity of her file's assault had been the end of most of the Starfleeters in this compartment, by a fluke of good fortune, one of the men wearing the badge of the Federation's navigators had survived with merely disabling wounds. "You can have our prisoner."

"Anything we should know about their health?"

"His right leg's chewed up- though only the grenade had a meal out of it. He's green all over and has a camera for one eyeball, but that came with the package." She mixed that with the tunes of irony- the humor of a war zone. Then she turned back to the prisoner.

She didn't bother to try remembering Earthenese or whatever gabble the Federation used. Too much trouble to compose anything worthwhile. Instead, she turned to the prisoner, set her software to 'Orion,' and let the helmet speaker do the work, giving no real care to words spoken to an outsider that she knew would pass through soulless mechanical translation. Orions were... corruptible, right?

"We're sending you over to the Tintreax for medical treatment. Before you go, do you have any more words on this navigation database? I have it on good authority that we can arrange a new life and a spacer's weight in high-test latinum alloy for useful information."

"Maloqq, spacer, serial number 15-289-304! I tell you barbarians nothing!" the Orion bellowed.

"Barbarians? We're sending you to a doctor, aren't we?" Melodie wriggled her neck, flicked the switch on the transponder beacon, and flicked it onto his broad, red-jacketed chest.

She waited. Blue sparks of light surrounded Maloqq, the red-shirted Orion. And she made a note to work over that with her husband. There was a good duet in the idea of Orions, the ancient star-bestriding empire, being so whipped and humbled as to take service with Starfleet.

She watched carefully, but the prisoner showed no signs of being scrambled or torn apart by the transporter beam. She waited. Waited.

"Transporter Room Three, this is File Eight-Thirteen, how fares our prisoner? Did he explode? Any damage?"

"Since he was already green and bad-tempered, I think not... The attendant gives him a clean bill of health. Beaming him to Sickbay Two to clear the pad, and you do have medevac."

Melodie fumed. That was better than the alternative... But if they could beam off the Federation dreadnought and not onto it, what would that do for their battle-plan?
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But they all have breasts. I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but Apiata of all castes look like women with antenna and a few patches of vaguely insectile features.

So from a pure appearance perspective, I suspect they find it simplest to say, "Well, the aliens call the gender that has many physical features in common with us 'female' so I guess it's easiest for us to call ourselves 'female' when translating."

I mean, all humans are female until the Y kicks in, Apiata just have even less biological development after that point. Evolution didn't take nipples away from dudes, and probably just provided the Apiata with very low sexual dimorphism. And there is the possibility that drones and workers could nurse under the right circumstances as well.

The complainy part is where she only talks to human captains. What are the rest of the Federation, chopped liver?

Well Q could be a Q who is became a Q at the beginning of the universe after humans ascended to become Q in a few millenia. So that's why Q is interested in Humans but most Q don't care except Q.
Well Q could be a Q who is became a Q at the beginning of the universe after humans ascended to become Q in a few millenia. So that's why Q is interested in Humans but most Q don't care except Q.

Or you could take my explanation that Q is actually meta aware and understands that all the "aliens" are really reflections on humanity in their own way. But I understand that going that deep down the rabbit hole might not be comfortable, even if it is an Nth-dimensional being breaking the 4th wall.
Okay, I've been watching all this Omake discussion and I'm just going to pull the trigger on that OMake collaboration and assistance thread I've been threatening to make for a while because it's starting to eat up space like the old Ship Designers were doing.

Give me a few minutes.
Okay, I've been watching all this Omake discussion and I'm just going to pull the trigger on that OMake collaboration and assistance thread I've been threatening to make for a while because it's starting to eat up space like the old Ship Designers were doing.

Give me a few minutes.
... @AKuz ? You are a good person and I like you very much, but I think this is a bad idea.

The most probable result will be a lot fewer people bothering to actually read the omakes, and less diversity in our outlooks and perception on the content of the game in the main thread. Whereas ship design details are substantially off topic to most other subjects because they are hard to understand, change frequently, and are only relevant insofar as they produce the defined outcome (ship statlines)... Omake details are on topic and strongly influence our perceptions of events. They keep up interest in the thread during periods when Oneiros is unavailable or less available, too.

They shape the game in an important way, and they are a huge part of why this game has been such a booming success.

I for one will try to not use the omake thread for this reason.
... @AKuz ? You are a good person and I like you very much, but I think this is a bad idea.

The most probable result will be a lot fewer people bothering to actually read the omakes, and less diversity in our outlooks and perception on the content of the game in the main thread. Whereas ship design details are substantially off topic to most other subjects because they are hard to understand, change frequently, and are only relevant insofar as they produce the defined outcome (ship statlines)... Omake details are on topic and strongly influence our perceptions of events. They keep up interest in the thread during periods when Oneiros is unavailable or less available, too.

They shape the game in an important way, and they are a huge part of why this game has been such a booming success.

I for one will try to not use the omake thread for this reason.



This is partially why I didn't want to create a thread in the first place, but I want to create a place where it's easier for people to find with writing their stuff.
Because people keep asking questions about things that we have answers for and I want a place that is just a single resource for finding all of that.

Alright, fine, I wont do anything. It was a bad idea


This is partially why I didn't want to create a thread in the first place, but I want to create a place where it's easier for people to find with writing their stuff.
Because people keep asking questions about things that we have answers for and I want a place that is just a single resource for finding all of that.

Alright, fine, I wont do anything. It was a bad idea

It might be a good idea to have a separate omake discussion thread, or a thread on the tricks of writing good omakes. Or an omake notes thread where we could stash stuff like your character bible. Or one thread that serves all of these purposes.

Or a thread that could serve as a "completed and cleaned up archive" for our many many omakes. Or something like that.

But I think it would be a bad idea to deliberately segregate omake discussion, or omake posting, to that thread. Among other things, because we routinely use 'facts' from omakes and characters from omakes in routine discussion of in-game events. I mean, if we're talking about stuff that happened or is happening regarding the Orions and the Syndicate campaign and the Orion government... It's like, a lot of what we know about the Orions comes from omakes done by you, Iron Wolf, Leila Hann, and so on. Would that count as 'game' discussion that belongs in the game thread, or omake discussion? President Oyana has appeared primarily in omakes, but she's a major presence in the game itself, for instance.

It might be a good idea to have a separate omake discussion thread, or a thread on the tricks of writing good omakes. Or an omake notes thread where we could stash stuff like your character bible. Or one thread that serves all of these purposes.

Or a thread that could serve as a "completed and cleaned up archive" for our many many omakes. Or something like that.

But I think it would be a bad idea to deliberately segregate omake discussion, or omake posting, to that thread. Among other things, because we routinely use 'facts' from omakes and characters from omakes in routine discussion of in-game events. I mean, if we're talking about stuff that happened or is happening regarding the Orions and the Syndicate campaign and the Orion government... It's like, a lot of what we know about the Orions comes from omakes done by you, Iron Wolf, Leila Hann, and so on. Would that count as 'game' discussion that belongs in the game thread, or omake discussion? President Oyana has appeared primarily in omakes, but she's a major presence in the game itself, for instance.

Well what I mean is someone asking like "How do I get characters into the game" and asking about what sort of things are written. Not taking discussion out of the thread about the game, but about the mechanical bits, and instead of removing it to PMs where it cant help anyone else, having a central place for people to collaborate and to ask for proofreading, help with ideas. and whatnot

That's an interesting idea that would let people collaborate more effectively. I'd probably still do most of my writing isolated on my own computer or one-on-one with specific people, but others might benefit from it a lot.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. :(
I'm actually feeling burnt on the idea now for some reason. Maybe someday I'll figure out a better way to do it without immediate pushback.
He's in navigation, he's also a recent enlistee in Starfleet. I like "spacer" a lot more than "crewman" and it has the advantage of being gender-neutral, so I think I'll stick with it for now.

I'm actually feeling burnt on the idea now for some reason. Maybe someday I'll figure out a better way to do it without immediate pushback.
Sorry. I think literally all the pushback you received was based on those of us who badly misunderstood what you were trying to accomplish.
I've disliked the gendered connotation behind Crewman for a while so I'll join the Spacer revolution!

I think I've always used spacer?

It's hard to find something that sounds good, believe me, I spent a lot of time trying to figure something out. But in the end spacer works well and is used elsewhere. So.
by the way, if I may ask. we have numerical superiority, so why do we seem to be having our ships operate in lower force concentration than the licor? we have something like 3 times their ships count involved, wouldn't it make more sense for us to leverage that into high force concentration so they can't easily pick off lone ships in their space?