The enemy might look less like a band of monsters and more like an evil empire, though. The cultural memories of their apocalyptic war have probably given the Gaeni a very specific notion of what "evil" looks like.
Well, here's the thing: do the Gaeni have a genre of fantasy literature that rejects the scientific worldview? Do they have something like romanticism?
Even if the Institutes dislike it, I suspect that they probably do.
They don't have magical girls, they do however have mecha pilot girls. Bubblegum crisis and Bubblegum crisis 2040 could have been their shows apart from the music (the Gaeni could rock, but never thought to until humans).
Vulcans actually would understand it quite well. They once had emotion-powered psychic weapons after all. In their version though, the magical girls would be the antagonists of the story, not the protagonists.
As I sort of outlined above, I feel the Vulcans would have a lot of respect for Kyuuby's motivations but like, zero sympathy for their methods. Except for putting them in rad new bods, I feel like they'd be okay with that unlike the girls in the series. Oh uh, spoilers.
I considered, actually, that as you said, a Vulcan PMMM would have Kyuuby be emotionally OFF THE FUCKING CHAIN versus the cold alien he is in our version. Instead of logically explaining his actions he'd appeal to emotion and encourage them to release all control. Which would actually work pretty well with the themes and mechanics of the original, really.
They don't have magical girls, they do however have mecha pilot girls. Bubblegum crisis and Bubblegum crisis 2040 could have been their shows apart from the music (the Gaeni could rock, but never thought to until humans).
Too against the Institute culture with the anti-megacorp message (though I suppose the ultimate ineffectiveness of the Knight Sabers as agents of change might soften it a little, then again Scientific Misadventuring into Largo probably makes it much harder...).
On the other hand, it's possible that if we do a reboot for Bubblegum Crisis 2500 with Gaeni and Yan-Ros characters I will finally get Priss Asagiri performing Lady Gaga's Marry the Night.
EDIT: Actually, you know what would really be a Gaeni series? Patlabor.
There's also the fact that magic in PMMM runs on, amongst other things, raw emotion. Which is to say most Vulcans would be a bit hopeless at it. Ironically the Romulans would possibly do even better than the human stock.
Too against the Institute culture with the anti-megacorp message (though I suppose the ultimate ineffectiveness of the Knight Sabers as agents of change might soften it a little, then again Scientific Misadventuring into Largo probably makes it much harder...)
I am very much sure that there exist anti-megacorp cultural elements in Gaeni society. The Institutes exist, and they are powerful, but I cannot imagine the Gaeni successfully implementing, or even particularly wanting to implement, culture-wide censorship.
Honestly there is probably a contingent of the press that have been salty about all the Humans in Starfleet since Earth built all those Connies in the last century and take every opportunity to bring up that issue over and over again even though it's as relevant to modern Starfleet as the Red Scare is to the War on Terror.
That the federation is merely a well-disguised human empire is probably an old line that gets trotted out a lot when some rabble rouser or tabloid journalist wants to badmouth the federation, even as it becomes more and more blatantly false. Probably because they are so annoyingly altruistic that there isn't anything more credible sounding to blast them with. I suspect humans more than other races tend to gravitate towards outward facing positions so they end up acting as the "face" of the federation, giving the claim just enough of an illusion of credibility to be useful.
It's just they're in exactly the same position as Priss' music career in BGC: dead-ended because all the major resources and distribution networks are in Institute (Genom) hands, so they're not out there producing one of the most beloved and expensive anime of the late '80s or its equivalent. So no, Bubblegum Crisis is not going to be produced by the Gaeni.
(Patlabor, with the Ingrams having been effectively a gift from a major corporation and it continuing to provide critical support to the police in the face of other corporations' bad behavior, and its ethos that no matter the new tools, we will always have to deal with people misusing them, is a much more plausible Gaeni production.)
I'm a bit skeptical of the "handful of Institutes own literally everything" model of Gaeni society. It's very neat, and while the Gaeni are definitely thinky, organized people in their way, they are also profoundly messy people.
Messy, because of that "hey y'all, watch this" element. The "what if we try this or that" element. The defining thing about the Gaeni is their willingness to take personal risks and try schemes in routine, moderately dangerous activities like "building things" and "working with antimatter" that would make other people blanch.
I just can't see a society like that (as opposed to a bunch of bland beige overregulated bureaucrats who act a lot like Vulcans) emerging in a situation where literally everyone and everything has to fit within the neat pigeonholes of a relative handful of extremely large organizations. In that case you'd expect to see something like modern Japan, with the Institutes cast as zaibatsu and the Gaeni themselves as salarymen.
The Gaeni almost have to have created for themselves a social system with enough pressure-release valves to permit experiment and exotic ideas. Because you can't lock together a billion Gaeni on a planet without a lot of weird ideas emerging, and someone has to let those ideas vent in a way that doesn't create pure chaos.
There's also the fact that magic in PMMM runs on, amongst other things, raw emotion. Which is to say most Vulcans would be a bit hopeless at it. Ironically the Romulans would possibly do even better than the human stock.
actually, Vulcans are really emotional, to the point where they have to clamp down hard or they risk flying off the handle. Just because they keep it bottled doesn't mean it's not there.
The Gaeni just have a different society threshold on personal risk.
Take Human teenagers in all their hormone driven, brain still developing, risk taking. Now imagine that is a conservative baseline for Gaeni Adults ....
(The Risk Analysis portion of the brain is one of the last to mature in the progression from child to adult in Humans ...)
The Gaeni just have a different society threshold on personal risk.
Take Human teenagers in all their hormone driven, brain still developing, risk taking. Now imagine that is a conservative baseline for Gaeni Adults ....
(The Risk Analysis portion of the brain is one of the last to mature in the progression from child to adult in Humans ...)
So yeah, Gaeni magical girl show would probably be pretty similar to what we're used to, only the characters would be more risk-taking and reckless (same as in all Gaeni literature) and the enemies are probably some sort of mechanized army reminiscent of the ones that brought their planet to ruin.
There's also the fact that magic in PMMM runs on, amongst other things, raw emotion. Which is to say most Vulcans would be a bit hopeless at it. Ironically the Romulans would possibly do even better than the human stock.
As I mused before, any Romulan version of the events of PMMM would involve Incubator co-operation with the Tal-Shiar as both are immoral "for the greater good" organizations.
The actual anime would probably never developed in recognizable form under Romulan censorship regimes. Like unless the cold alien logic of the Incubators is player up even more with a Romulan "WE ARE VULCANS" cultural shorthand slathered all over them. Then it ends with SURPRISE DEUS EX TAL SHIAR fucking kicking down the doors and straight murdering everyone to save the world. > : V
EDIT: Honestly most Romulan media would be different compared to ours. Where Hollywood shit is often "Lol the Authorities are lame and incompetent and ONLY A SMALL BAND OF SPECIAL PEOPLE CAN SAVE THE DAY" the Romulan version is the small team of special people fucking everything up by keeping secrets from the state and every series ends with the Authorities kicking down doors and saving the day with a moral of "Don't keep secrets kids. Big Tal Shiar is here to protect you! > : D"
From: Vice Admiral Nyota Uhura, Director, Starfleet Operations Command
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Commanding, Starfleet
Subject: Gabriel Border Zone Commander
With the appointment of Rear Admiral Ainsworth to Explorer Corps, which even that hard charger considers a reward for good service in the Gabriel, we now have a vacancy in the Gabriel. As this is one of the commands you have designated of utmost strategic importance, I would like your thoughts on the candidates that we have to take command of the sector. For this quarter, while we rearrange personnel, Commodore Rivers is taking temporary command of the sector with orders to protect against the Cardassians.
Vice Admiral Uhura
Starfleet Personnel Command Update
Key Reassignments
Captain Sabek - Captain, USS Courageous from Captain, USS Challorn
Captain Demora Sulu - Captain, USS Voshov, from Captain USS Republic
Captain Jennifer Zhang - Captain, USS Challorn from Unassigned
"Lieutenant, what is this?"
A young Andorian Lieutenant startles, looking up to see Commander Giinad, the Rigellian Third Officer of the Starbase, over his shoulder. "Excuse me, sir?" The Rigellian silently reached out and tapped a red mark on his board. "Oh. The Suvek is late with their last call-back. About an hour or two. It's not a big concern, mapping missions tend to result in disrupted communications from time to time. Their last subspace burst had all green lights."
"Keep me appraised, Lieutenant," says the Commander. "When is their next check-in expected?"
"Another four hours, sir."
The Rigellian crosses her arms and glares at the screen. "If they have not reported in by that stage, I want to know."
"Yes, sir."
Captain's Log, USS Vigour, Stardate 25709.4
An abrupt end to shore leave! We've had to boot crew back into orbit. A Betazed patrol cruiser just had a massive blow-out of their fore-ventral EPS trunk. Preliminary engineering assessment shows that their life support systems are gone and not coming back. We need to get there post-haste in order to render aid and save her crew.
Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 25710.1
An Andorian science station near the Klingon Border Zone has gone silent, and the sector commander has asked us to detour from a diplomatic engagement to discover what happened there. We have received a heavily encoded data packet from the Andorian Guard regarding the station, which should be decoded shortly.
[MC Comm McNeil] Spin, prep an SAR package, it might be an overreaction, but Suvek was on the Licori side of Rigel and I don't want to take chances.
[SpC Cdr T'Irian] Director, I remind you that I do not have sufficient Starfleet assets to comprise a proper SAR. I will need to requisition aid from the Rigellians, and potentially the Honiani.
[MC Comm McNeil] Spin, understood. Rustle up whatever you can get, but go find the Suvek.
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25710.5 - Captain Vol Chad
The UESPA off-world diplomacy team is aboard, and we are in transit to the major Ked Paddah colony world of Gad. The lead ambassador is quite the lively man. Not many humans can properly argue! We will arrive within the next day to begin the next stage of deepening ties.
Captain's Log, USS Vigour, Stardate 25710.8
The BDS Antanixx has hailed us to express their relief. They were running very low on oxygen reserves. We've beamed all non-essential crew aboard. The USS Dryad will be here within the hour, we plan to transfer the non-essentials to her so that she can return them to Betazed. Engineering ships Bulwark, Continent, and the Betazed Uplift will be arriving shortly to help stabilise the ship for the return trip. We should have reserve life-support back up and running by then.
[Gain +10pp]
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25711.2
Ked Paddah is a somewhat ... I don't want to say 'bland', but I'd like to introduce them to volleyball, I'll say that. Very sombre, very serious. Have a reason for everything you do. Do everything within reason. I'm sure there are members of the Federation that appreciate the approach, but I find it quite tiresome.
Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 25711.6
It was a deliberately isolated virology lab. Unfortunately, a loss of containment on some of the specimens allowed the entire staff to, effectively, turn into goop. I have requested permission from Sector Command to use some of the more ... energetic materials we have aboard to properly resolve the matter. After what our sensor sweeps picked up, I am not sending across a medical or science team. We have good hazardous environment suits but this facility will never be suitably decontaminated.
[+5rp, +1 Crew Rating]
Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 25712.2
One of the security officers who came with me from the Sappho has saved my bacon, to borrow an Earthism. The Ked Shibboah, that is, the Ked Paddah Council law enforcement, tell me the assassin was a brainwashed Licori from Gammon. From what we have picked up, the intention was to kill the Ked Paddah envoy I was meeting with, and use high-technology memory-flash devices to convince me that I had killed the envoy in a rage.
However, Petty Officer Trizzadiara had been following me discreetly, and stunned the assassin in his tracks!
[Gain +5pp, +25 relations with Ked Paddah]
Captain's Log, RDS Adamant, Stardate 25714.3
We have arrived at the last known location of the USS Suvek and discovered her wreckage. The ship shows alarming signs of having been bisected by immense pneumatic force. Like two titanic jaws. Warp core still functions, marginally, but the ship itself is a write-off. Power and life-support are out everywhere but a small bubble around main engineering. We have recovered a few survivors.
It seems we have an explanation for the hollow moon we found them orbiting. It is the same manner of organism that was destroyed by the Odyssey on Stardate 24994.8, except matured. It is currently lazing around in the upper atmosphere of the local gas giant. Rigel is gathering up a task force to pursue this creature.
[USS Suvek, NCC-1508, destroyed - 1 Enlisted, 3 Technicians lost - 1 Officer, 1 Technician returned to Crew Pool]
The Distress Call was set up recently by a Licori scientist who had managed to create ... uh, well, a space monster, really.
A vacuum-based crystalline macro-lifeform is locked away inside the crust of one of the moons around a Class J gas giant. This creature has eaten the entire Licori research team and is very slowly making its way out towards the surface. After determining that it is, in fact, not sapient, but a mindless eating machine, we have used a burst of polaron radiation to break down the crystalline-bonds of the creature, using the local geology to reflect the radiation back and forth through the monster's cradle.
From what we have recovered from the research material, the Licori were not looking to create a bioweapon. They were just trying something different.
I really want to see records of what the hell happened cause how the hell did a star ship get scrapped by getting bitten, seriously how fast does this thing move?
USS Docana is a Constellation, if I recall correctly?
Lead candidate to be the first Constellation-A when we get to the refits in a couple of years, maybe?
Lost at Oberth and 4 units of crew . Getting the first Kepler out is still, what, 5-6 years away?