I should note, since it's not clear in the original post, when I write "FYM?" it means I'm not sure if they've ever been mentioned as being on a FYM, as like, a Junior officer. I actually forgot Taggart had been on one, for example!
In the case of GM babies, well, I guess that's up to you unless facts have been omake'd into existence.
Are you guys sure that upon looking at the results the Thirishar has been turning in that you want anyone associated with it in the Explorer Corps program?
One thing that I'd like to see is that our EC officers have actually commanded a ship for a couple years as seasoning.
While we have in the past moved someone from Commander or XO straight up to a FYM, that was a function of the "smaller" Fleet of the time.
It's fine to move them straight onto the Panel while they season for a couple years, but I'm leery about giving a 5YM to anyone that hasn't spend at least a year or two in command of a ship (Yes this even includes Zhang, my favored choice for EC captain)
So just keep in mind that going on the list doesn't mean they're getting a 5YM right this moment.
There's a number of FYMs that will be coming due over the next year or two, so I'm pretty happy to load up the list now to save me doing it again in the near future, even if they aren't Captains you are likely to pick right now.
I mean, at this point, it's gotta be Winston, right?
-One of EITHER fop Makpol OR ch'Gharist
-One of EITHER Zaardmani OR Lee
Picking 'both' in either of the 'or' categories wouldn't bother me, but I do want to keep putting nonhumans on the list. We have a natural tendency to create mostly human characters in our omakes. It's a thing I'm trying to compensate for, because it's inherently rather unrealistic.
Fair. I realized after I posted how bad it was my two recommendations were both human.
I think even though I'm on the pro-Lee train at this point, Zaardmani might be 'seen' as the better pick by the brass, as he didn't have a disaster like the Kearsarge happen. Lee wasn't punished at her hearing but it was noted that the reason why her career wasn't torpedoed mostly had to do with the expanding fleet. On the other hand, she has commanded two big ships for probably close to 5 years in total, so she's deffos more experienced than Zaardmani.
I will confirm that Commander Kole survives, in large part through sheer psychic broforce.
With one exception: I would suspect unless there's some very exciting bonuses given to another Captain, Leaniss would probably be a shoe-in if she's on the ballot just by sheer name recognition and memetic force.
Also: Nash will break your fucking keyboard if you vote otherwise
There's a number of FYMs that will be coming due over the next year or two, so I'm pretty happy to load up the list now to save me doing it again in the near future, even if they aren't Captains you are likely to pick right now.
From memory, the Captain who ran the gauntlet of a Licori/Ked Paddah battle to save civilians. That is a good candidate.
Would that be an option? I mean it seems to be that there should be a few experienced people in most of those forces with the necessary experience (at least after a short retraining) and it would allow us to have the "new" members getting to leadership positions within a reasonable timeframe which seems something the Council would appreciate.
With one exception: I would suspect unless there's some very exciting bonuses given to another Captain, Leaniss would probably be a shoe-in if she's on the ballot just by sheer name recognition and memetic force.
Would that be an option? I mean it seems to be that there should be a few experienced people in most of those forces with the necessary experience (at least after a short retraining) and it would allow us to have the "new" members getting to leadership positions within a reasonable timeframe which seems something the Council would appreciate.
It hasn't proven popular within Starfleet - there is an ingrained institutional opposition. The simple reason is that not many fleets, even among the pacifist member worlds, indoctrinate their officers in the way Starfleet does. The process of creating a Starfleet officer isn't done with screaming Corporals, but with a creed. And the Explorer Corps is the ur-example of this creed within Starfleet.
This is all the candidates I can remember, in rough order of how qualified I think they are for the post. Some people are near the bottom just because they lack senior command experience (Amin, Devereaux, Zuggaed). Others because I can't think of anything impressive about their service record..
Leaniss - Captain, USS Renaissance for 1 year, captain of the Riala for some time before that. Both of Nash's FYMs.
Diego Zaardmani - Captain, USS Torbiel for 2 years. Both of Nash's FYMs.
Min-Jee Lee - Captain, USS Valiant for at most 2-ish years, captain USS Kearsarge for 5-6 years before that. FYM status uncertain.
Sabek - Captain, USS Dryad for [?] years. Heroic actions in Licori-Ked Paddah War. FYM status uncertain.
Abigail Taggart - Captain, USS Winterwind for 3 years, XO USS Sappho. Served on Eaton's FYM.
Winslow - Captain, USS Lexington for ~3 years, senior posting on USS Sarek. Served on T'Lorel's FYM.
Jidon - Captain, USS Kearsarge for 2-3 years, Captain USS Svai for [?] years, FYM status uncertain.
Shurg kap Klasch - Captain, USS Bon Vivant for [?] years, FYM status uncertain.
Xuggaed - Science Officer (or XO)?, USS Odyssey for [?] years. Served on Mbeki's (restart) FYM
Jeanette Devereaux - Science Officer, USS Endurance for [?] years. Served on McAdams' FYM
Huth fop Makpol - First Officer, Starbase 4 [Tellar] for [?] years, Captain USS Avandar before that, FYM status uncertain.
Nokair ch'Gharist - Captain, USS Thirishar for 2 years, FYM status uncertain.
Percival Amin - Captain, XO Starbase 10 for 2 years, XO Lexington for 1-2 years before that. FYM status uncertain.
Oh, @Iron Wolf? I can confirm that Commander Kole is going to make it, in large part through sheer psychic broforce. Of course, because of the 50/50 rule, now I have to kill off someone else so that he may live...
She's already on the captain's list. Depending on relative strength of bonuses I could go either way.
They have roughly equal command experience. Leaniss took command of Riala right after the Lironh bombings; I forget exactly when Sulu took command of Republic but it must have been within a few months of that time.
Sulu's the "old boys/girls club" candidate, hands down; Leaniss is the "look, new members, you too can be represented in Starfleet!" candidate.
The nepotism horn will blow fairly loud anyway with him running Starfleet Tactical. As in seriously, even a bunch of random hostile aliens know or believe that Captain Sulu's family ties to Admiral Sulu matter, although they were thinking more in terms of her potential status as a high-value prisoner of war.
Duty compels me to note that there is novelization support for Sulu having been the 'canon-ish' captain of the Enterprise-B from 2312-15, and I'm quite sure she'd do splendidly in the post.
It hasn't proven popular within Starfleet - there is an ingrained institutional opposition. The simple reason is that not many fleets, even among the pacifist member worlds, indoctrinate their officers in the way Starfleet does. The process of creating a Starfleet officer isn't done with screaming Corporals, but with a creed. And the Explorer Corps is the ur-example of this creed within Starfleet.
Nash: "I will find you, and I will re-educate you."
Understandable though it still looks like a wasted opportunity to me. That way it will take ages for new members to get represented in the Starfleet leadership which seems to me like a PR problem waiting to blow up...
(Plus I have to say that it is not like our Captains seem that "enlightened"/ ethically superior, at least to me. Indeed I would say that their actions on the whole areally pretty much what I would expect from a "modern" military officer (with some diplomacy training added).
This is why I was pushing for her immediately before Kahurangi retired. Of course, turned out Hikaru wasn't an option at the time but he is very likely to be once Sousa retires. And considering the circumstances I wouldn't be surprised if that were shortly after the Arcadian Crisis resolves, what with the Council's push for shorter Admiral terms.
This is why I was pushing for her immediately before Kahurangi retired. Of course, turned out Hikaru wasn't an option at the time but he is very likely to be once Sousa retires. And considering the circumstances I wouldn't be surprised if that were shortly after the Arcadian Crisis resolves, what with the Council's push for shorter Admiral terms.
Personally I'd like Shey or Rinias to take the seat next, just to avoid claims of human centrism. If we pick Sulu, that'll be four, possibly five human admirals in a row. Plus Shey's diplomacy bonus will probably turn into something really nice once the moratorium on members expires.
(Plus I have to say that it is not like our Captains seem that "enlightened"/ ethically superior, at least to me. Indeed I would say that their actions on the whole areally pretty much what I would expect from a "modern" military officer (with some diplomacy training added).
This is why I was pushing for her immediately before Kahurangi retired. Of course, turned out Hikaru wasn't an option at the time but he is very likely to be once Sousa retires. And considering the circumstances I wouldn't be surprised if that were shortly after the Arcadian Crisis resolves, what with the Council's push for shorter Admiral terms.
You're not wrong. If there are any five-year missions coming up for new captaincies in 2315, Sulu's going to be near the top of my list.
Another point is that Sulu is older than Leaniss. Sulu is about one year away from Nash's academy graduation date; Leaniss was only a few years from debutante status when she got onto the Enterprise-B. They have comparable seniority in grade, but only because Leaniss was aggressively fast-tracked through the junior officer ranks. And frankly, that was probably in part for political reasons.
I like Leaniss, I think she'll make a superb five-year mission captain, but I don't think we can make mcuh of an argument for her being objectively more qualified.
Personally I'd like Shey or Rinias to take the seat next, just to avoid claims of human centrism. If we pick Sulu, that'll be four, possibly five human admirals in a row. Plus Shey's diplomacy bonus will probably turn into something really nice once the moratorium on members expires.
(Plus I have to say that it is not like our Captains seem that "enlightened"/ ethically superior, at least to me. Indeed I would say that their actions on the whole areally pretty much what I would expect from a "modern" military officer (with some diplomacy training added).
It's not about enlightenment, it's about Starfleet-ness.
Put this way, Starfleet's mission statement reads something like "to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before." A traditional military has like one half of one of those in play, trading them in for an extra helping of "fight fight defend defend."
When we encounter a bunch of aliens who actually have something like the Explorer Corps (like the Honiani or the Qloathi) it's something remarkable.
Understandable though it still looks like a wasted opportunity to me. That way it will take ages for new members to get represented in the Starfleet leadership which seems to me like a PR problem waiting to blow up...
I feel like you could have a transfer, they'd just have to spend a year or two at SFA and then some postings on ships before they'd be eligible for the EC panel. Hence that exactly being Xuggaed's background. I imagine there's a few Orizzas -- or minor Apiata queens, for that matter -- who are going to take their chances for climbing the ladder in Starfleet rather than in the Hive. No one's written about them yet is all.
We probably have a few high-ranking Seyek, Fiiral, Qloathi, Caledonians, Indorians, Gaeni, and Orions due to the long times we've had affiliate and affiliate+ status with them, and the subsequent crew flow. Again, they just haven't been written about with maybe the exception of Holena and Dr. Asurva for the Orions.
Actually now that I think about it the lack of senior Starfleet Apiata in any fics despite their popularity is kinda weird.
QM/N: Fun fact though - there is another Amarkian captain kicking around. In the JAG though.
[X] Plan Finish The Buildup
-[X] Retired Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett - Doctrine Specialist
-[X] Andorian Imperial Star Engineers - Engineering Team
-[X] East Asian Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry
From: Commodore Leon Dubois, Acting Commander, Starfleet Explorer Corps
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet, Commanding
Subject: Explorer Corps Panel of Captains
Hello Admiral,
In honour of a new era for the Explorer Corps, we have done our best to refresh the Panel of Captains list. Starfleet has more commanding officers than ever, and more Five Year Missions to commission than ever, so we feel that it is time to start widening the net of promising candidates who have held Explorer Corps experience as officers. The resulting new panel is our current result.
Captain Demora Sulu
Human Female, 45
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Republic
Feels she was born for the stars, and is looking for the chance to live up to her family name. Has spent some time in action around the GBZ. Gain +1 P, re-roll any diplomacy test in Federation space, +1 to Espionage attempts, re-roll event hull checks
Captain Samyr Kanil
Human Female, 48
Current Assignment: Captain, USS T'Mir
A calm and steady head, with a temperament for long-term missions, and a keen mind for science. +1 S, chance to roll to escape ambushes/Hostile Threat event types.
Captain Larai Leaniss
Amarki Female, 37
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Renaissance
An officer with a considerable public profile, Captain Leaniss has a long tradition of forging new ground. +1 P, +5pp/yr
Captain Min-Jee Lee
Human Female, 42
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Valiant
A career spent working with cruisers, yet a penchant for survival in both battle and politics has led her to the panel. +1 H, +1 to Diplomacy Missions
Captain Jeanette Devereaux
Human Female, 40
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Typhoon
A science division officer at heart, Captain Devereaux is in rare company among officers for protesting being assigned the brand-new Typhoon over the old Suvek. +1 S, +1 to First Contact missions
Captain Percival Amin
Human Male, 41
Current Assignment: First Officer, Starbase 10 [Rigel]
A man with a surprising knack for finding himself in dangerous areas, but who learned much from Rear Admiral Uhura. One of the very few fluent non-Vulcan speakers of that language. +1 L, +1 to any internal diplomacy.
Captain Sabek
Vulcan Male, 54
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Challorn
Even by Vulcan standards, Sadek has nerves that could put warp core housing to shame. +1 C, +1 D, +5% Evasion
Captain Huth fop Makpol
Tellarite Male, 48
Current Assignment: First Officer, Starbase 4 [Tellar]
A man with experience on a Miranda, an Excelsior, and a Starbase. Gain +1 to Medium DC events.
Captain Shurg kap Klasch
Tellarite Female, 46
Current Assignment: USS Bon Vivant
Possesses a legendary devotion to her crew, keeping them safe no matter the odds. 50% chance of nullifying a crew casualty, +1 to any event involving medicine.
Captain Jennifer Zhang
Human Female,
Current Assignment: Unassigned
A talented veteran of exploration who spent two years far afield with the Honiani. Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll, +1 P
[ ][FYM1] USS Courageous Captain
[ ][FYM2] USS Voshov Captain
From: Rear Admiral Zrai ch'Shennaryth, Director, Starfleet Personnel Command
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Commanding, Starfleet
Subject: Commander, Explorer Corps
Greetings Admiral,
Things have been hectic in Personnel Command. It may surprise you, but with the length of Rear Admiral Seruk's administration, we have grown somewhat rusty at conducting our own handovers. One last lesson in why not to let people stay in a role too long, I guess.
Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen also had a long term commanding the Explorer Corps, but thankfully the nature of that command lets them carry on a little easier. Even so, it has come time to appoint a successor to Vice Admiral zh'Dohlen. We have assembled the following candidates:
[ ][EC] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
Current Posting: Commander, GBZ
Ainsworth may never have been picked for an FYM, but she is proud to have been panel nominated. As the Corps grows, her field command experience may help her. Re-roll the first EC failure in a year, +2 to Capital research.
[ ][EC] Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: CO, Task Force 2, LBZ
The woman, the myth, the legend of the fleet, Nash ka'Sharren has experience running a department within the Explorer Corps, to say nothing of ten years in command of the Enterprise. Nash's mentoring gives whichever FYM is newest +1 S, +1P
[ ][EC] Rear Admiral Anyth sh'Nathriq
Current Posting: Administrator, Operations Mission Control, Starfleet Operations Command
The woman who oversees the beating heart of Starfleet would like the chance to look after its soul. If the Explorer is operating in Federation space, or near a border zone, nearby ships or auxiliaries may make a response roll at a penalty to backup the Corps.
QM/N: People who know of Rear Admirals they want put into consideration for this role can nominate and I'll stat+add to the list.
Hm. Promoting Ainsworth away from the GBZ does have benefits, now that she's thrashed the Sydraxians. And it'd be leaving with honor, definitely. Not to mention that is a hell of a bonus.
Sulu's getting Courageous, though. her bonus list is getting ridiculous.
Captain Saavik is taking a groundside billet after a fairly arduous time commanding a Five Year Mission, with one of the highest casualty rates that we've seen in a tour that did not include heavy combat or an antimatter mine. It is not yet certain if her next career move will be up or back out on a Renaissance or the like.
Of the current candidates, Captain Sulu has been servicing admirably in the Gabriel Expanse, including being in the thick of the Battle of Deva. Captain T'Rinta has been keeping the Sydraxian border calm. Captain Chad and the Sappho has been calm with the exception of the unfortunate Licori Mentat mess, which I do believe no one could have anticipated. And newly on the list, Captain Kanil of the T'Mir has been appointed to the panel. Their experience needs no introduction.