Can someone check member world fleets? We can call up some patrol forces. Federalizing ships is rather cheap. Any free science ships?

I was just thinking of that actually. Vulcan has an Oberth I believe, and the Rigellians may have their own model ship. I'll check.

Edit: Vulcan is the only member state on this side of the Federation to possess a dedicated science ship. We'd have to borrow from the Apiata to get more. I'll add borrowing an Oberth to my plan. Worth the 1 War Support.
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[X] External Diplomacy and Max Interceptors
- Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - External Diplomacy (10pt cost for Starfleet, gain External Diplomacy Team)
- Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts (3 cost for Andorian Guard, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
- Starfleet Academy Red Squad Runabouts - Recon team (4 cost for Starfleet, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
- Vulcan Survey Corps - Recon team (3 cost for Vulcan, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships, gain 1 Civilian Research Cruiser)

I understand the unease about the Vulcan support already being low, but I think we can afford 3 cost if we're strict about not asking them for anything else. In addition, they come with a bonus Research Cruiser.
I was just thinking of that actually. Vulcan has an Oberth I believe, and the Rigellians may have their own model ship. I'll check.

The Rigellians have six modern S4 patrol craft, we're already using three of them.

[X] External Diplomacy and Max Interceptors
- Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - External Diplomacy (10pt cost for Starfleet, gain External Diplomacy Team)
- Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts (3 cost for Andorian Guard, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
- Starfleet Academy Red Squad Runabouts - Recon team (4 cost for Starfleet, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
- Vulcan Survey Corps - Recon team (3 cost for Vulcan, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships, gain 1 Civilian Research Cruiser)

I understand the unease about the Vulcan support already being low, but I think we can afford 3 cost if we're strict about not asking them for anything else. In addition, they come with a bonus Research Cruiser.

I'm tentatively agreed with this.
[X] External Diplomacy and Max Interceptors
[] External Diplomacy and Max Interceptors
- Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - External Diplomacy (10pt cost for Starfleet, gain External Diplomacy Team)
- Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts (3 cost for Andorian Guard, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
- Starfleet Academy Red Squad Runabouts - Recon team (4 cost for Starfleet, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
- Vulcan Survey Corps - Recon team (3 cost for Vulcan, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships, gain 1 Civilian Research Cruiser)

Changed my vote, see forward
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So, I'm trying to learn from some of the feedback that came in from the last State of Emergency, and mixing things up. So instead of just a freely expanding asset pool, you are instead constrained by the burden you are placing on the member worlds and their support.

At the moment I'm pretty happy with allowing for more expensive generated assets (I'll come up with proper names for them when generated of course) or specific assets with their own costs and details.

Assets will mostly be assigned to open-ended tasks rather than having to assign them to new tasks just about every turn.

This being a new system, and with no actual war atm, I'm still willing to alter things if people find themselves feeling totally lost.
Research assets would be good, yes. I wanted to call up the Vulcan Academy of Science, but since they have the lowest approval of anyone, that seems like a bad call.

On the other hand, the Gaeni have a full 150 points that they're willing to spend, and the Science! to analyze the core collapse in more detail. I'd like, at the very minimum, a team working on improved *detection* for that sort of event, since the sooner we notice that a star's doing something odd, the more time we have to shoot the responsible mentat and/or evacuate assets from the vicinity of the star.

The Vulcan Survey Corps comes with a bonus research asset.

That is a nontrivial reason in favour of calling them up, yes; they probably have an Astrophysics specialization that makes them perfect for the job of looking at stars.

That said, I think we'd probably be better off *not* calling up all the runabouts, and instead drafting any spare Science Escorts that are lying around. I value four Oberths (and/or Gaeni Tech-Skiffs) over one set of runabouts.
Another point is that a forward outpost would be a very good thing. The first detection envelope should not be the Betazed Starbase. We may need an engineering team in the next round. Also helps our logistics.
The Rigellians have six modern S4 patrol craft, we're already using three of them.

I'm tentatively agreed with this.
[X] External Diplomacy and Max Interceptors

All the modern Rigellian ships seem to have S4, which is handy. Wouldn't call it a dedicated Science ship though. I wish we could borrow a Caitian Fathership and a couple swarmers. The Fatherships have S6, apparently.
All the modern Rigellian ships seem to have S4, which is handy. Wouldn't call it a dedicated Science ship though. I wish we could borrow a Caitian Fathership and a couple swarmers. The Fatherships have S6, apparently.

As I said, they're patrol craft. The Rigellians take their patrolling seriously. I actually like their design a lot for that purpose. Detection is serious business, as we just saw.
War game results:

T'Mir starts from [1C] at Gammon, below Kappa Tau

Thirishar stays close to Betazed - escort ships spread out in patrol screen

T'Mir begins approach
Med DC Sci-T to decide which ship's patrol area to approach - easily passed, chooses seam between Astute and Assist, both will attempt but at -1

Astute and Assist each make opposed Sci-T to detect. T'Mir wins both easily.
Entering search envelope for Rixx Defence Platform - opposed Sci-T roll, T'Mir wins, continues undetected.

T'Mir will attempt to create a decoy for Thirishar to follow, Hard DC Sci-T: pass
Thirishar faces Hard DC Sci-T test to detect that they are following a decoy - failed
Thirishar faces Hard DC Rec-T to reach the decoy in time to return to Betazed system at -2: failed

T'Mir to make Hard DC Sci-T for undetected final approach into Betazed system: passed
And opposed by Outpost: T'Mir wins

In Betazed there is nothing left bar the eternal laughter of Samyr Kanil.

The observation room where the observers from the Council/SF must be so quiet right now. :o
So, I'm trying to learn from some of the feedback that came in from the last State of Emergency, and mixing things up. So instead of just a freely expanding asset pool, you are instead constrained by the burden you are placing on the member worlds and their support.

That's fair, assuming that the 20 points we're spending now is just the tip of the iceberg (it feels like we could be doing more, but I guess we're in the pre-war early mobilization period, so our options are at their most limited).

Also, it'd be nice to have more options for science teams, hint hint.

Another point is that a forward outpost would be a very good thing. The first detection envelope should not be the Betazed Starbase. We may need an engineering team in the next round. Also helps our logistics.

Agreed. Building those sorts of things would be an argument in favour of picking up an Engineering Team, but they're expensive, and we pretty clearly want the Ambassadorial Team first, since we need smiles on the ground with the KP.
So, I'm trying to learn from some of the feedback that came in from the last State of Emergency, and mixing things up. So instead of just a freely expanding asset pool, you are instead constrained by the burden you are placing on the member worlds and their support.

At the moment I'm pretty happy with allowing for more expensive generated assets (I'll come up with proper names for them when generated of course) or specific assets with their own costs and details.

Assets will mostly be assigned to open-ended tasks rather than having to assign them to new tasks just about every turn.

This being a new system, and with no actual war atm, I'm still willing to alter things if people find themselves feeling totally lost.

The main question I have is how we get the ability to spend more War Support. Are you planning on keeping it to 20 pts a month, or will it be more flexible?

Another point is that a forward outpost would be a very good thing. The first detection envelope should not be the Betazed Starbase. We may need an engineering team in the next round. Also helps our logistics.

From the asset descriptions, it sounds like we'll need a Heavy Industry and an Engineering team to build forward outposts. The Heavy Industry produces the components for the station, and the Engineering team goes and assembles it in the field.
So, I'm trying to learn from some of the feedback that came in from the last State of Emergency, and mixing things up. So instead of just a freely expanding asset pool, you are instead constrained by the burden you are placing on the member worlds and their support.

At the moment I'm pretty happy with allowing for more expensive generated assets (I'll come up with proper names for them when generated of course) or specific assets with their own costs and details.

Assets will mostly be assigned to open-ended tasks rather than having to assign them to new tasks just about every turn.

This being a new system, and with no actual war atm, I'm still willing to alter things if people find themselves feeling totally lost.

Do we start with any assets?
Also last time it was internal diplomacy to get more assets, if that is the case here is not picking an internal team now going to stop us from gaining further assets?
That's fair, assuming that the 20 points we're spending now is just the tip of the iceberg (it feels like we could be doing more, but I guess we're in the pre-war early mobilization period, so our options are at their most limited).

Also, it'd be nice to have more options for science teams, hint hint.

Agreed. Building those sorts of things would be an argument in favour of picking up an Engineering Team, but they're expensive, and we pretty clearly want the Ambassadorial Team first, since we need smiles on the ground with the KP.

Kappa Tau seems an ideal forward base, and can be repurposed after the SOE is over.
This being a new system, and with no actual war atm, I'm still willing to alter things if people find themselves feeling totally lost.

Early comments:
1. It would be good to have a list of Fleet Units available to federalize.

2. It's still unclear what cargo ships and freighters we might need. I presume you'll let us know if we're falling short in what's required to support the fleet?

3. Will Economic Mobilization be decided by the Member Worlds themselves without our input?

4. Can you provide more clarity on what would constitute "a lengthy or bloody campaign"?

5. Are the Vulcans ever going to send ships from their Member Fleet without us having to spend Costs to Federalize them? I know people are talking about grabbing their Oberth, but I don't want to do that if they were going to send it anyway.
Do we start with any assets?
Also last time it was internal diplomacy to get more assets, if that is the case here is not picking an internal team now going to stop us from gaining further assets?
The Federation Emergency Committee as an Internal Diplomacy team.
Automatic Assets:
Starfleet Line Starships
Starfleet Auxiliary Ships
Federation Emergency Committee - Internal Diplomacy Team
I'd like to point out that the Betazed Starbase is NOT complete. We just started it this Q2 and construction doesn't finish until next Q2. And Starbases are our best detectors, outside of maybe Enterprise and Sarek.
Early comments:
1. It would be good to have a list of Fleet Units available to federalize.

2. It's still unclear what cargo ships and freighters we might need. I presume you'll let us know if we're falling short in what's required to support the fleet?

3. Will Economic Mobilization be decided by the Member Worlds themselves without our input?

4. Can you provide more clarity on what would constitute "a lengthy or bloody campaign"?

5. Are the Vulcans ever going to send ships from their Member Fleet without us having to spend Costs to Federalize them? I know people are talking about grabbing their Oberth, but I don't want to do that if they were going to send it anyway.

To Boldly Go Civilian
To Boldly Go Members

These were updated as of q4
So uh... @OneirosTheWriter just what effect did the war-game have on Starfleet and the Council? Because I think there'd be a fair bit of 'concern' and 'discussion' (read: Panic and Hysteria) after that result...

Also, can someone tell me if we had to pay the PP cost for this wargame, as it seems like something that everyone would agree was a good idea, and it doesn't appear to be a 'militant' action, so much as a defensive action... which is really one of Starfleet's two main roles. Exploration and Defence of the Federation.