Starfleet Personnel - Promotions Board
Highlighted Officer's Summary
Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander
Stol - Assigned to Enterprise-B
Leaniss Larai - Assigned to Enterprise-B
Promoted to Commander
Bazeck - Assigned to Enterprise-B
Rish ka'Lothorn - Assigned to Chief, Site Fabrication, San Francisco Fleet Yard
Promoted to Captain
Maryam Ajam - Assigned to USS Courageous
Langa Mbeki - Assigned to USS Challorn
Promoted to Commodore
T'Lorel - Assignment Pending
Victoria Eaton - Assignment Pending
Nash ka'Sharren - [DECLINED BY OFFICER]
Promoted to Rear Admiral
Nash zh'Rhashaan - Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence Command
Promoted to Vice Admiral
Key Reassignments
Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command from Starfleet Intelligence Command
Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: T'Lorel, Victoria Eaton
In: Maryam Ajam, Michel Thuir, Langa Mbeki, T'Rinta, Talan th'Zahliss
Placed on Sabbatical/Convalescent Leave
All three current Five Year Missions have completed.
Starfleet Personnel - Discipline
The Court-Martial of Captain Michael O'Hara has been handed down. Commodore T'Maris has found that the Captain was in dereliction of his duty when he refused to fire on the SS Skegal, allowing its capture by the Biophage. However, in recognition of the difficult circumstances, and noting that Starfleet's traditions should never find it unseemly to refused to fire on a civilian vessel with survivors aboard, O'Hara has been demoted to Commander, rather than discharged from Starfleet. Commander O'Hara has now been transferred to Starfleet Personnel Command.
Starfleet Academy - Steering Meeting
You travel to meet Certunn Guk at the Starfleet Academy and his staff, as well as representatives from the Explorer Corps, Seruk from Starfleet Personnel Command, Federation officials and the like. Truth be told, the meeting itself was dull and actually rather frustrating, as almost any meeting involving a Tellarite tends to be. But what put a smile on your face was the reaction of the new generations of officers, the young cadets of the Academy, who turned out to see your visit, interested in seeing the only active full Admiral of Starfleet. Humans, Andorians, even a few from Orion, or the soon to graduate Amarkians. You loved seeing their enthusiasm, their passion for exploration. It lets you know the future is in good hands.
It makes you start to wonder, just a little, when it might come time for you to pass on the baton to the next generation as well.
The main purpose of your meeting was to change the quotas of the different types of cadet, to better suit the needs of Starfleet. With a certain intake of qualified candidates, you could open up more spaces in some programs, less in others.
Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 14.9 Officer, 24.9 Enlisted, 2.4 Techs
Explorer Corps: 0.5 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1.25 Techs
Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 5.45pts (+1.25 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 6.45pts (+1 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 6.05pts (+1.25 Explorer Corps)
[ ][ACADEMY] No Change
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers (5.95/5.95/5.55)
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Enlisted (4.95/7.45/5.55)
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Techs (4.95/5.95/6.55)
[ ][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift up to 1 pt any Crew type
Continued Diplomatic Push
Betazoids 335/500 + 29 = 364/500
Amarki 412/500 +12 = 424/500