Toor seems rather attached to the idea of a properly composed combined arms fleet. Damn rule abiders :V

Something to note about the upcoming war with the Licori. We need to think about objectives. In the GBZ, it's a territory game and an excuse to eliminate power by wrecking fleets, but in the case of the AE our basic objective is to get them to stop using mentats to conduct dangerous experiments. Since we are doing this by way of a war, the strategic objective is to put ourselves into a position where we can dictate terms to mentat users.

I wonder, therefore, if Rachel Ainsworth is more suited to that war than the GBZ. Once it goes hot for Starfleet, transferring her there would not be seen as a demotion, and Sousa might even be able to spin it as "good work, but here's an even more pressing emergency". Then we can fix our diplo issue without ruffling feathers or kicking Ainsworth out despite her crushing victories. And it's also somewhere where we need a very high pace of operations; the initial plans Tactical had were referred to as a blitz.
I think you guys need to consider the Amarki POV here. Admiral Galen Toor is now an Amarki national hero. Not only did he hunt down Syndicate slavers who dared raid one of their colonies, but he just led the Amarki to a stunning victory in the biggest space battle in a decade. As far as the Amarki are concerned, he's bulletproof. He's a living legend, the most famous man in their entire fleet.

Carping because he was a little tardy in regrouping his forces will be ignored at best and cause resentment at worst. Forget about "doing anything" regarding Toor. You don't diss Toor.

As for Ainsworth and her low diplomacy, eh, I don't see any particularly bad results from it so far. So she didn't scramble the fleet faster. So what? If the Cardassians hadn't turned around it might have been trouble... but they did turn around. She just led us to a great victory, followed by an acceptable draw. I'm pretty happy with her.

And I think that waiting till something bad happens till we remplacement her would be a mistake (and honestly doesn't seem link that smart of argument to me). We have had several instances where her low people skills coupled with her highly aggressive course led to highly dangerous situations/robbed us of potential support in key moments. If the Cards had appeared with a bigger fleet (for example by getting one of their allies to join in) this one event could have easily undone all of our previous success.
It's just not going to work dude. This is a good way to get Sousa fired.
Elaborate, please.

The problem is, that the low diplomacy issue came from multiple sources.

The Amarki are free to act as they see fit in the GBZ. We told them that, and Ainsworth was unable to change that. The fact that they have done something stupid with that reflects on both parties. We can't use it as political capital.

Even worse, Ainsworth likely said something that was fairly politically insensitive, and then proceeded to send Revak out on what could have been seen as a suicide mission. He performed admirably, but that doesn't excuse the shitty orders.

Galen Toor will likely be reprimanded by his own government for shitty strategy. They are Amarki. They don't like shitty strategy. However, I will repeat that we can not use this as leverage.

not to incorporate the member fleets more fully into Starfleet. The very idea is laughable, and to even suggest it would be political suicide on the level of Kahurangi's predecessor. There's a reason the council hates States of Emergency.

So here's what's gonna happen. There's gonna be some inquiry, possibly formal, as a result of the orders Revak was given. Maybe Ainsworth gets a political aide or somesuch but I doubt it. Probably just a slap on the wrist.

Let me stop you right here, I never said to incorporate member fleets into starfleet, at this stage, but we might use this as an excuse to start the ball rolling, slowly, we talk of coordination and joint control and command, and try to set up rules and doctrines for how member fleets should act when deployed with Starfleet assets, to ensure we minimize the chance of miss-communications (or pissing contests or other detrimental issues that might affect joint operating fleets, and even set frameworks for different member state fleets to operate concurrently without Starfleet in the middle, as a contingency)
Keep in mind we have another war in the horizon, and having a repeat of this? is a very bad idea and something that could get Sousa Fired (did nothing to prevent a repeat of circumstances)

We chose to Greenlight the Amarki, which means they're basically independent operators. If we wanted them subservient that's what yellow lighting is for.
And that probably was a mistake in our part, having them as free agents puts less strain in our logistics, but is a problem for complex operations, if we create a new set of base rules for joint deployments, we could profit from this event and avoid a repeat.
And I think that waiting till something bad happens till we remplacement her would be a mistake (and honestly doesn't seem link that smart of argument to me). We have had several instances where her low people skills coupled with her highly aggressive course led to highly dangerous situations/robbed us of potential support in key moments. If the Cards had appeared with a bigger fleet (for example by getting one of their allies to join in) this one event could have easily undone all of our previous success.

We've had several situations where Ainsworth's willingness to be aggressive has led to stunning successes that another admiral might not have achieved. As far as I can tell, this is the first instance (not one of several) where her low diplomacy has led to a dangerous situation.
And I think that waiting till something bad happens till we remplacement her would be a mistake (and honestly doesn't seem link that smart of argument to me). We have had several instances where her low people skills coupled with her highly aggressive course led to highly dangerous situations/robbed us of potential support in key moments. If the Cards had appeared with a bigger fleet (for example by getting one of their allies to join in) this one event could have easily undone all of our previous success.

Please, elaborate.
I think you guys need to consider the Amarki POV here. Admiral Galen Toor is now an Amarki national hero. Not only did he hunt down Syndicate slavers who dared raid one of their colonies, but he just led the Amarki to a stunning victory in the biggest space battle in a decade. As far as the Amarki are concerned, he's bulletproof. He's a living legend, the most famous man in their entire fleet.

Carping because he was a little tardy in regrouping his forces will be ignored at best and cause resentment at worst. Forget about "doing anything" regarding Toor. You don't diss Toor.

As for Ainsworth and her low diplomacy, eh, I don't see any particularly bad results from it so far. So she didn't scramble the fleet faster. So what? If the Cardassians hadn't turned around it might have been trouble... but they did turn around. She just led us to a great victory, followed by an acceptable draw. I'm pretty happy with her.

you do have a good point here, though perhaps we should issue some extra official grumblings, if only because we should be expected to? and because his reply was shit and put our forces and outpost in danger,. So, either unofficial and very, very mild OR indoors and in an informal environment?
Something to note about the upcoming war with the Licori. We need to think about objectives. In the GBZ, it's a territory game and an excuse to eliminate power by wrecking fleets, but in the case of the AE our basic objective is to get them to stop using mentats to conduct dangerous experiments. Since we are doing this by way of a war, the strategic objective is to put ourselves into a position where we can dictate terms to mentat users.

I wonder, therefore, if Rachel Ainsworth is more suited to that war than the GBZ.
We will still want to coordinate with the Gaeni and the Ked Paddah, or at least avoid pissing them off. I wouldn't like having a commander with low diplomacy in that situation.
All Ainsworth did was second Revak to Queen Nerzizza, which was perfectly reasonable.

Really? I was of the understanding she'd sent them both out separately in order to fend off the card advance. Where does it say he was seconded.

Toor just couldn't pull it together fast enough.

The update read as if he chose to go back to base, full stop, and do diagnostics and debrief before coming back out to the defense. We knew they were coming, and certainly post battle diagnostics could wait until after the imminent battle.
And that probably was a mistake in our part, having them as free agents puts less strain in our logistics, but is a problem for complex operations, if we create a new set of base rules for joint deployments, we could profit from this event and avoid a repeat.

The choice was basically "green light, get more resources, but they aren't under direct control" vs "yellow light, fewer resources, but Rachel can use as she sees fit." The first was probably more correct, given that having more ships in the GBZ tends to be better in general. They certainly came in handy for the Sydraxian assault.
2314.Q3 - Licori Council Session 1
Licori Intelligence Report

1 Homeworld - Morshadd
4 Major Colony Planets - Gammon, Calamar, Ixira, Gesseria (Gammon and Calamar would be Member World candidates in the Federation)
5 Minor Colony Worlds
8 Mining & Research Colonies

2 Starbases - Morshadd, Calamar
Outposts - Most worlds now have an outpost protecting them
Fixed minefields, automated long-range torpedo systems, and some exotic weapon systems exist.

Approximated Income - 130~160 BR/year, 100~140 SR/yr

Starfleet Tactical strongly recommends deploying Oberths to any force deploying to the Arcadian Theatre.


The Arcadian Empire divides its ships up between the Imperial Fleet, and the House Fleets. The Imperial fleet is much less numerous, but has access to explorer-grade vessels, which are of similar capabilities as our own Excelsior. The House fleets are led mainly by light cruisers, with some smaller houses based around large frigates instead. There is a cheap disposable class of frigate, the 350kt Spiny Mouse, that is rather like the Yrillian Corsair. Normally the House fleets exercise considerable independence, but during this war, they are levied to Imperial Service.

~2 Explorers
5 Cruisers
12~20 Frigates

15~20 Civilian Ships
16~20 Cargo Ships
~10 Freighters
~3 Engineering Ships
~2 Prospector
~2 Colony Ship
~4 Research Cruiser

Starfleet Tactical's appraisal is that they are most vulnerable to the loss of freighters and cargo ships to continue bringing raw bulk and special resources into their production network. These are necessarily vulnerable, and can be targeted to attempt to bring the Licori fleet to battle.


3 Shipyards at Morshadd, with at least one explorer grade berth. Up to 10 berths overall.
1 Shipyard of 1-2 berths at each of Gammon, Calamar, Ixira, Gesseria.

More investigation and surveillance is required to unveil where their critical component infrastructure is located, and where bottlenecks may lie.


President's Office, Paris, Sol III, Sol Sector

The new President, Arsharra N'Gir, has summonsed you to her office. As you wait in the lobby, one of the Presidential aides advises you that a series of emergency closed sessions of the Council have been added to the schedule.

Well and so. If this isn't in regards to the Licori situation, you'll eat your hat. You already have every report that Intel and Tactical have to offer, which is a surprising amount. The entry of the Gaeni into the war has resulted in at least some information sharing by the Ked Paddah, information that has in turn found its way to you.

You see members of a full dozen species as you wait, all dancing through the bustle of the office, members and affiliates of an ever-growing Federation. Councillors and observers, aides and correspondents. An Apiatan journalist for the High Comb Times spots you and tries to pump you for details, but you keep your cards close to the vest. Councillor Korielis offers his congratulations for Rear Admiral Ainsworth's showing at Lora. Hayley Singh happens by and asks you who the best person to ask for regarding letting the UESPA stage from the new starbase at Betazed will be; that catches you by surprise.

Abruptly an aide fetches you and brings you into the office of the President.

Arsharra N'Gir is tall and striking, with a burnt copper fur and piercing green eyes. She silently gestures you to take a seat at one of the chairs in the middle of the room as she continues to issue instructions to an aide. Finally she comes and sits across from you. "Well, Admiral, it looks like we may have to find out what all those millions of tons of tritanium and duranium that the member worlds have donated to Starfleet have gotten us."

"It's gotten you a flexible and capable force for exploration of the unknown, for defence of the home, and for the advancement of the Federation to which we serve," you reply calmly.

The President regards you slowly, eyes doing their best to read you. "Us Caitians have not been in the Federation for long, so the idea of having a supernational combat force is a little unnatural to me. However, respect for Starfleet, it seems, has never been higher. You are accomplishing great things."

"I'm proud to hear that, Madame President."

"The former President, Jorlyth sh'Arrath, was a big fan of your service, and told me that you could be relied on no matter the situation." President N'Gir leans forward, propping her elbows upon her knees. "Well, let me be frank with you. We will be declaring war on the Arcadian Empire in the coming sessions. I hope to get the Expansionists to back us on grounds of solidarity, but I already have the Hawks and the Mercantilists lined up, which is enough to pass the declaration."

You take a deep breath at that revelation, even though you had expected it.

"Now, my understanding is that you are already up to your eyeballs in the Gabriel, fighting the Cardassians," continues the President. "So I want to get your assessment. Clearly, the member worlds will need to contribute heavily. What do you think you need to win? What can Starfleet contribute?"

[ ][ADVICE] Advise the President


The Mentats of the Arcadian Empire present a clear and present danger to the UFP and her member worlds, as well as other factions throughout the region. Whether unwilling or unable, their Emperor refuses to rein in their behaviour, and it is clear that diplomatic channels will be unable to resolve this matter in an acceptable time frame, if at all.

UFP War Aims:
Remove the Intolerable threat of unencumbered Mentat Activity to the Quadrant both presently and in the future

To this end:
- To remove their shelter, war must be declared on the Arcadian Empire
- The ability for Mentats to enter Federation space must be curtailed
- Mentats already outside of Arcadian space must be neutralised
- Any "superweapons" currently in Arcadian space must be neutralised

From this:
- The Arcadian Empire must be forced to accept terms that establish Federation control over the Mentat program and existing Mentats.
- Either defeat the Arcadian military such that they sue for peace or conquer territory such that they are forced to sue for peace, or orchestrate a changeover in power that would see a power amenable to controls on mentats take charge.

The Arcadian Empire itself is not a strategic war aim. However, it is the gateway to controlling the mentats, and is the outer shell that must be broken through.

Starfleet Tactical:
- Our understanding of the Arcadian Empire is that the Houses Major and Minor each hold considerable autonomy within the Framework of the Empire, even though the Emperor could take any single house to task and destroy them. The Emperor cannot, however, counterbalance all the noble houses.

- Of the noble houses, there are Four Houses Major: the brutal Kortennon of Gammon, the noble Tartresis of Calamar, the enigmatic Ixaria of Ixira, and the crafty Bene of Gesseria. Of these, Ixaria first and Bene second are the two Houses most widely known for embracing production of the Mentat, though they all do to at least some extent. The Tartresis are probably the House we would be most amenable to claiming the throne from the Imperial House.

- We have recommended an approach that destroys the infrastructure as opposed to a direct force-on-force confrontation in order to avoid "poisoning the well" of post-bellum relations, as well as to avoid situations where potential "superweapons" may inflict disproportionate losses on Starfleet. Despite this, we do recognise that a policy of go-slow may be politically untenable, and may even heighten the danger from rogue mentats.

- If a rapid assault approach is desired, disrupting the major colony worlds is the key approach. Direct assaults on the Morshadd systems would be seen on approach and asymmetric counter-measures could prove highly destructive.


[ ][OPS] Reorganise Starfleet Operations (10pp)
[ ][OPS] Do not reorganise Starfleet Operations


QM/N: Tired posting again is go!
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Really? I was of the understanding she'd sent them both out separately in order to fend off the card advance. Where does it say he was seconded.

See previous log.

Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate 25575.0 - Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Starfleet Tactical was right, the Cardassians have gathered a large force and are heading this way. This is a brief log, I have much to organise, and little time to do it in. All my ships in fighting trim are headed to Sguirri. Admiral Nerzizza and Commodore Revak are using their commands to draw off parts of the Cardassian force, to try and divide and whittle them down. I'm not sure how well Revak would do at this kind of fight, so I have placed him under Nerzizza's lead.
[X][OPS] Reorganise Starfleet Operations (10pp)

This s a deal and we should absolutely take it, no question. Will have to consider the advice.
Look at the damage dealt numbers. Stingers and the Apiata doctrine of putting them first is insane. I'll have to chew the battle log but I do suspect they don't have the endurance for longer fights. Also @OneirosTheWriter maybe you still need up tweak the numbers for Apiata doctrine, the Queenships are about 1/4 of damage dealt, shots, and damage taken, which is perhaps too much. 1/2 would be perfectly acceptable.
Okay, so do we lean on the member worlds heavily, strip the sectors bare, or draw back in the GBZ? Those seem to be the three options here.
[X][OPS] Reorganise Starfleet Operations (10pp)

It is becoming increasingly obvious that this is necessary.

I don't know enough to write the advice to the president, especially one that seems at least a little bit hostile to us and the idea of Starfleet.
The report lumping all frigates together isn't very helpful, if their performance profiles are as different as it looks like.
[X][OPS] Reorganise Starfleet Operations (10pp)

This seems pretty straightforward.

I've got no clue on Advice, though. I'll try to keep an eye on what suggestions crop up, though.
And here I thought the Federation Council would be smart enough to avoid getting drawn into this war... doesn't anyone here think that starting a war on the other side of the federation while the Cardassians are pressuring on the other and the Klingons and Romulans mobilise for their own little war is kind of a bad idea - especially against somebody who is clearly not a pushover?

I mean sure if the federation gathers it's memberfleets it will probably win but by god is this timing horrible and we will likely have very little slack to deal with for example the Cardassians deciding to escalate things. And frankly I thought that the current make-up of the Council would lead to them being more apprehensive when it comes to starting such adventures...

In my opinion we should at best send an Explorer+oberth (though maybe we could free another oberth) but not more. I don't think we can afford to weaken our Cardassian border at this point in time and with all the repairs and travel times I would really like to keep some reserve to deal with emergency (like a federation fleet getting ambushed etc. )
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