Widow Null
- Location
- Hoff
...and that's how we get militarization points from thread discussion. >_<
If we get militarization points for one person in a discussion again I don't think it's going to end well.
...and that's how we get militarization points from thread discussion. >_<
this is a nation building game. a moral nation, but not every action has to be good. releasing a bio weapon, bending the rules of a treaty and using pirates in a game are not evil. maybe not nice tactics but not evil. in RL yes some of those are evil, but don't lose site this is a game. don't take it too seriously.
not every action has to be good. releasing a bio weapon, bending the rules of a treaty and using pirates in a game are not evil. maybe not nice tactics but not evil.
I have a tremendous competence-crush on Thuir.
Is Thuir the geologist? Because if not, you're objectively wrong.![]()
"This is not an Empire quest"
This is a Star Trek game that most heavily draws on the Original Series and TNG, when the Federation was an effort to depict an aspirational positive future.
Just because it is in the context of a game does not mean it is not evil in that context.
If you don't want to participate in the game in the spirit of the game, you don't have to. It does seem fairly clear that the quest writer has no interest in this turning into an evil game or one driven to act for expediency over values.
Straak is the guy we think will end up as research team, but of the male characters we'd like to promote and keep promoting...yeah pretty much Thuir. Maybe if Vol Chad apprehends Mentat Dikhead...
We passed him up for postings, but none of those came with a promotion.Mind you, we've passed up multiple chances to promote Thuir. Including, most recently, to be one of the Commodores in the Gabriel Border Zone at least partially on the basis that the Sydraxians would really hate him. :lol
- In the early stages of the battle, both sides frigates were focused, likely due to luck. However, ours were able to break engagement while theirs continued to be hit. This let our frigates keep shield until the mid stages while theirs were forced to retreat.
By the way @OneirosTheWriter what happened to wargames with the Salnas?
Also, does the Abhriec have a known captain?
Especially after the last two trouncings the Sydraxians took at the hands of fleets led by Excelsiors (and a Riala). And, in the case of the Cardassians, the grim memory of what Nash did to their ambush attempt at 33 Fujit.Well... perhaps you have a point after all. It might be better to simply send both Excelsiors to the GBZ. Yes they're tougher to repair, but there is a certain intimidation value. Seeing four of them leading a fleet is likely to make even an enemy admiral blanch.
I think the Renaissance should be sent to Rigal or any potential Licori task force because crazy mad science may mean higher chances of hull or shield rolls, and not just having them as combat stats.
Honestly, I'd really prefer to put an EC ship on point for any anti-Licori mission because there's a 100% chance of the enemy force attempting to weaponize esoteric science bullshit, and we need our own bullshit weaponizers there to counter it.
I think all of these are very well reasoned. The natural synthesis of these goals would be to send an Excelsior to Ferasa Sector, Renaissance to Rigel Sector, AND to commit an Explorer Corps ship (preferably one of the more experienced ones) to support any special task forces that go after the Licori.The other argument for sending an Excelsior to the Ferasa sector, that it could really use an Excelsior, still stands. It's a huge sector with long external border, three integrated affiliates (which might generate extra events, we have seen some indications but nothing conclusive), and presumably a new neighboring affiliate sector where Ferasa sector ships can also respond to events. If I had to pick between the Rigel and the Ferasa sector and we could send an Excelsior to just one of them I'd be somewhat inclined towards picking the Ferasa sector, even considering the Licori, though it certainly would not be an easy choice. It's a good thing that we don't really need to choose between them.
Actually, our Excelsiors have hidden themselves very effectively on many occasions. Read the captains' log posts (I DO hope you read those, they're one of the best things about the quest). Excelsiors have high science stats, which seems to translate into being good at exploiting space 'terrain' and good at masking or spoofing sensor's not so much micro management and more of giving her the force composition she needs to do her job. large fleet tactics require a capital ship core, crusier back up and escort screen. Raid/ambush tactics require larger numbers of escorts and crusiers with few Capital ships. it's hard to hide a cap, and they are usually too slow and less manuverable for this tactic.
The people playing this game are playing it for a reason. Part of the enjoyment of the game comes from us knowing that we can come here and talk to people who will not constantly bombard us with atrocity fantasies. So yes, in the context of this game, we aspire to act in good ways, we aspire to stick to the values of the Federation as we choose to interpret them, and that is a large part of the roleplaying.Black ops are designed to work around treaties. espionage and counter intelligence are the weapons of a cold war. Which is what we are in with the cardassians. we have a restricted zone for military operations. everything else is open.
this is a nation building game. a moral nation, but not every action has to be good. releasing a bio weapon, bending the rules of a treaty and using pirates in a game are not evil. maybe not nice tactics but not evil. in RL yes some of those are evil, but don't lose site this is a game. don't take it too seriously.
Captain's Log, USS Torbriel, Stardate 25539.4 - Captain Diego Zaardmani
It took a while, working alongside the Zephyr, to properly chart the Treacle system, not far from Irrizizza, but it has paid off. A notable mineral deposit was missed by the Zephyr on the first pass, and we were actually on our way to form up and head out of the system when I noticed a discrepancy on one of the sensor logs.
Yes, the great weight of consensus...e can always use more people who think creatively within the context of the roleplaying consensus.
No, that should have mentioned +15 br
At T4 and T5, too far away to be a significant consideration for the next choices. It's not like a diplomatic posture report is enough of a reward to beeline through 3 successive tiers.So we have found one mine since the Snakepit (though it is a BR mine) and we had 2 mines (both BR) that we did not start. We just need one more to hit our max that we can do at the next snakepit.
Also how much do people want diplomatic posture reports? Both our xenopsych teams finish this year and there is one path to get to a tech which gives a free diplo posture report.
Should be 2 from tech, one point from Lone Ranger, one from Computing (data modeling or something), though it's very unlikely to matter.Utopia gives us +13 a year (10 from skill, 2 from admiral, 1 from tech)