If it will help the diplomatic efforts, we can record some stirring (but factually correct) tales of the valor of the defenders, and their bravely shedding blood to protect the colonists.
So, who's in charge on the ground? What happens if the local governor is dead, or determines that this is clearly an emergency situation and starts implementing cruel and draconian policies? If we're cutting these people off from their central government we have a responsibility to them. An occupying force has moral duties and among them is the maintaining of good order, safety, health, and security of the occupied.

We don't cut them off from their central government. We just don't let the Sydraxians send in any military ships. The next governor can ride over in freighter or something. It's not our problem as long as they leave the guns behind.

You're saying they'll agree to joint control with an entity they're at war with? Instead of going on about our occupation and raising hell internally about liberating the planet and smuggling anti-ship weapons in and then getting several thousand personnel killed when they do return? Or sending in the civilian freighters and then suicide bombing our outpost?

Sorry, I just don't see your idea of an occupation as realistic.

It's probably not optimal but it becomes their problem if they reject an offer of "Yeah it's still yours" then it becomes a political not a military issue.

And We just make sure that military equipment doesn't slip through... and we have experience doing exactly that for the last six years. The experience of the Orion Civil War has given us the tools and experience we need to do this right.
We don't cut them off from their central government. We just don't let the Sydraxians send in any military ships. The next governor can ride over in freighter or something. It's not our problem as long as they leave the guns behind.

It's probably not optimal but it becomes their problem if they reject an offer of "Yeah it's still yours" then it becomes a political not a military issue.

And We just make sure that military equipment doesn't slip through... and we have experience doing exactly that for the last six years. The experience of the Orion Civil War has given us the tools and experience we need to do this right.
All of which ties up personnel, ships, and resources dealing with a colony we don't really want, all while we still have the Cardassians to worry about.

What exactly does this plan of yours get us but headaches?
I'm pretty sure refrain means "don't do this", not "try not to do this". Us reaching out to the Sydraxians could reasonably be considered a breach of the treaty.
Weirdly enough I'm pretty sure the Cardassians will not DOW if we make an ambiguos breach here, because.. we have the upper hand. The Cardassians are also liable to recognize that.
All of which ties up personnel, ships, and resources dealing with a colony we don't really want, all while we still have the Cardassians to worry about.

What exactly does this plan of yours get us but headaches?
A feeling of smug righteousness as we hamstring our GBZ operations on multiple levels.
It's probably not optimal but it becomes their problem if they reject an offer of "Yeah it's still yours" then it becomes a political not a military issue.

And We just make sure that military equipment doesn't slip through... and we have experience doing exactly that for the last six years. The experience of the Orion Civil War has given us the tools and experience we need to do this right.

That same experience tells us that it's not possible to prevent weapons smuggling or insurgent attacks by a determined and motivated opponent, only reduce or blunt them when they happen. Nor would the Sydraxians restrain themselves if they came with a fleet to liberate the colony. Your plan condemns hundreds, possibly a few thousand Starfleet personnel and Federation civilians to death in crewing the orbital infrastructure and defenses.
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Look, there are some strong opinions on this topic. At this stage, the resolution is up to the Council, we just have to implement whatever they decide.

And if things go exceedingly well for us, this is just the first - the Cardassians and the other affiliate have probably both started full colonies by now - so if we overrun those as well, we will have a precedent for what to do.

So yes, speculate, but don't get too worked up - we are not the decision makers on this one.

We have started mining operations, but have NOT started full colonies at this time - precisely because we don't know what the Pact forces will do if they force us off one like we just did to the Syndraxians. This event sets up all kinds of potential follow-ups from both sides.
All of which ties up personnel, ships, and resources dealing with a colony we don't really want, all while we still have the Cardassians to worry about.

What exactly does this plan of yours get us but headaches?

Not deporting civilians with military force for one. Not pitting people with guns on foreign streets like people are determined to for another.

Like any "occupation" as I think of it isn't going to be a long term situation. Just long enough for the Sydraxians/Cardassians to get their shit sorted out.

No Federation occupation is ever going to be heavy handed. A ship in orbit as a tripwire is all we need.

If the half sized Sydraxian fleet comes back we hit it with the hose again. If they don't? Fine. All we care about is that this colony doesn't help the Sydraxians launch ships into our face. That's it.

(And for fucks sake why are we assuming they'll all starve? We give then a years worth of food and some farm supplies. Bam done.)
Thankfully for you guys, this is one of those moments where the Council would be monstrously remiss in their duties if they left the matter for Starfleet to decide.

We can still voice our opinion.

OneirosTheWriter said:
Of course, this does mean I'm going to have to devote some time to figuring out how the balance of power plays out in Council. And how the other powers in the galaxy react.

You poor man. Why do you do this to yourself?
Well, let's try ti see what each faction will go for:

Pacifists: Diplomacy of some sort, Leave the colony alone?
Expansionists: Diplomacy? Ruin the colony? Deport them?
Mercantalists: Pacifists?
Hawks: Ruin the colony?
Development: ..Leave the colony?

Honestly idk.
Coming from someone who farms, you might as well just save yourself the trouble with the farm supplies :V

(Old farmer joke: how do you make a small fortune farming? You start with a large fortune. Then start farming.)

Honestly the Federation probably has mostly automated systems for farming that are designed for random refugees to set up in times of trouble. I expect it's not too much of a hassle as long as this isn't a deathworld.
Not deporting civilians with military force for one.
I really have to disagree that evicting them by force would be any sort of ethical transgression. We're not talking about ordinary people just living their lifes being thrown out of their homes and reduced to refugees here.

These are state-sponsored settlers who were quite recently sent here as a part of the Sydraxian Hierarchy's bid to secure this planet for themselves. Kicking them back over the border without otherwise causing them any undue harm is entirely within the bounds of civilized behavior in the context of our current conflict with the Hierarchy.

SYDRAXIANS: Your demand that we unilaterally turn our backs on our allies the Gretarians will be met with all the derision it deserves. You'll have to wade through every drop of Sydraxian blood before your filthy Federation hands touch one hair on their beautiful doggie heads!

Like, I guarantee a large number of Sydraxians have managed to convince themselves the above is deadly serious. People have to justify themselves, you know.
That's possible, I guess. Certainly they'll try to portray it that way.

Though so far I didn't exactly get the impression that that was the nature of their relationship with the Gretarians. And I'd be willing to bet the decision makers among the Sydraxians are perfectly aware of the truth, and would be perfectly willing to "abandon" the Gretarians if they believed that to be in the Hierarchy's best interest.
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Absorption would be an ongoing headache, particularly with our current GBZ commander.

Outright impossible in my opinion. As far as I can see, small colonies considered part of the Federation are under the jurisdiction of some planet that actually has a Council seat.

Now to be fair, we recently heard about a human colony that elected not to be part of the Federation with the implication that it's not the only one. I suppose it would be possible to do something similar with the Sydraxian colony, but I have to think that human colony was founded with the idea of being independent and was prepped for it and understood that the surrounding space would be Federation-controlled. This Sydraxian colony was founded by people who want to be part of the Sydraxian Hierarchy... and they can't be.

I wouldn't be surprised if they begged to leave once told that they would be utterly at the mercy of the Federation for the rest of their colony's existence. Unless, of course, they're "volunteers" and came out there in the first place under threat of death.
I'd be interested to know roughly how many Sydraxians there are on the colony. They must have shipped them in so it can't be millions and probably not even many thousands...

Well, at least we have the potential to send the surviving crews of the destroyed ships to the planet, and not have to worry about keeping or repatriating POWs with the same priority.
Then the Sydraxian military survivors make trouble for us on the planet. I'd much rather have the problem of keeping POWs than the problem of having said POWs causing chaos among a civilian population we're trying to keep under control.

Consider the consequences of setting a precedent that if you put civilian 'colonists' at a location, the Federation will be forced to cede it. I guarantee the Cardassians will begin importing civilians by the truckload.

Two months isn't a period of time where I feel particularly bad about the deep roots they've put down.

Like "Not ethnically cleansing worlds to end border gore go away" is something I consider a feature of the Federation.
Understood, but we do have something of a conflict here. Because you just know the Cardassians will be quite happy to put little tent cities of civilian colonists on every vaguely habitable planet they find, regardless of whether they're prepared to make any use of the planet's resources. Because they know if they can just 'mark their territory' with civilian colonies, even a few hundred of them, we won't move them because that would be ethnic cleansing.

The entire point of this conflict is that none of us, especially the Cardassians, are willing to agree on who has a right to which of the unclaimed planets in the Gabriel Expanse. If we agree to simply concede all our claims to any planet the minute another faction sets up camp there, we're opening ourselves up to a lot of manipulation.

If we were talking about communities that had, say, existed long enough for the initial settlers to settle down and start raising children, I might feel rather differently about this.

I'm not Tal Shiar honey.

Like, I really, really don't want to start setting up the precedent of just moving inconvenient people off of a place they settled. (This might be partially because IRL AKUZ is First Nations and I instinctivly recoil violently from such talk).
Put this way.

If a bunch of Spaniards had shown up and hauled away Cartier's colonists at Charlesbourg-Royal, would that have constituted ethnic cleansing against the French? Obviously not from the Iroquois point of view, but would the picture be different had the Iroquois all lived a hundred miles away? A thousand miles away? On another continent?

[I feel weird realizing this post is on page 1535 of the thread]

In the end: we don't need that world. Negotiating a way for those colonists to stay there might very well be a way to pry the Ashalla Pact apart and reach peace with the Sydraxians but it is a very risky proposition.
If we can negotiate with the Hierarchy over this, great- they'd probably love an independent negotiated agreement at this point since every time they try to grab more of the Expanse we keep blowing up their forts. If the Hierarchy proves obstinate, we end up having to either administer and control the colony ourselves, remove the colonists, or acknowledge that anyone who plants a tent city on a Gabriel Expanse planet has permanently established their claim to it at our expense.

Those are, as far as I can see, our choices.

If the colony is small we can just supply them as well as the fleet/outpost stationed there. It's not a hard problem we just drop off whatever the Sydraxians would have.

You're making this more difficult than it has to be. We don't need or want anything from this colony except for the Sydraxians to not use it as a staging ground and for that all we need is for it to stay demilitarized.
The big problem here is that making sure the colony isn't used as a staging ground, and maintaining a Federation presence in the system, is going to put a hella big stretch on our supply lines and expose us to raiding. It's very close to Sydraxian territory, if they want to keep fighting us.

The Sydraxians still have a fleet. Big space battles between them and us haven't worked out well for them, but so far the Ashalla Pact has managed to at least hold their own in raiding operations against individual ships. We can't keep the big force that captured this system in the first place here indefinitely, and as soon as most of our ships leave, if the Sydraxians want to try to get revenge with whatever's left of their fleet (or swallow their tattered pride and beg Cardassians to do it for them), they can. Any small force we leave near this colony is vulnerable to attack, making it very difficult to secure the colony.

It'd be a lot easier to, say, relocate them to a planet we're in a better position to secure, and then supply them with their every need.
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This is, apparently, a conversational topic but I can make arguments for every faction wanting the colonists evacuated:

Pacafists: They are civilians in a war zone. Evacuate them to a safe destination of their choosing.

Expansionists: The Sydraxians are trying to use civilians to lock down their control of GBZ territory and curtail our growth. Returning the civilians to Sydraxian space neatly solves both problems.

Mercantiles: This colony is being used to deny us access to the rich mineral resources of the area. It must be removed.

Hawks: Never leave an enemy at your back. We need to colonize this world to prevent the Sydraxians from accessing the GBZ both now and in the future. Send the colonists home.

Development: Our activities in the GBZ are already stretching our logistical support systems to the breaking point. We simply can't spare the ships and personnel needed to support a colony out in the GBZ. It doesn't matter if it's ours or the enemy's. Send the colonists home before they starve.

Meanwhile... we don't actually have any officers left in our pool to replace the ones we lost. I wonder how that's going to work. For Fidelity, it likely won't matter, since it's likely that she won't finish repairing until next year - but Republic might only need three months to repair. Would we poach a point of officers from the crew assigned to the ConnieBee we crewed back in Q2, or would we just have to wait to recommission Republic until the end of year processes, even if she's finished with repairs?
6 Officer, 8 Enlisted, 7 Technician

While it's not the best option in the world, we could reassign crew from a ship that needs even more yard time. this policy would only work for so long. eventually you run out of "yard crew" to draw from. it's a stop gap measure, but needs must.

We need a fleet doctrine that inflicts more crew casualties then ship damage; that way our enemies will be forced to send undercrewed ships into combat.

maybe a hard scan of the target for precise fireing coordinates to hit the transporter interference device onboard. drop the shields. hit the device. beam their crew into *cough*space*cough* our brig or cargo hold to be disarmed.
This is, apparently, a conversational topic but I can make arguments for every faction wanting the colonists evacuated:

Pacafists: They are civilians in a war zone. Evacuate them to a safe destination of their choosing.

Expansionists: The Sydraxians are trying to use civilians to lock down their control of GBZ territory and curtail our growth. Returning the civilians to Sydraxian space neatly solves both problems.

Mercantiles: This colony is being used to deny us access to the rich mineral resources of the area. It must be removed.

Hawks: Never leave an enemy at your back. We need to colonize this world to prevent the Sydraxians from accessing the GBZ both now and in the future. Send the colonists home.

Development: Our activities in the GBZ are already stretching our logistical support systems to the breaking point. We simply can't spare the ships and personnel needed to support a colony out in the GBZ. It doesn't matter if it's ours or the enemy's. Send the colonists home before they starve.

Maybe; But how would we get them back over the border? Suggest a plan.

These people are more trouble than their worth so I advocate leaving them. We can just keep vaporizing Sydraxian Outposts/bases in-system until they finally take the hint and leave.
maybe a hard scan of the target for precise fireing coordinates to hit the transporter interference device onboard. drop the shields. hit the device. beam their crew into *cough*space*cough* our brig or cargo hold to be disarmed.

Remember-- in order to transport, our shields need to be down too. And our transporter rooms can only handle a small group of people at a time.
I don't think it's in line with Federation ideal to kikk the crew of a ship whike specifically leaving the ship intact. Most Feds would prefer it the ither way around.
Maybe; But how would we get them back over the border? Suggest a plan.

1. Force all the colonists onto a colony ship (or whatever transport is best equipped for the task).
2. Escort the ship out of the Gabriel Border zone and onto a couple of month journey through Federation territory and into Yrillian space.
3. Get the Yrillian faction sympathetic to us to agree to temporarily host the Sydraxians on one of their worlds or even Ethur II itself. (Bribe them if necessary.)
4. After we leave, the Yrillians call the Sydraxians and tell them that their colonists are here for pick-up.

I'm sure, christhewriter90, that you can find some holes and "did you think of" to throw at that plan, but I believe it's certainly the bones of a plan that Starfleet Tactical could take and mold into something workable.
Because the Sydraxians might shoot first and ask questions later, or because the Cardassians might interpret our interaction with the Sydraxians as 'attempt at diplomacy' or some such. Using the Yrillians as cutouts reduces the risk.
Because the Sydraxians might shoot first and ask questions later, or because the Cardassians might interpret our interaction with the Sydraxians as 'attempt at diplomacy' or some such. Using the Yrillians as cutouts reduces the risk.
We just need to be subtle about it. Remember FDS' response to the Treaty of Celos:
The Federation will refrain from diplomacy with Cardassian affiliates [FDS NB: "openly"]

That said I think we should approach the Cardassians and ask them to arrange for the Sydraxian colonists to be picked up. Rub it into the Sydraxian's faces that instead of gaining an ally against the Federation they've gained a master.