We should definitely build more auxiliary shipyard capacity when we get the chance, and quite frankly we should do so for our normal shipyards too. Anyone trying to use the argument that having more berths than we're currently planing on using is somehow a bad thing is being silly for several reasons.

First, the Federation has been expanding at a rapid rate which doesn't look to be ending anytime soon and we will inevitably need more shipyard capacity of both types as time goes on.

Second, we don't even remotely have as many berths as we need now anyway. Our issues with auxiliaries should be obvious, and we have no spare capacity for damaged ships despite the fact we're about to get into what could very well be a particularly brutal fight in the GBZ.

Third, any spare capacity we have is hardly likely to sit idly by, or has everyone who has been arguing against having more yard space forgotten that we often loan out our extra berths to the member worlds? I certainly hope that people think that the Excelsior's they been building have been worthwhile, and I rather imagine that they'd be happy to use any spare auxiliary yard capacity we might end up having too.

Of course the specifics of what we build, where we build it, and when we do so are certainly up for debate given we often have other priorities that are more important to spend PP on, just don't try to play off our current capacity as being perfectly fine for all our needs, especially when we've had several unsubtle hints recently that it isn't.
I would say expand Amarkia Auxiliary to have 2 more berths, and add on the 4x1mt shipyard that people have been advocating for.
Aren't the Romulans and Klingons on the brink of going to war with each other? Shouldn't we pay at least a little attention to that? If only to make sure they keep out of our space.

What specifically would you like us to do? We've asked for a number of intelligence reports related to the causes of the conflict, as well as approximate fleet strength.

"SF 3 mt-A " is unused in 2314 - for emergencies? But no empty 2-year slots until the Amarki auxiliary comes online.

Mainly I'm trying to keep SF A open so we can use it to build the Ambassador prototype, so I don't want to start any long term builds in it.
What exactly does a colony ship have that makes it different from other ships? Is it a combination of a Freighter and a Passenger Liner?
I would say expand Amarkia Auxiliary to have 2 more berths, and add on the 4x1mt shipyard that people have been advocating for.

We will also want at least one 3mt berth somewhere as well.

Honestly, if I could just wish things into existence, what I would really want right now would be to double the Amarkia Auxiliary berths, have 4 to 6 more 1mt berths somewhere, and get another 3 or 4 more 3mt berths as well. That would give us enough auxiliary berths for now, provide enough 1mt berths that we probably couldn't fill all of them with construction or refits so there would be a couple left for repairs, and give us the same kind of capacity with regards to 3mt berths.

Which is something I'm currently worried about since it's not out of the realm of possibility for one of our EC ships to get damaged at the same time as Ainsworth makes her attack, something which could very easily lead to damage on both of her Excelsiors even in the event of victory, let alone defeat. That would lead to having 3 damaged explorers at the same time, a situation I don't think even the whole federation has enough berths for right now, iirc.

We have wanted more berths along with some for repairs however the anti syndicate campaign has drained our pp quite a bit

I'm hoping that both of the Ratifications go off without a hitch so that we get a nice chunk of PP from them. Combine that with us hopefully not losing all our normal PP income from cost like last time, and we could have enough to at least get the ball rolling on a few more berths, though which ones I'm unsure, in addition to all the other things people will want to spend PP on.
Honestly, if I could just wish things into existence, what I would really want right now would be to double the Amarkia Auxiliary berths, have 4 to 6 more 1mt berths somewhere, and get another 3 or 4 more 3mt berths as well. That would give us enough auxiliary berths for now, provide enough 1mt berths that we probably couldn't fill all of them with construction or refits so there would be a couple left for repairs, and give us the same kind of capacity with regards to 3mt berths.

Which is something I'm currently worried about since it's not out of the realm of possibility for one of our EC ships to get damaged at the same time as Ainsworth makes her attack, something which could very easily lead to damage on both of her Excelsiors even in the event of victory, let alone defeat. That would lead to having 3 damaged explorers at the same time, a situation I don't think even the whole federation has enough berths for right now, iirc.
Where would you locate them - Apinae, Indoria, both or somewhere else? I think Cardassians will stay a while ...
Good to see little Vigour still scoring successes. After a rough patch in 2306, she's been getting us small bonuses here and there, with a highlight of "+5pp, +30br, +5 relations with Apiata" back in 2309.

One thing that is fast becoming clear, however, it's that with all the construction and infrastructure projects I have in mind, I'm going to need more freighters. I'll have to ask Vice Admiral Eriksson if the Rigellians, United Earth, or the Tellarites will be interested in loaning a few.

Yup, this is what was I worried about in the campaign back when I measured Starfleet's logistical capacity in GBZ. I was hoping for the Apiata to pick up the slack, but they lack dedicated freighters and instead have a swarm of engineering ships.

No wonder that the development party is annoyed with us, more so with this new request. That Amarkia auxiliary shipyard cannot be completed fast enough. *sigh*

Grrrr. Another failure from the Thirishar. That ship seems to fail every other Captain's Log or so. Big thumbs down to Captain Norkair ch'Gharist. He better shape up, or ship out.

To be fair, from a narrative standpoint this is simply due to lack of ships in the area. Mechanically, yeah it's a failed roll, but it's also reasonably not the Captain's fault.

ouch, is it just me or have we been failing events more?

Could be just getting unlucky. Or event DCs are on the rise. Or both.
Where would you locate them - Apinae, Indoria, both or somewhere else? I think Cardassians will stay a while ...

Two different plans occur to me. The first and probably more sane one, stick a pair of 3mt berths at Apinae to offer repair services to the GBZ, stick a pair of 1mt berths at Indoria to appease people both IC and OCC, either double Amarkia Auxiliary like I said or place the new auxiliary berths further tailwards in older federation space somewhere, lastly use the remaining 4x1mt and 2x3mt berths to round out a couple of our current shipyards to get more out of Chen's bonus.

The second idea is rather more crazy. I would stick literally everything in the Sol system, and then push to get a Heavy Industrial park built in the system. It's a ridiculous idea, but if it's bonus and Chen's stack we could build an Excelsior in only 2 years, a Renaissance in 1.5, and any of our escorts in just 1 year. Of course, that's only while Chen is still around and if Oneiros doesn't nix that idea. Still, it would be an amazing advantage to have for however long it lasts.

Edit: As it is, we may still want to think of putting one in sol anyway if we build up UP anymore. It would be particularly useful when building Ambassador class ships, since it would change what's most likely going to be a 5 year build time into just 3.75 years.
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If we start the Hospital ship prototype in the Aux yard as soon as it opens (with the research boost we've been talking about it should be ready to start in 2314) we can finish 2 sets of cargo ships (6 total) in about the same time the prototype will take (3.75 years as it's a prototype on a proven design vs. 1.5 years per cargo ship w/ Chen's bonus). That gives us 1 more hospital ship and 6 freighters.

The berths then switch to making the new hospital ships 4 at a time as they need a 1mt berth while we can easily ask our members for whatever berths they can spare to build the cargo ships in as they are only 300kt and can be built in any existing yard our members will loan us.

We should probably build some more engineering ships also. If we're running low on hospital ships and cargo ships we probably need some more engineering ships as well. I'm not sure if we need any of the other types like the colony ships or passengers. I expect we'll start getting more info/options when the Aux yard finishes.
The second idea is rather more crazy. I would stick literally everything in the Sol system, and then push to get a Heavy Industrial park built in the system. It's a ridiculous idea, but if it's bonus and Chen's stack we could build an Excelsior in only 2 years, a Renaissance in 1.5, and any of our escorts in just 1 year. Of course, that's only while Chen is still around and if Oneiros doesn't nix that idea. Still, it would be an amazing advantage to have for however long it lasts.
I would expect a LOT of political cost. That looks like massive centralisation, and one thing the Federation doesn't want to be is a centrally governed Empire - we had to convince the counselars that that is not what is happening. And you'd have to counter the old 'all eggs in one basket' argument.
If we start the Hospital ship prototype in the Aux yard as soon as it opens (with the research boost we've been talking about it should be ready to start in 2314) we can finish 2 sets of cargo ships (6 total) in about the same time the prototype will take (3.75 years as it's a prototype on a proven design vs. 1.5 years per cargo ship w/ Chen's bonus). That gives us 1 more hospital ship and 6 freighters.

The berths then switch to making the new hospital ships 4 at a time as they need a 1mt berth while we can easily ask our members for whatever berths they can spare to build the cargo ships in as they are only 300kt and can be built in any existing yard our members will loan us.

We should probably build some more engineering ships also. If we're running low on hospital ships and cargo ships we probably need some more engineering ships as well. I'm not sure if we need any of the other types like the colony ships or passengers. I expect we'll start getting more info/options when the Aux yard finishes.

Honestly, those numbers are why I really want to push to build another 4 auxiliary berths somewhere next snakepit.

The 4 berths we are already building just won't be enough alone, since we need to build new medical ships while also building new cargo ships, to say nothing of the other types.

I would expect a LOT of political cost. That looks like massive centralisation, and one thing the Federation doesn't want to be is a centrally governed Empire - we had to convince the counselars that that is not what is happening. And you'd have to counter the old 'all eggs in one basket' argument.

Keep in mind, that was a only vaguely thought up idea. It was very much a pie in the sky, if I could have anything I wanted what would provide some sort of crazy advantage?, type of plan.

I didn't spend much, if any, time thinking about why we wouldn't be able to do it IC.

Because in reality we won't even remotely have the PP income to do something that ambitious anytime soon, to say nothing of other reasons like the one you brought up not to do so.
Because in reality we won't even remotely have the PP income to do something that ambitious anytime soon, to say nothing of other reasons like the one you brought up not to do so.
With a moderately hot war with the Cardassians which will only get searing if we don't show our flag now and Orion not yet settled, the requirement of more industry should be easier arguable, shouldn't it?
I don't think anyone had been arguing that we don't need more berths, @Kaze . The difficulty lies in determining how many we should have that will be likely to be idle. It's all about determining PP cost vs future need. It is certainly possible to have "too many" berths if we leave several fallow the vast majority of the time, or only in rare cases in which we could have simply used member world berths. The PP that would have been used for excess berths could go to more crew to man ships or diplopushing to decrease the number of potential enemies we have or starbases that free up ships for the front. Etc etc.
With a moderately hot war with the Cardassians which will only get searing if we don't show our flag now and Orion not yet settled, the requirement of more industry should be easier arguable, shouldn't it?

'shrug' I have no clue, maybe? Keep in mind the number of normal berths I listed alone, never mind the auxiliaries, would take something like 175-200 PP to construct even at UP's prices, which are the cheapest. Then you add the Heavy Industrial park which is 125 PP and the main reason to put them all in Sol in the first place, and you can see why I was only calling it a pie in the sky type of idea.

I don't think anyone had been arguing that we don't need more berths, @Kaze . The difficulty lies in determining how many we should have that will be likely to be idle. It's all about determining PP cost vs future need. It is certainly possible to have "too many" berths if we leave several fallow the vast majority of the time, or only in rare cases in which we could have simply used member world berths. The PP that would have been used for excess berths could go to more crew to man ships or diplopushing to decrease the number of potential enemies we have or starbases that free up ships for the front. Etc etc.

Any extra berths we have are either likely to get used by the member worlds, or are there specifically so we have free berths for repairs. As it is, the only ones I would actually push for right this moment would be more auxiliary berths because 4 just isn't going to be enough to build all the ships we are going to need soon. Just the medical ships alone will tie up the 4 berths we are building just about all of the rest of the decade, even if we could skip the prototype and just build them immediately.
That said, ordering some new berths next Snakepit wouldn't be a bad idea. Ideally I'd like to do a UP expansion (to get some berths open only a year) and simultaneously start a new yard somewhere else (for diversification). Admittedly that's 55 to 70 pp, but it's been a long time since we started any new shipyard berths.

Or if we're pretty crunched for pp, the cheap version would be to grab the UP cruiser berth (12 pp, 6 quarters) and 1 new 1 mt berth at Ana Font or Lor'Vela (15 pp, 4 turns). 27 pp total, though admittedly not including a spare Excelsio berth.

As it is, the only ones I would actually push for right this moment would be more auxiliary berths because 4 just isn't going to be enough to build all the ships we are going to need soon. Just the medical ships alone will tie up the 4 berths we are building just about all of the rest of the decade, even if we could skip the prototype and just build them immediately.

Well again, that's not even been given to us as an option. The dedicated yard was the result of a special deal, not likely to be repeated. All we can do is build regular Starfleet shipyards, and then maybe build freighters in them as required.
I could care less about the auxiliaries thing. We need to get Academy Expansions now or we run out of crew and you think having to borrow freighters is embarrassing? Just wait until we hit a genuine crew crisis.
No, I just see a 'more demand for yard space (repairs), more demand for freighters (GBZ), more demand for crew (new construction, ouch for explorers crewed with standard crew), more demand for hospital ships, I wouldn't wonder if sooner or soonest we discover that some more science ships would come handy ...
And that is for the stuff that's currently forseeable.
We have an auxiliary shipyard we are building for that
We really should consider spacing out some of our starship construction to fit in some freight haulers, in addition to the dedicated facilities we're putting together at Amarkia.

Bascially, you'd be agreeing to put off new Renaissances for an extra couple of years. Is that really a good idea?
That is a very good point.
Two different plans occur to me. The first and probably more sane one, stick a pair of 3mt berths at Apinae to offer repair services to the GBZ, stick a pair of 1mt berths at Indoria to appease people both IC and OCC, either double Amarkia Auxiliary like I said or place the new auxiliary berths further tailwards in older federation space somewhere, lastly use the remaining 4x1mt and 2x3mt berths to round out a couple of our current shipyards to get more out of Chen's bonus.

The second idea is rather more crazy. I would stick literally everything in the Sol system, and then push to get a Heavy Industrial park built in the system. It's a ridiculous idea, but if it's bonus and Chen's stack we could build an Excelsior in only 2 years, a Renaissance in 1.5, and any of our escorts in just 1 year. Of course, that's only while Chen is still around and if Oneiros doesn't nix that idea. Still, it would be an amazing advantage to have for however long it lasts.

Edit: As it is, we may still want to think of putting one in sol anyway if we build up UP anymore. It would be particularly useful when building Ambassador class ships, since it would change what's most likely going to be a 5 year build time into just 3.75 years.
Personally, I would like to place 2x 1mt at Apinae and 2x 1mt at Indoria, with an eye to duplicating Critical Infrastructure at Amarkia or maybe Apinae.

But for now, Apinae feels too exposed for critical infrastructure.