Two different plans occur to me. The first and probably more sane one, stick a pair of 3mt berths at Apinae to offer repair services to the GBZ, stick a pair of 1mt berths at Indoria to appease people both IC and OCC, either double Amarkia Auxiliary like I said or place the new auxiliary berths further tailwards in older federation space somewhere, lastly use the remaining 4x1mt and 2x3mt berths to round out a couple of our current shipyards to get more out of Chen's bonus.
The second idea is rather more crazy. I would stick literally everything in the Sol system, and then push to get a Heavy Industrial park built in the system. It's a ridiculous idea, but if it's bonus and Chen's stack we could build an Excelsior in only 2 years, a Renaissance in 1.5, and any of our escorts in just 1 year. Of course, that's only while Chen is still around and if Oneiros doesn't nix that idea. Still, it would be an amazing advantage to have for however long it lasts.
Edit: As it is, we may still want to think of putting one in sol anyway if we build up UP anymore. It would be particularly useful when building Ambassador class ships, since it would change what's most likely going to be a 5 year build time into just 3.75 years.