More fodder for my eventual "The Old Man" omake about Stresk riding herd on all these yahoos.
Do you mean Seruk the Personnel guy? Or Stesk the pacifist leader guy?
Picard's explore captain ability was likely: reroll presence tests, reroll tests to generate exceptional crewmembers.
I dunno, his command team doesn't seem to have been all
that much more impressive than Kirk's or what we would have generated for an OC, with the exception of Data.
It's like, compare Picard's command team to Nash's:
Riker - Ajam/Mrr'shan.
About tied for coolness and competence, honestly. Riker has the edge in certain areas, but that is in part because he's basically 'the other half' of the captaincy, handling the Kirk-type stuff while Picard is more cerebral.
Data - Zaardmani
Definitely edge to Data.
Geordi - Bazeck
About tied. Geordi's more
interesting, but not for reasons that make him a mechanically superior engineer.
Worf - Mrr'shan/Zhang/Acheson
Okay, definitely points to Worf.
??? - Stol
I'm not even sure who to match Stol up against but Stol is a badass.
Crusher - Asurva
About tied, again. This time I think Asurva's a bit more interesting, but again, not for reasons that relate to her performance as a physician
Troi - Leaniss
Troi is may be slightly more
useful but only because she's psychic. And that's not a foregone conclusion; we didn't see a lot of Leaniss's contributions beyond that abstract "+1 Presence."
Picard's command team is a
bit more impressive than Nash's was, mostly due to the integration of a futuristic robot plus Worf. But the gap isn't that wide, honestly.
Maybe amending the anti-Syndicate legislation needn't be such a big priority after all.
Perhaps not, but I'd like to take as much advantage of the Syndicate's weakening condition, as fast as possible. Us winning on Celos and the Cardassians cutting support will put them down, but not out. I'd like to take them
out, not just take them down. And if we can do that a year or two sooner, it saves us a year or two of having our political options hamstrung by the ongoing Cost.
Which is more precious to us, 30pp now, or the freedom to use 50pp or 70pp five years down the road, that would otherwise have been eaten by Cost-monsters? It can be argued either way, I guess.