- The Cardassian Union recognises the sovereignty of the Orion Union over Celos and all other worlds currently under their control.
- The Untied Federation of Planets recognises the current government of Bajor as a legitimate government over Bajor and its colonies.
Bah, I suppose this was inevitable.
- Both sides will adopt Do Not Fire Unless Fired Upon in the frontier directly between Federation space and Cardassian space.
Seems reasonable, but I don't trust the Cardassians to follow this.
- Sydraxians will call off attempts to launch attacks into Federation space.
Nice. Hopefully this will make Sydraxian diplomacy easier.
- Cardassians will not oppose Apiata and Indorian accession into the Federation.
And stay out! It's none of your business.
- The Federation will refrain from diplomacy with Cardassian affiliates [FDS NB: "openly"]
And we certainly won't do it "openly".
- Cardassian support for Syndicate operations in Orion space will end [Syndicate resilience cut in half]
Get rekt, Syndicate! Although it annoys me that it says only in Orion space.
- The Gabriel Expanse is open season, good luck.
*cracks knuckles*
Let them come.
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So we can still move into the GBZ also syndicate resilience getting reduced to what 10 I think is great.

Yrillians and grateians should be diplo targets now since they are not cardassian affiliates and do not violate the treaty.

I think our best option here is to send the Explorer Corp through the GBZ and beyond to find more species and to send them south of Seyek space to look for species that way as well.

Now is time for us to diplomance the neutrals.
Btw @OneirosTheWriter I dunno if the Cardassians would let her but it would totally be in-character for Garita to hitch a ride on that Cardassian ship out of the Union and then from there try to work her way to, I dunno, Yrillian space :V
And, there it is. Half the syndicate resistance? Very nice! Now to dig through something like six hundred impact...

For the purpose of the treaty, which species are considered Cardassian affiliates?
- The Cardassian Union recognises the sovereignty of the Orion Union over Celos and all other worlds currently under their control.
- The Untied Federation of Planets recognises the current government of Bajor as a legitimate government over Bajor and its colonies.

Okay. Not like we expected anything else, and the government-in-exile of Bajor are the same brand of assholes that rule the planet now anyway.

- Both sides will adopt Do Not Fire Unless Fired Upon in the frontier directly between Federation space and Cardassian space.
- Sydraxians will call off attempts to launch attacks into Federation space.
The first is acceptable (not like that wasn't our ROE up until recently), the second is excellent. Downside is that the Cardassians are only going to honor this as long as it is convenient for them. If we leave one of our fronts understaffed I expect them to exploit that weakness. Bonus point is that this will piss off the Sydraxians somewhat fierce, likely causing a loss of face for those Pro-Cardassia and Pro-War in their government. If the Gretarians or Yrillians are watching Sydraxian politics, then we might get wind of some amicable VIPs that we might contact.

- Cardassians will not oppose Apiata and Indorian accession into the Federation.
Say what? What is this supposed to mean? How are they supposed to oppose their introduction into the Federation? The Cardassians have literally no power here. I don't see the point of this.

- The Federation will refrain from diplomacy with Cardassian affiliates [FDS NB: "openly"]
*teeth grinding*
You had one job, dammit.

Ah well. We've already reached the point where we were starting to do this covertly anyway, what with their ships hounding us, but now the price of failure got exorbitantly high.

A cloaked diplomatic vessel sounds really appealing right now.

- The Gabriel Expanse is open season, good luck.
So you lost us the diplomatic approach but couldn't even get some concession for this. Dammit. I feel that the previous cease-fires were basically just guarantees to ensure that the Cardassians and Sydraxians can focus their forces on the Expanse. This is going to be bloody.
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...Shit. Guys, how are the Kadeshi going to continue their trip if the Gabriel Expanse is "open season"?

The Kadeshu fleet is huge. I doubt the Cardassians will want to risk their fleet. They'll shadow it, see what it does and will then let it go.

Say what? What is this supposed to mean? How are they supposed to oppose their introduction into the Federation? The Cardassians have literally no power here. I don't see the point of this

IIRC, the Cardassians were sponsiring a few separatist hives.
...Shit. Guys, how are the Kadeshi going to continue their trip if the Gabriel Expanse is "open season"?
And risk the Federation saying "Fuck you and everything you stand for!" pulling a WWII America and moving to a total war footing? I doubt they're that stupid, and if they are they'll learn why you do not underestimate the peacemakers.
Long run it works better for us, our shipbuilding is kicking into gear still and it gives us more time to deal with the syndicate what we do need to do is secure some of the gbz sooner rather than later

Also this let's the Explorer Corp explore. Honestly hopping we here about some new space creature we encounter like some of the early logs.
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...Shit. Guys, how are the Kadeshi going to continue their trip if the Gabriel Expanse is "open season"?
Through the threat of having to fight a 6 mt vessel and an entire fleet accompanying it. That one is going to spook the Cardassians and the Sydraxians for sure.

Basically, there's no gain in attacking it and much to lose, including public opinion.

IIRC, the Cardassians were sponsiring a few separatist hives.
Ah, that. Doubted that anything would ever come from it, what with the Cardassian attacking their foragers causing a lot of public resentment.
Meanwhile, as I suspected the Cardassians are keeping a lot more in their back pocket than we realized -- I always thought it was suspicious they'd even consider declaring for Celos with the known strength they had. Gartia's a saleswoman and the Cardassians are looking for any excuse but they don't seem like the types to flail around 'just because'.
So you lost us the diplomatic approach but couldn't even get some concession for this. Dammit. I feel that the previous cease-fires were basically just guarantees to ensure that the Cardassians and Sydraxians can focus their forces on the Expanse. This is going to be bloody.

On the plus side, it means that we can concentrate our forces on the Expanse. I may just do one final version of the fleet distribution plan that moves a few more eggs to the GBZ basket.
IIRC, the Cardassians were sponsiring a few separatist hives.
"Instead of wasting our resources on Apiata hives and Orion criminals, we'll use them to sponsor Fiiral separatists instead!"

With the Cardassians no longer able to do anything about the bees on their border, I can see them trying to cripple the sneks instead. So we better prepare for a possible Seyek-Fiiral civil war!
So, the Cardassians have decided to let us build up our fleet for a few more years and finish with the Syndicate before war breaks out?

This will go down in history as the treaty that sealed the doom of an empire, and the rise of the federation to Alpha Quadrant hegemony.

Like I said. Never deny your enemy the opportunity to make mistakes. :drevil:
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On the subject of the Syndicate, I'm worried that if they can keep cost up (even if they can't nuke us anymore) we might be in a situation now where every year we face like 30-50 carried over cost and 70 new cost from 'modest' 6 cost per month increments. We could be locked into a situation where every year we get 0 PP, even with our bonus to resistance. We're looking at 58 carried-over cost next year, so even 4 cost per month may trigger Bad Times.

The Kadeshi, I'm more sanguine about-they can take a slight detour around the expanse if they think they are in danger, but their fleet probably has more combat power than what we'll have in the Expanse.
With the Cardassians no longer able to do anything about the bees on their border, I can see them trying to cripple the sneks instead. So we better prepare for a possible Seyek-Fiiral civil war!
Actually, they'd be better to go after Seyek unhappy about concessions granted to the Fiiral. I guarantee you there's a portion of mostly-atheistic sneks who are quite unhappy about supporting a religiously-aligned King, even if they're 99.99% ceremonial.

Actually though, now that I think about it, Cardassians could probably play disgruntled Seyek and Separatist Fiiral off each other. Divide and conquer.
So, the Cardassians have decided to let us build up our fleet for a few more years and finish with the Syndicate before war breaks out?

This will go down in history as the treaty that sealed the doom of an empire, and the rise of the federation to Alpha Quadrant hegemony.

Like I said. Never deny your enemy the opportunity to make mistakes. :drevil:

Best case is we never need a war but yeah this gives us more time and more time I think decreases the chance of war as they get used to talking to us, plus the Romulans and Klingons must be getting frustrated
Actually, they'd be better to go after Seyek unhappy about concessions granted to the Fiiral. I guarantee you there's a portion of mostly-atheistic sneks who are quite unhappy about supporting a religiously-aligned King, even if they're 99.99% ceremonial.

Actually though, now that I think about it, Cardassians could probably play disgruntled Seyek and Separatist Fiiral off each other. Divide and conquer.

In before 50 minute rambling youtube rants by Thunderst0m4ch and TheAmazingSnaktheist.
"Instead of wasting our resources on Apiata hives and Orion criminals, we'll use them to sponsor Fiiral separatists instead!"

With the Cardassians no longer able to do anything about the bees on their border, I can see them trying to cripple the sneks instead. So we better prepare for a possible Seyek-Fiiral civil war!

Personally, I think they are going to be funneling resources into one side of the upcoming Yrillian civil war. Which actually gives us an interesting opportunity.

Any supplies the Cardassians send to the Sydraxians or Yrillians will have to cross the Gabriel Expanse, which is now open season. If we can deploy a sizeable force and say get the Apiata and Amarki to follow suit then we could do quite a bit of damage to Cardassians shipping.