But smashing infrastructure is literally how you kill the most people? Dropping bombs on ports makes it harder to feed people. Destroying Orbital transmission stations leads to people freezing to death or dying from heat stroke when they can no longer power their temperature control. Infrastructure is often what keeps people alive, this means they die when you take it away. Worse, these are generally civilians. A military doctrine designed to slowly kill enemy civilians has to be the least Federation-like way to fight.
This is a continuos problem I have with all your statements on doctrine. The reasons you give keep being exactly wrong.
Uh, smashing infrastructure sure, but 'Removing From Play' =/= 'Destroying'. Removing their ability to fight with minimal direct loss of life is only going to kill Civilians if they don't listen. At which point we've removed their infrastructure so the necessary Direct Engagement is going to be tilted in our favour.
Smashing military bases and military logistics is NOT how you kill the most people. Base strike is "I'm behind your lines, stuffing torpedoes in your supply lines". It's NOT running around blowing up civilian stuff
Civilian supply lines have a tendency to become military supply lines if the need is there.
After all, a cargo freighter can carry food as well as torpedoes, a civilian shipyard can service military ships as well, dilithium refineries care not whether they fuel warships or power plants.
[X] Plan Industry, Recruitment and Diplomacy
-Shipyard Expansions:
--Request new Shipyard in orbit around Andor, 30pp (10 turns, gain new shipyard starting with one 2.5m t berth)
--Request Excelsior berth at 40 Eridiani, 30pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth)
--Request funding to start Utopia Planitia Shipyards, 135pp (16 turns, gain new shipyard starting with 2 3m t berths, 2 1m t berths, immediate activation of a Light Cruiser research team)
-(total 195 * 0.9 = 175.5 pp)
-Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
-Request Academy Expansion, 20pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp [doctrine]
-Request focused Diplomacy on Orions, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Amarki, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Betazoids, 10pp
The scale of the industrial build-up is unprecedented. In fact, most of your analysts say that this is most likely the greatest build-up of shipbuilding capacity in the history of any of the known powers. It is something that only the Federation, and, you reflect with a moment of pride, humanity could fuel, with the eschewing of personal wealth in exchange for the betterment of society. With two new shipyards and a total of six new berths, in the year 2304, Starfleet has been handed the key to a new era of peaceful expansion.
The Martian lobby has finally seen their day, as an appropriations act was tabled to the Council to help direct the resources needed to develop the Utopia Planitia Shipyards. It will take four years of work, but it will go ahead now. You met with the Mars natives who has been chairing the campaign, and both had tears in their eyes as they watched the bill go through. You for one are thrilled to see the yards go up, as you know they will be the most easily expandable yards; near to the earth's mighty industrial capacity, the Martian mineral assets, and the relatively clean orbits of Mars. There will come a day when Utopia Planitia will be known far and wide as the greatest hub of industry and engineering in the galaxy. You also met with the head of the new Utopia Planitia Design Group, who is eager and enthusiastic to get to work.
Further budgetary increases passed as well, as did the expansion of the Starfleet Academy. Approval to add a new team to the Ship Design Bureau's roster also elicited very little pushback.
Final Budget Increase:
+100 Bulk Resources per year
+60 Special Resources per year
New Research Teams:
Utopia Planitia Design Group (Light Cruisers)
Lt Kuznetsova's Tiger Team (Doctrine)
Orion - 95/100 + 7 = 102/500
Orion will become an Affiliate of the United Federation of Planets
Amarkia - 255/500 + 27 = 282/500
Betazoids - 266/500 + 12 = 278/500
Pick a ship that you feel performed especially well during the Crisis - Top 2 vote-getters will receive a crew rating boost - non-explorer only
[ ][HONOURS] Nominate a Ship
How to proceed with the Romulans?
[ ][RIHANNSU] Proceed cautiously, they are still are most dangerous adversary.
[ ][RIHANNSU] Let's put out feelers, and see if a lasting peace is possible.
[ ][RIHANNSU] Dare all, and attempt to befriend the Romulans.
After returning from Paris, you made your way across San Francisco to attend the retirement bash of Yamada Keiko. You speak to her at length, hearing her plans to retire to an isolated old manor in the north of Japan and write memoirs of her time in Starfleet and the Academy. You promise her that you will read them when she publishes them, as long as she doesn't mention that Rigel VIII incident... You also take the time to pick her brain about the matter of her successor to the post of Academy Commandant.
Yamada Keiko's Replacement
[ ][KEIKO] Commodore Tyvath th'Shryrrerh
Andorian Male, 54
Current Posting: Academic Dean, Starfleet Academy
Tyvath has held the post of Starfleet Academy's Academic Dean for a number of years. A proud former Science Officer on a Constitution-class ship, he trains scientists with tremendous rigour. Gain one re-roll of a science test across the fleet (takes 2 years to recharge).
[ ][KEIKO] Commodore Certunn Guk
Tellarite Male, 52
Current Posting: Director of Astrosciences School, Starfleet Academy
Certunn has led his school for four years, and is a loud, outspoken advocate for the importance of technical training. Gain +.5 Starfleet Tech, +.25 Explorer Corps Tech throughput.
[ ][KEIKO] Commodore Volin
Vulcan Male, 84
Current Posting: Director of Diplomatic School, Starfleet Academy
Was once T'Lorel's former Captain, and an inspiration for her approach to diplomacy. Gain one re-roll of a presence test across the fleet (takes 2 years to recharge).
To complete your busy schedule, you also visit Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson in Operations. The disposition of the fleet needs to be updated to match the needs of the post-crisis Federation. As always, defensive priority number one is the key Federation instruments located in the Sol System, followed by Vulcan, then Andor and Tellar. The Romulan Border Zone is the new serious contender, though. Eriksson strongly recommends that you position at least one of the new Oberths there permanently, where their sensors can help track for signs of Biophage outbreaks.
Redeploy the Fleet
[ ][FLEET] Write in plan to Redistribute the Fleet
New Garrison Requirements:
Sol 15
Vulcan 12
Andor 9
Tellar 9
RBZ 12
Please note that these will rise by 2311, requiring additional ships prepared by then.
For the honors Challorn easily, and the second pick could be the Yukikaze, the T'Mir, the Kumari or the Excelsior. Excelsiors would benefit us the most, but we shouldn't pick them unless they deserve it.
For the honors Challorn easily, and the second pick could be the Yukikaze, the T'Mir, the Kumari or the Excelsior. Excelsiors would benefit us the most, but we shouldn't pick them unless they deserve it.
Every Captain's Log turn includes an automatic event for each Five Year Mission ship, however, there is also an event roll for all six sectors with about a 2/5 chance of spawning an event.
A lot of the time it is your smaller ships responding to those (2 Excelsiors, 6 sectors - the bulk of your response work is carried out by Constellations, really).
That'd be me wrong then. I don't know if the Challorn is eligible for the Crew Upgrade since Akuz picked Veteran Crew for them as one of their Omake rewards.
For the Fleet distribution plan, we know most of the ship names, but not for 1 Constellation 5 Miranda, 2 Oberth, 3 Soyuz (these include the Intrepid and the Calypso for which we don't know the class [Calypso is probably either Miranda or Soyuz]).
A mix between assignment by name and assignment by class and origin wouldn't be much of an issue, but maybe we should just go ahead and name them now?
Now, we get one ship, and Remember Challorn has already got a promotion from my vote, so while it is plausible to stack promotions, there are other options, and I for one am going with the T'mir. She's served a valuable roll in her every deployment in her short life, and even passed through the entire Battles of Kadesh utterly untouched.
[x][RIHANNSU] Let's put out feelers, and see if a lasting peace is possible.
If we pass up the opportunity and treat them like an enemy. They will be an enemy. Full stop. But if we go to far in the other direction they'll react like I did the last time someone tried to culture hug me in a 4x... and it will be bloody for all sides. Our goal for now should be normalized relations, permanent Ambassadors/Embassies on Ch'Rihan, that sort of thing.
[X][KEIKO] Commodore Certunn Guk
We've been worried about peeps, lets FEED THE BEAST
[X] [Fleet] Plan Return Home
Our man @Nix generally seems to have his head on straight, I usually just smile and nod when he pushes ships around on the map.
Okay, omake rewards! Round 2!
Each of you get to pick one
@Nix - for the mapping and ship list efforts:
* Better Maps - Gain a fleet-wide once per year re-roll to Mapping Missions
* Pathfinder - Cost of founding mining colonies reduced by -2 pp permanently
* Advertising - When it comes time to appoint a new Intel head, there will be a 4th candidate...
(Sorry, I know it's not much of a reward, but I honestly couldn't think of anything )
* Lessons Learned - Gain +10 progress towards Escape Pod I and Warp Core Ejection I techs
* Hard-won Experience - +2 EXP to each Ship Design Team
[X][RIHANNSU] Let's put out feelers, and see if a lasting peace is possible.
[X][KEIKO] Commodore Certunn Guk
-[X] Sol: 1 Excelsior, 3 Soyuz, 1 Miranda, 1 Constellation, 1 Oberth (15 D)
-[X] Vulcan: 2 Constellation, 3 Miranda (12 D)
-[X] Andor: 2 Constellation, 1 Miranda, 1 Soyuz (9 D)
-[X] Tellar: 1 Constellation, 2 Miranda, 1 Centaur (9 D)
-[X] KBZ: 1 Constitution, 1 Oberth, 1 Miranda (8 D)
-[X] RBZ: 1 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 1 Oberth, 3 Miranda (16 D, going overboard because it's important to exterminate the Biophage with extreme prejudice whenever found. If people are concerned about this spooking the Romulans, Just move two of the Mirandas somewhere else.)
Just a quick and dirty plan. All the numbers work out using listed stats on the front page, no Veteran crew bonuses needed. Things can be re-arranged if people want bigger ships in different places.