Your most recent voting post didn't include a name vote and AKuz proxy voted for Briefvoice in addition to her own name vote, so neither of these is a problem with the talleying program but rather with the votes themselves.

Oh I was under the impression you could swap out single items in a vote in later posts without having to repost the whole vote.
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2313.Q1 - MWCO Report

[X][BUILD] Plan 2 Excelsiors, 3 Miranda-As, 2 Miranda Refits
- Start an Excelsior in Ana Font Berth A in 2313.Q1
- Start an Excelsior in Utopia Planitia Berth B in 2313.Q1
- Start a Miranda-A in 40 Eridani A Berth A in 2313.Q1
- Start a Miranda-A in 40 Eridani A Berth 1 in 2313.Q1
- Start a Miranda-A in 40 Eridani A Berth1 in 2313.Q1
- Start Refit of the Miranda Bon Vivant in Utopia Planitia Berth 1 in 2313.Q2
- Start Refit of the Miranda T'Kumbra in Utopia Planitia Berth 2 in 2313.Q2

EC/Std - EC
Name - Atuin
Defiant - CBZ
Valiant - SBZ

Member World Coordination Office Report


I feel I must lead off with word about the Amarkians. The Confederacy of Amarkia has removed any diversions and clamps on their fleet budget, which has seen a considerable boost of emergency spending. At the same time, there has been a surge of recruiting for the Confederacy Navy. The Amarkians are closing their Centaur-A block build complete with the fifth hull now lain down, and they will be freeing up their shipyards for refits to the Hebrinda-class of cruiser. These are all developments being watched with great care by the MWCO.

Another explorer-grade ship has joined the old core worlds with the launch of the TSS Miracht Agrad into Tellarite State service. This is a momentous occasion, of course. To go along with the UES Liberty and TSS Miracht Agrad, there are also an Andorian Excelsior, a Caitian Excelsior, a Rigellan Megatortoise, and an Apiatan Queenship all underway at present, with completion dates between 2315 and '16. Of course, a similar amount of firepower was also added by the Amarkians, who commissioned not one but two modern Centaur-A -class escorts into their fleet, bringing their tally to three with two more on the way.

Among the interesting developments is an uptick in shiypard expansions. Betazed, for example, is commencing a doubling of capacity at Rixx Loxhanda Orbital Facility. The Amarkian minor shipyards of Maia Selin at Selinda, Akoun Lariel at Tales Har, and Leas Akaam, are all producing a second berth. A civilian shipyard in Caitian space has also begun work. These will serve to allow our member fleets to remain a substantial part of the defence of the Federation.

We are learning new details about a number of our affiliates, both old and new. We have accurate fleet details for all of our affiliates now, including the Honiani and the Qloath, who are beginning to open up much more now.

Looking toward the future, we are seeing a few changing priorities. Closer to Sol, the Faran-Bel shipyard at Delta-Vega has laid down a second Constitution-B-class cruiser, to be marked NCC-1753. Speculation is rife that this may be the final Constitution hull to ever be laid down in the Federation. Caldonia is commencing a new Science Cruiser, with one due to commission next year. The Qloathi are continuing a policy of alternating builds of their new escort class, the Arquila Leb Hoiathi-class, 'The Ride of Wise Hoiathi'.

End Report

Current Priorities
Name Short-Term Mid-Term Long-Term
Andorians Build Excelsior Miranda-A Refits Develop new Mining
Vulcans Miranda-A Refits Build-up D Grow Civ Shipping
Humans Miranda-A Refits Prep for Renaissance  
Tellarites Miranda-A Refits Prep for Renaissance Increase Civilian Shipping
Amarki Hebrinda-A Refit '14 Cargo Ships New Escort '20/Riala-A '17
Betazed Centaur-As Expand Shipyards Improve Budget
Caitian Expand Shipyards Excelsior (Underway)  
Rigel Megatortoise (U'way) Freighter Expansion  
Apiata 2nd Queenship (U'way) Increase BR/SR Increase Shipping
Indorian Replace Shipping Build Def Ship Increase Budget

Name - BR - SR - Off - Enl - Tech
Andor - 25 - 100 - 8.4 - 9.5 - 9.5
Vulcan - 70 - 95 - 2.5 - 3.5 - 3
Tellar - 290 - 160 - 3.85 - 3.5 - 3.5
Earth - 195 - 185 - 6.2 - 5.8 - 5.8
Amarki - 95 - 110 - 5.5 - 2 - 2
Betazoids - 105 - 125 - 2.9 - 3.3 - 1.9
Caitian - 154 - 190 - 12 - 12 - 8
Rigel - 205 - 75 - 5.25 - 14 - 8.75
Apiata - 140 - 52 - 4.5 - 38 - 13
Indoria - 40 - 50 - 5.75 - 7.1 - 7.85
* NB - Most new construction has already been slated at this stage, unlike last year, so resource numbers may be lower than anticipated

Andor - 60 - 45 - 1.2 - 2 - 2
Vulcan - 40 - 35 - 1 - 1.75 - 1.5
Tellarites - 95 - 50 - 1.25 - 1.75 - 1.75
Humans - 110 - 60 - 1.8 - 2 - 2
Amarki - 145 - 115 - 3 - 5.5 - 3.5
Betazoids - 30 - 30 - 1.15 - 1.45 - 1.15
Caitian - 80 - 80 - 2.2 - 2.2 - 0.8
Rigel - 80 - 50 - 1.75 - 4.25 - 3.75
Apiata - 125 - 105 - 0.5 - 8 - 3
Indoria - 60 - 45 - 1.25 - 2 - 1.25

Free Berths
Andor -
Vulcan - 1x500kt
Tellar - 1x1mt
Human - 2x1mt
Amarki - 1x2.5mt, 1x1mt
Betazoids - 1x400kt
Caitian -
Rigel - 1x1.5mt
Apiata - 3x600kt
Indoria - 1x1500kt, 1x500kt
* NB - Most new construction has already been slated at this stage, so free berths may be lower than expected

Current Fleets

[ ][PRIORITY] Pick One Member World Priority to change

Suggested possible priorities can be things such as:
Focus on building a particular ship type/class
Focus on more cargo shipping
Focus on increasing resources/recruitment
Set a target for Combat or Defence
Start designing a new ship
Prepare a refit of a ship

The Andorian Guard has a surplus of trained starfaring personnel and are interested in seeing if Starfleet would be willing to transfer the registration of one of the Constellation-class cruisers to them. They would be able to offer 25br and 25sr by way of compensation. This would free the crew of those vessels to return to the available Starfleet pool.
[ ][ANDOR] Agree
[ ][ANDOR] Deny

To help keep their Hebrinda-class cruisers competitive over a decade on from their design-date, the Amarkians have begun a refit program. Castellans have used the MWCO to approach the Ship Design Bureau and Starfleet Tactical Command for consultation on what the best approach would be.
[ ][AMARKI] Fleet Workhorse - +1 S, +1 P, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C4 S3 H3 L4 P4 D4 - 100br/100sr)
[ ][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force - +1 C, +1 L, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4 - 100br/100sr)
NB: This will be corrected to 100br/70sr final cost after refit.

The Rigellians would like to hear from Starfleet as to what role they see the Rigellian Fleet taking on in the future. This will let them know which part of their fleet structure to improve.
[ ][RIGEL] As heavy combat forces, using their Megatortoises and Turtleships in pitched battle.
[ ][RIGEL] As effective defensive pickets, using the strong science and speed of their escorts to police against raiders

The Honiani would like to arrange an officer exchange. They would provide one of their rising star officers, and we would send them one of the Commanders we hope will become an Explorer Panel Captain, and together we can learn from each other.
[ ][HONIANI] Pick any Commander - Officer will spend 2 years with Honiani, will become an Explorer Panel Captain upon return, gain +25 with Honiani, Costs 10pp
[ ][HONIANI] Deny
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[X][ANDOR] Deny

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force - +1 C, +1 L, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4 - 100br/100sr)

I'd like the cruisers to be a bit better in combat.

[X][RIGEL] As heavy combat forces, using their Megatortoises and Turtleships in pitched battle.

I really like their heavier ships, so let's emphasize them more.

[X][HONIANI] Pick any Commander - Officer will spend 2 years with Honiani, will become an Explorer Panel Captain upon return, gain +25 with Honiani, Costs 10pp

I think this is an excellent use of 10 pp.
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[X][ANDOR] Agree

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force - +1 C, +1 L, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4 - 100br/100sr)

[X][RIGEL] As effective defensive pickets, using the strong science and speed of their escorts to police against raiders

[X][HONIANI] Pick any Commander - Officer will spend 2 years with Honiani, will become an Explorer Panel Captain upon return, gain +25 with Honiani, Costs 10pp
Um, this snake pit we are kind of a little short on pp, aren't we?

Who are the notable eligibles? Do we need more EC captains right now?
Not sure whether we can spare any of the constellations right now. Probably not.

[X][ANDOR] Deny

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force - +1 C, +1 L, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4 - 100br/100sr)

[X][RIGEL] As effective defensive pickets, using the strong science and speed of their escorts to police against raiders


As attractive as an officer exchange sounds we can't afford the 10pp. It would almost certainly mean missing out on something important, possibly being able to start the Ambassador project. +25 relations and narrative benefits are something we can do without for now.

@OneirosTheWriter any chance we can put off the Honiani exchange until next year?
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[X][ANDOR] Deny

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force - +1 C, +1 L, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4 - 100br/100sr)

[X][RIGEL] As effective defensive pickets, using the strong science and speed of their escorts to police against raiders

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Guys, giving away a Constellation is a terrible idea! We are stretched tight with the Gabriel Expanse and Apinae sector and you want to give away a ship? They aren't even giving us any pp for it, just a smattering of resources. It's an insulting offer. Why punch a hole in the heart of our fleet distribution? We could literally scrap the ship any time we wanted and get pretty much the same result.

[X][ANDOR] Deny

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Workhorse - +1 S, +1 P, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C4 S3 H3 L4 P4 D4 - 100br/100sr)

[X][RIGEL] As heavy combat forces, using their Megatortoises and Turtleships in pitched battle.


Come on, you know you want to send Usha to study with the people who design frigging cathedral ships. She is the module master!
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Guys, giving away a Constellation is a terrible idea! We are stretched tight with the Gabriel Expanse and Apinae sector and you want to give away a ship? They aren't even giving us any pp for it, just a smattering of resources. It's an insulting offer. Why punch a hole in the heart of our fleet distribution? We could literally scrap the ship any time we wanted and get pretty much the same result.
It also frees up crew to be used on more valuable ships. The loss of one mediocre ship is worth that and the resources IMO.
Guys, giving away a Constellation is a terrible idea! We are stretched tight with the Gabriel Expanse and Apinae sector and you want to give away a ship? They aren't even giving us any pp for it, just a smattering of resources. It's an insulting offer. Why punch a hole in the heart of our fleet distribution? We could literally scrap the ship any time we wanted and get pretty much the same result.
A better than scrap value resource offer that strengthens a member fleet as side affect would be an attractive option, at least compared to mothballing. The issue is that we wouldn't be considering mothballing any ships right now because we need them, not the offer as such.
Six candidates from a breeze through the character database:

Commander Jennifer Zhang, formerly tactical officer of the Enterprise, currently ADD of Battle Review Division
Commander Krabad, Rigellian science officer on the Thirishar.
Commander Alex Kwan, former Chief Science Officer on the Sarek, currently Lecturer at Starfleet Academy
Commander Robert Kenichi, current Chief Engineer on Enterprise.
Commander T'Mela, current first officer on the Endurance.
Commander Hayden Kennedy, current first officer on the Courageous.
Six candidates from a breeze through the character database:

Commander Jennifer Zhang, formerly tactical officer of the Enterprise, currently ADD of Battle Review Division
Commander Krabad, Rigellian science officer on the Thirishar.
Commander Alex Kwan, former Chief Science Officer on the Sarek, currently Lecturer at Starfleet Academy
Commander Robert Kenichi, current Chief Engineer on Enterprise.
Commander T'Mela, current first officer on the Endurance.
Commander Hayden Kennedy, current first officer on the Courageous.

Ooh, Jennifer Zhang. Viewers may remember her from her pivotal role in Nash's time loop two-parter a few seasons ago.

[X][ANDOR] Deny

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force - +1 C, +1 L, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4 - 100br/100sr)

[X][RIGEL] As effective defensive pickets, using the strong science and speed of their escorts to police against raiders

[X][HONIANI] Jennifer Zhang
It also frees up crew to be used on more valuable ships. The loss of one mediocre ship is worth that and the resources IMO.

We don't need more crew right this second. We're fine with crew for the next few years. Yeah there's a crunch coming up five years out... no reason to give up a ship now for crew then. And the reosurces... maybe if there were three digits to that sr offer I'd consider it, but again it's a petty offer that is kind of insulting.

Look, sure it's a mediocre ship. But it's a mediocre ship that we can park in Vulcan sector to help up make their crazy D12 defense requirement and free up a Centaur-A to go out on the front lines. Believe me, we still have plenty of use for Constellations sitting in dusty, quiet sectors like Vulcan or Tellar sector while we send our good ships to the front lines.
We don't need more crew right this second. We're fine with crew for the next few years. Yeah there's a crunch coming up five years out... no reason to give up a ship now for crew then. And the reosurces... maybe if there were three digits to that sr offer I'd consider it, but again it's a petty offer that is kind of insulting.

Look, sure it's a mediocre ship. But it's a mediocre ship that we can park in Vulcan sector to help up make their crazy D12 defense requirement and free up a Centaur-A to go out on the front lines. Believe me, we still have plenty of use for Constellations sitting in dusty, quiet sectors like Vulcan or Tellar sector while we send our good ships to the front lines.
Oh ok, my mistake.
You know @OneirosTheWriter some of these decisions would be a little easier if we knew if we were giving up on the Gabriel Expanse or not....

Other comments in general:

I voted "Workhorse" for Amarkia because if they're going to have a bunch of new colonies in the Gabriel Expanse, they could use some good support ships. And frankly, I like to push them away from martial and and to something a little more peaceful in their ship design. You know what they say, if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

As for Rigel, I'm willing to be talked around on that vote, but when I see their potential usage described as "using the strong science and speed of their escorts to police against raiders".... well, I don't exactly think of "speed" when I think of Rigellian ships.
Looks like Honiani are a Lone Ranger faction. And their modern explorer looks pretty decent.

[X][ANDOR] Deny

We need all the ships we can spare for home sector defense right now. Ask us again once the current crisis is past.

[X][AMARKI] Fleet Strike Force

Twice in the last decade, we've called upon the Amarki to lend their fleet to Federation war efforts. If we're going to keep using them as muscle, we might as well have them spec their ships for that purpose.

Besides, the Amarki see themselves as a warrior race. We have other people to do science and diplomacy. IDIC.

[X][RIGEL] As heavy combat forces, using their Megatortoises and Turtleships in pitched battle.

More ships with longer range will probably allow us to get better use out of the Mercantilists.

Changed my mind. Dem megatortoises are just too good.

[X][HONIANI] Pick any Commander - Officer will spend 2 years with Honiani, will become an Explorer Panel Captain upon return, gain +25 with Honiani, Costs 10pp (Jennifer Zhang)

We want to learn more about the Honiani, and Zhang is as good a choice as any.
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[X][PRIORITY] Rigel Mid-Term Priority: Change from "Freighter Expansion" to "Increase Budget"
I think Rigel needs to increase its budget for a while.
[X][ANDOR] Deny
Briefvoice made a good point about us not needing more crew for a while so I changed my vote accordingly
[X][AMARKI] Fleet Workhorse - +1 S, +1 P, +1 D, 30br/20sr (Final figure C4 S3 H3 L4 P4 D4 - 100br/100sr)
The Amarki Could use a fleet workhorse better than a strike force right now.
[X][RIGEL] As heavy combat forces, using their Megatortoises and Turtleships in pitched battle.
Having more heavy combat Forces is always useful in the long run especially when we are going to be at war with Cardassia son.
[X][HONIANI] Commander Jennifer Zhang, formerly tactical officer of the Enterprise, currently ADD of Battle Review Division
It would be great for Diplomacy and fleet cohesion if we did this so I am in favor of it. And it helps that she is from the USS Enterprise. You cant get more prestigious than that. And we can put off the Ambassador for a year and prepare multiple slips to build a lot of them at the same time in the meantime.
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We really, really can't afford those 10pp. Right now we have 78pp. The Syndicate legislation amendment the majority wanted for this year costs 50pp, the Ambassador project a majority also wanted for this year costs 34pp. With another quarter until the snakepit it's reasonably likely we will just barely be able to afford both, and possibly an additional minor item, but if we spend 10pp now we very likely will have to drop at least one of those. Do you really consider the officer exchange more important than both of those items (no way to tell which one would win if we are forced to pick between the two, so preferring the exchange to just one of them is not enough)?
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