1 m t berths are not going to be hugely useful going forward, the next light cruiser is probably going to be too big for them, the 2.3 m t berths are going to be the ones for light cruisers (and can also serve escorts) in the next generation, only the 3m t ones for explorers. Also people voiced concerns about UP raising resentment and suspicion of rascism, expanding the SF shipyards at the same time is only going to fuel that more.
I'd rather have more berths than we need than find ourselves short when we suddenly need every patroller we can get to fight the blorg.
I dunno if planning to fight the Borg is the best idea. The Federation is never gonna allow the level of militarization necessary to defend against he Borg until we have to defend against the Borg.
And unless something goes very, very wrong, we're not going to encounter the Borg for decades should things go like in canon.
If you want them at the Sol system, wait for the UP and the very cheap expansion we were promised. We are already doubling our current capacity with my plan.
Why double when you can more than double?

It'll be real nice to have the capacity to support a veritable swarm of lighter ships next time shit gets fucked in space. If there's a ship a day away from any concievable incident, it doesn't matter too much if it's only a small ship. It represents the capacity to potentially nip problems in the bud. Plus, having more ships means having more commands avaliable, which means more opportunities for ambitious and awesome people to make names for themselves and become Space Heroes.
Actually didn't we just damage our ability to get a more military focused SF? Considering the Klingons are at peace with us and the Council now has in with the Romulan Senate?
Why double when you can more than double?
  1. Because we can do that cheaper in the future.
  2. Because being thought of as a racist is bad.
  3. Because berths without the resources to run them or the manpower to crew the ships they build are sort of useless (even for repairs you at least need to be able to also make up for crew losses and outside a crisis they also cost resources. Perhaps in the next crisis as well if the mechanics are reworked). My plan addresses that by also increasing our income and recruitment (academy and budget increase as well as accelerating member accessions).
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Actually didn't we just damage our ability to get a more military focused SF? Considering the Klingons are at peace with us and the Council now has in with the Romulan Senate?
Not really, we just got a huge boost to our max Combat value. We've got lots of room to work with there on having a strong Starfleet.
Because we are already massively expanding our shipyard capacity, but without the requisite budget and recruit increase those things are useless. We need the academy and budget expansions, but more importantly we need to increase our full member count for a really large permanent increase to both.
Mmm, I'm still going with my Aftermath of War. I think those Starbases make Fleet Concerns much easier to handle, especially given that our D requirements are going up.
@OneirosTheWriter What happens when a Federation Affiliate's Diplomacy total reaches 500? I assume they become full members of the Federation, but what benefits does that provide, both for the race and for Starfleet?
@OneirosTheWriter What happens when a Federation Affiliate's Diplomacy total reaches 500? I assume they become full members of the Federation, but what benefits does that provide, both for the race and for Starfleet?
Has been answered before. We get an income increase (br, sr, pp, rp, academy intake as appropriate) and possibly some of their infrastructure and/or tech teams. Also full tech sharing in both directions, and presumably they get a seat on the Federation Council.
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Plus, I'd like to figure out a way to squeeze the Constellation Refit in to a plan somewhere. It's a solid boost to their capabilities, and we do have seven of them.

The refit on the Centaur seems weird to have as an option, the class is only 3 years old at this point!
On one hand, I like the Renaissance project more than the Constellation Refit - it's cheaper in pp cost, and with the more-experienced Light Cruiser design team, should only take about 4 years to complete the project (and then another six to build the prototype, admittedly).

On the other hand, we do have a bunch of Constellations around.

That being said, I prefer the Centaur refit. A new escort project is a ways away, would take longer to develop, and is more expensive in pp; a Centaur refit would be a pretty darn good escort.

All that being said, any refit programs or new design programs could probably wait. (not too long, ideally - I rather like the Renaissance class.)

[X] Plan Industry, Recruitment and Diplomacy
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This plan fits all my Criterion, after that everything is just gravy

[X] Plan Industry, Recruitment and Diplomacy
-Shipyard Expansions:
--Request new Shipyard in orbit around Andor, 30pp (10 turns, gain new shipyard starting with one 2.5m t berth)
--Request Excelsior berth at 40 Eridiani, 30pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth)
--Request funding to start Utopia Planitia Shipyards, 135pp (16 turns, gain new shipyard starting with 2 3m t berths, 2 1m t berths, immediate activation of a Light Cruiser research team)
-(total 205 * 0.9 = 185 pp)
-Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
-Request Academy Expansion, 20pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp [doctine]
-Request focused Diplomacy on Orions, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Amarki, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Betazoids, 10pp