Another point for Thuir, he needs to do a sector command before we can bump him to Rear Admiral. And we want that man on track for top-level command.
Yeah, but there are a lot of sector commands and new ones open up every year. He hasn't been eligible
that long.
Heck, I'd push Thuir for the Cardassian Border Zone, which is in effect vacant because the nominal commander on the spot, T'Lorel, has been off doing something else that has her full attention for two years*.
It's just that he's not a very good choice for anything that involves contact with Sydraxians, because they hate
him personally. I'd consider him a great choice for the other border zones that don't abut Sydraxian space, or for internal zones.
@OneirosTheWriter, what would we actually do in terms of a command structure if there were a serious problem on the CBZ demanding that our CBZ force act as a coherent squadron? Who'd be in charge? It's not so much of a problem with Eaton because her previous job isn't "critical," but in an emergency we might need the CBZ commander on the spot
really fast)
@Briefvoice, after looking at this for a couple minutes, it looks fine to me. But honestly, fleet distribution, like research and ship build planning, is getting too complex to analyze, verify, or come up with alternates, without actually putting it into a spreadsheet or equivalent.
It would be nice if we had such a spreadsheet. Problem is that it's hard to format this data into a spreadsheet table in an easy-to-manipulate way, since there are 3 "axes": sector, ship, quarter (unlike ship build planning which has just 2 "axes": berth and quarter). Best approaches I can think up at the moment are: a pivot table; or allocating a fixed # ship slots per sector/quarter to make it easy to move ships without having to insert/remove rows/columns.
It's only that bad if you ignore Briefvoice's First Law:
A starship at rest remains at rest, unless you have a good reason to move it. At any one time, 90% of our ships are exactly where they're supposed to be, and we're only making two or three ship movements a quarter. It becomes slightly complicated when you're trying to plan ahead and integrate future construction into the plan... but a spreadsheet
with programming would be kind of a waste of effort.
You could BUILD one, but I totally believe that Briefvoice doesn't need one, and if he got shanghaied to go join the Space Patrol or something I know
I could more-or-less do it without the spreadsheet.
So it's okay, really. The time when it gets confusing is if one tries to keep track of where
all our ships are, instead of just taking that as a default condition and moving only the ships that need moving. Or when all the ships really DO need moving, e.g. during a war mobilization.
[I'll do an updated Plan Epsilon-3 for war mobilization once we have the Apinae Sector and GBZ fleets well defined, by the way]