Guys I've been thinking of what our next Vice Admiral position should be and came up with the following:
Commander, Super Sector/OverSector-Alpha (please come up with a better name)
Headquarters: Amarkia (most likely)
Gabriel Expanse Border Zone
Syndraxian Border Zone
Cardassian Border Zone
Apinae Sector
Amarkia Sector
Ferasa Sector (drop?)
- Directly oversee all Sectors and Border Zones directly bordering the Cardassian Union and its allies.
- Serve as an intermediary between the the subordinate commands and the Chief of Starfleet Operations
- Coordinate with affiliate and member world fleets
- Assume overall theater command in case of hostilities with the Cardassian Union
Basically from what I can see the Federation has grown to the point that it is starting to need another layer of management in between its field commands and overall strategic command. It's said that humans can only effectively manage 3-5 subordinates. I'm going to guess that that's around the norm with the Tellarites preferring 2-4 while Vulcans can max up to 6, maybe 7. With there being 11, soon to be 13 Sector Commands I think that the Chief of Starfleet Operations needs another layer of management lest they become overwhelmed or see a large decrease in efficiency.
I think that if we were do so, that one of the newly created entities would consolidate all the sectors bordering the Cardassian Union and its affiliates. This would not only ensure that the Federation would have someone coordinating policy at the Theater level but in addition it would allow for Starfleet to be more responsive. I'd like to go out on a limb and say that coordinating the fleets from Earth during the Kadak-Tor Crisis was probably harder that it should be given Earth's distance to the front lines.
In case of war, the holder of this position would serve as the "Supreme Allied Commander" and take command of all Starfleet, Member World and Affiliate Assets on the Cardassian Front. Starfleet Command would retain overall Strategic Command, but the holder and their staff would have Operational Command. After all, micromanagement from a distant HQ is the last thing anyone wants.
The reason why this would be a Vice Admiral's billet would be to establish seniority over the various Sector Commanders and Starbase Commanders, but Member and Affiliate forces as well. This would establish a firm chain of command and resolve any questions of seniority especially in a crisis.
As for the location Amarkia would be ideal. It's close enough to the border that they can stay in relatively close contact with their subordinate commands but far enough away that if/when the shooting starts they won't be taken out by a surprise decapitation attack. Furthermore, Amarkia is relatively well defended and is home to a large amount of infrastructure.