So I am working on a tracking sheet for Neutral races along with Great Powers and those in there sphere.
To Boldly Go Neutral and Great Power, this one will not be as accurate, which is why I introduced a min and max since we often have a range on opponets ships and a min and max combat, the other stats is the average of the min and max. Still under construction.
Things I am looking for:
Number of romulan ships by class
Stats for Klingon Advanced Bird of Prey
Stats for Sydraxian ships
Numbers and Stats for Cardassian aligned ships (besides the Cardassians and Sydraxians)
Numbers and Stats for the Neutral Races
Some of those are pieces of information
everyone is looking for- we do not have clear information on the fleets of the Dawiar, the Lecarre, or the Yrillians. The latter has a fleet so fragmented we may not be able to get a good count even in theory; it's not a question of how many ships they have, but of how many sailors' soviets decide to vote to align with Cardassia.
We don't have exact information on the Sydraxian ships or the Klingons' new Bird-of-Prey ourselves, either. We can make educated guesses but we can't be certain.
One thing I thought might be worth bringing up: do we know veterancy levels for any Klingon ships? It's not unreasonable they might have more Blooded or higher ships than us due to being on more of a war footing or due to intensive combat training. That might skew their aggregate skill pools higher.
It's possible, but the flip side is that their crews tend to be a bit short on discipline and technical skills. It's
possible that they're benefiting from veterancy on their ships in considerable numbers, but not very likely.
The only way to really learn about this would be to get observers aboard Klingon ships. Which is totally a thing that was happening in the TNG era in canon. Riker participated in an officer exchange program, for instance, and has the honor of being one of only two Klingon captains ever to secure the surrender of the USS
The idea of a short victorious war likely infects Klingon and Romulan strategic thinking. Cloaks and the realities of space combat make this likely. Yet the fact is that even one successful first strike would not win the war, just like a Cardassian Pearl Harbor against us could not win the war. I've even seen this short victorious war thinking make it into this thread, and every time I see "why don't we park a fleet on their homeworld" / "phasers over Cardassia Prime", and I just shake my head.
What it comes down to is that it's at least
believable that either the Romulan or the Klingon empires could succeed in 'hamstringing' the other if they pulled off an extremely successful first strike. They might not actually win the war, but they might very well do enough damage in the opening few hours of the war to turn it into a long, brutal grind of
destroying an enemy, as opposed to merely struggling against one.
The reason Pearl Harbor wasn't decisive is that the US had such a large margin of superiority over Japan in terms of fleet size and economic power that it could eat the loss of several battleships and just
keep going. Against a more powerful opponent who had the ability to absorb similar losses of their own, and a productive economy of comparable size, that wouldn't be so easy. Furthermore, cloaked ships can at least hypothetically penetrate far enough into enemy space to hit industrial infrastructure targets (as we saw during the
Kadak-Tor incident). They don't just Pearl Harbor your existing fleet, they can hit the shipyards too- and perhaps more to the point, the fuel refineries.
The main reason the Cardassians can't do this to us is because they don't have enough stealth capability and we have something like 2-3 times as many ships as they do (counting member worlds), spread out across a vast area of space it takes months to cross. The Klingons and Romulans both have more stealth. Their territories appear to be at least somewhat more compact. And it seems likely that neither has a major advantage of numbers over the other. If they did, the stronger party would already have attacked the weaker.
Arguably, the single biggest factor deterring the two empires from war is just how much of their respective fleets Empire A needs covering critical infrastructure and watching the border to make sure Empire B isn't going to launch their disastrous sneak attack
literally next week, before Empire A could get its own notional sneak attack in motion.
War is long, it makes civilians suffer, it prolongs suffering well after it ends, it boosts the military economy, and it produces people in the military who want more war.
All painfully true and I agree with you.
The catch is that IF either side of this war pulls off a big enough sneak attack, and that cannot be ruled out... it's going to be long because of grinding military occupation, not because of a major ongoing naval war with an uncertain outcome. Neither Klingons nor Romulans are going to surrender easily, even in the face of threatened orbital bombardment, so ground conflict on occupied planets could get... protracted. Also, cloaked ships offer many opportunities to wage a guerilla war against a superior enemy fleet, so long as some outposts and bases remain hidden from the enemy. The Romulans assuredly have secret bases known to no one outside their empire and not many within it; I wouldn't be surprised if the Klingons do too.