We have significantly more spaceborne resources. We might have done much better by smothering it in additional starships as soon as we had our Naar Directive expy going. On the other hand we might have lost several ships before that point, and a Biophage with an Excelsior and support is much more terrifying.
Well, those are worrying when taken together.
Going with the TV show conceit, the Biophage showing up for a two-parter wouldn't be entirely impossible.
It wouldn't be. On the other hand, the Qloath outpost and ship are on entirely the opposite end of our space from the incident with the Romulans. If we hadn't had the reference to "old Biophage battle sites" of a decade ago to remind us to think of the Biophage, I doubt we'd be making the connection.

Random question.

Would our "modern" Federation curb stomp the previous biophage (like, if we just copy pasted our current situation into the previous event), or would it still be a costly affair?
On the one hand, we could fairly easily roll up with twice as many explorers, and some modern cruisers. We wouldn't have to rely so heavily on Mirandas and Constellations with 2's and sometimes even 1's in the relevant stat lines. So just in terms of having physical ship numbers we'd be doing pretty good.

On the other hand, we'd ALSO be less likely to see the Klingons riding to the rescue as they did at Kadesh, and an incident like the one over the Klingon colony of Tregh'bak would be very likely to touch off the Romulan-Klingon War. The Klingons, already primed to fight, would be far less likely to stop and think about the situation before getting entangled in war with Romulus after a Romulan squadron attacked one of their (biophage-infected) colonies.

The Romulans wouldn't trust us any more now if we copy-pasted the incident than they trusted us back them. But their situation would seem totally impossible after Tregh'bak.

The worst case scenario is that they'd be so paranoid, they wouldn't tell us what they knew, and would somehow hope to destroy the Inflictor on their own, while fighting the Klingons, and warily watching us, assuming that we were irretrievably allied with the Klingons. In other words, that the whole universe was screwing them over, what with an Inflictor outbreak AND the Klingons going to war AND Federation ships siding with Klingon ships at Tregh'bak.

Even if the Romulans had a sudden rush of sanity to the head, they'd basically have to grit their teeth, beg us to deal with the Inflictor while they were busy fighting the Klingons, and hope we wouldn't stab them in the back too hard. We'd have more of our own ships to spare, but we'd NEED them, and the Cardassians and Sydraxians would almost certainly try to land a few 'well-placed' blows in our back while we were dealing with the Biophage.

So in terms of raw capability we'd have a better chance of resolving the crisis ourselves. But the deterioration of the astropolitical situation means that we'd need all of that capability just to make up for the gaps opening up as a side effect of other things going on. Some of which have been directly caused by the Federation's rapid growth from 2303-12.

Looks like me that Nash is being prepped to be the GBZ commander.

e: That or if this exercise is her idea, she found an new excuse to get herself out of the office.
She's probably got more experience convincing the Apiata to do things than any other single person in Federation space who hasn't got a critical job elsewhere. Plus, her job DOES give her good reason to be called on as a liaison with an Explorer Corps ship for a special mission.
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Still not quite sure how the Cardassians will react to something the size of the Pride of Kadesh passing so close to their space. There will be a planned stopover near Apinae during the next quarter in order to conduct fleet exercises against various allied ships.

Still a little worried this is going to touch something off, perhaps an opportunistic attack from the Cardassians or Sydraxians, but we've given the Kadeshi all we could...
We really, really don't want the Kadeshi fleet to even be in danger of attack because it's all that's left of their species. And even minor damage could make their journey tremendously harder.

That said, we've got basically the whole Explorer Corps up there, plus the Apiata and the Kadeshi fleet itself, so I'm not TOO worried. Only a little...
At this point the only thing more we could do would be to send a direct message to the effect of "Do you want to see us go turbomurder mode? Because that'd be how you do it."
I see no reason they would attack if they actually understood what was happening, but I wouldn't want them to panic.

This. Make it super clear that this expedition is both a) not a threat to their interests and will soon be far away, and b) well armed enough that raiding it for resources is probably not worth the trouble. If both those points are communicated well enough, we shouldn't have any trouble.
I see no reason they would attack if they actually understood what was happening, but I wouldn't want them to panic.

This. Make it super clear that this expedition is both a) not a threat to their interests and will soon be far away, and b) well armed enough that raiding it for resources is probably not worth the trouble. If both those points are communicated well enough, we shouldn't have any trouble.

All those Starfleet vessels gathered in one spot protecting a large target must look like a tempting target for the Sydraxians actually....
It may also easily be mistaken for an invasion force. Even despite knowing what it actually is. The Federation could be lying, right? I think no explanation will allow fully safe passage.

Best solution to that is to adjust our course so that we fly through the midpoint of the Gabriel Expanse, equidistant from Cardassian and Sydraxian space. IE, the least useful vector for an invasion.

Sending an actual invasion fleet at the same time would also dispel those concerns, but frownyvulcan.jpg
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They've undoubtedly watched all the Federation media broadcasts on it. I doubt there's a way to be more convincing on the subject that would be acceptable to all parties. We're not stationing a Cardassian observer team on the Stargazer and I doubt the Kadeshi want one on the Pride. We're not going to give them access to our fleet deployment data.
Still a little worried this is going to touch something off, perhaps an opportunistic attack from the Cardassians or Sydraxians, but we've given the Kadeshi all we could...
From a Cardasdsian standpoint, the only reason to stop the Stargazer and murder the Kadeshi would be to bloody the Federation's prestige. To demonstrate that we can't defend our friends and allies. The cost of such an action would be-well, the cost of destroying the Kadeshi fleet and all the losses that they and their ultra-ship can inflict. Getting the supership to surrender to them would be a best-case scenario, but would require either overwhelming force or destroying four Motherships, an Excelsior, and however many frigates and cruisers can be rallied to defend the last survivors of their race. They would lose cruisers, maybe battlecruisers, and plenty of escorts. Maybe Stargazer will cut and run back to the Federation instead of standing to be destroyed-that'll make their victory less complete but it will still be a major victory for terror and oppression.

If they just let Stargazer go however, we give up one of our strongest ships. They get to sit back and do NOTHING and we remove one of our Queens from the chessboard. The fact that to them, the Federation is willing to cut it's own finger off with no prompting from them, should be encouraging. Never interupt your opponent when they are making a mistake after all.
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From a Cardasdsian standpoint, the only reason to stop the Stargazer and murder the Kadeshi would be to bloody the Federation's prestige. To demonstrate that we can't defend our friends and allies. The cost of such an action would be-well, the cost of destroying the Kadeshi fleet and all the losses that they and their ultra-ship can inflict. Getting the supership to surrender to them would be a best-case scenario, but would require either overwhelming force or destroying four Motherships, an Excelsior, and however many frigates and cruisers can be rallied to defend the last survivors of their race. They would lose cruisers, maybe battlecruisers, and plenty of escorts. Maybe Stargazer will cut and run back to the Federation instead of standing to be destroyed-that'll make their victory less complete but it will still be a major victory for terror and oppression.

If they just let Stargazer go however, we give up one of our strongest ships. They get to sit back and do NOTHING and we remove one of our Queens from the chessboard. The fact that to them, the Federation is willing to cut it's own finger off with no prompting from them, should be encouraging. Never interupt your opponent when they are making a mistake after all.
All very logical if you trust everything the Federation says, if you believe that the Federation receives no benefit, and if you are running without emotions in the mix.

The Sydraxians are certainly not running without emotions in the mix. The Cardassians certainly do not trust everything we say, nor would they necessarily believe we receive no benefit. It could be as simple as establishing a Federation-friendly colony / space-borne power on the other side of Cardassian space. Which is true, from a certain lens. There are plenty of reasons why the Cardassians could oppose the Kadeshi once you remove perfect trust from the equation.
Listen. the Cardassians have to know that attacking the Kadeshi and risking total genocide is just about the only thing that would flip the Federation from "silly senseless bumblers" to "FUCKING BEAST MODE 1000 MIRANDAS A YEAR END YOUR REGIME"

Like, in Canon the Cardassians ran a slow holocaust of part of the Bajoran population that ended uncomfortably. But them outright killing an entire race out of the blue in a single afternoon? No one will ever deal with them. There will be no negotiated treaty with everyone equally unhappy. The Cardassian Union will have to be permanently dismantled before they do it again. Even their current posture on Bajor will become confirmation that they'll do it again.

The Federation will have to End Cardassia. Anyone else that wants to lend their hand to genocide (Such as the Sydraxians) will go down with them.
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Listen the Cardassians have to know that attacking the Kadeshi and risking total genocide is just about the only thing that would flip the Federation from "silly senseless bumblers" to "FUCKING BEAST MODE 1000 MIRANDAS A YEAR END YOUR REGIME"

Capture the Pride of Kadesh and force them to settle on a colony world in Cardassian space under Cardassian administration. For their own good. Just as an example.

The extreme of genocide and the extreme of perfect trust are both not useful cases.
From a Cardasdsian standpoint, the only reason to stop the Stargazer and murder the Kadeshi would be to bloody the Federation's prestige. To demonstrate that we can't defend our friends and allies. The cost of such an action would be-well, the cost of destroying the Kadeshi fleet and all the losses that they and their ultra-ship can inflict. Getting the supership to surrender to them would be a best-case scenario, but would require either overwhelming force or destroying four Motherships, an Excelsior, and however many frigates and cruisers can be rallied to defend the last survivors of their race. They would lose cruisers, maybe battlecruisers, and plenty of escorts. Maybe Stargazer will cut and run back to the Federation instead of standing to be destroyed-that'll make their victory less complete but it will still be a major victory for terror and oppression.

If they just let Stargazer go however, we give up one of our strongest ships. They get to sit back and do NOTHING and we remove one of our Queens from the chessboard. The fact that to them, the Federation is willing to cut it's own finger off with no prompting from them, should be encouraging. Never interupt your opponent when they are making a mistake after all.

This. Basically, we just have to trust our enemies to not do something incredibly stupid and counterproductive.

Hopefully they will not disappoint us.

Capture the Pride of Kadesh and force them to settle on a colony world in Cardassian space under Cardassian administration. For their own good. Just as an example.

The extreme of genocide and the extreme of perfect trust are both not useful cases.

That would be an ideal outcome for the Cardassians, sure. But what would it cost them to make it happen? I very much doubt they'd break even on such a venture, and they (hopefully) know it.
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It could be something as simple as "hurr this is our space go around or be destroyed" and sticking to that on principle, which is a much better guide to predict likely decision-making than long-term-thinking. Which would put them in conflict with the recent Council directives to claim the GBZ too, so we'd be in conflict with them on principle too.

I'm not saying it will come to that, but you guys aren't being realistic to discount it. In the case where we're threatened with "leave our space or we attack", while an entire species is at risk perhaps leaving their space may in fact be the right, good move. So are you willing to back down if they're unreasonable, or are you going to fight on principle?
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It could be something as simple as "hurr this is our space go around or be destroyed" and sticking to that on principle, which is a much better guide to predict likely decision-making than long-term-thinking. Which would put them in conflict with the recent Council directives to claim the GBZ too, so we'd be in conflict with them on principle too.

I'm not saying it will come to that, but you guys aren't being realistic to discount it. In the case where we're threatened with "leave our space or we attack", while an entire species is at risk perhaps leaving their space may in fact be the right, good move. So are you willing to back down if they're unreasonable, or are you going to fight on principle?

I do expect them to intervene. However, I also think its more likely than not that we'll be able to convince them to let us through after a bit of obligatory saber rattling. Investing actual resources in blocking the Kadeshi fleet is just not a good decision.

And if they do divert a large number of warships to mess with the Kadeshi? Hahahaha, hope you didn't have any longterm plans for the CBZ, assholes.
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