Of the... seven, I believe, people I have on "Ignore" at the moment, the majority were in no sense "incurable shitheels."
They're simply people whose posts contain a high enough proportion of salt, hostility, or unnecessary contentiousness that I don't want to be obliged to listen to them all the time. Switching "Show Ignored Content" to 'on' on a given page is literally the press of a single conveniently placed button, and when I'm in the mood to put up with a high salt level, I press that button.
Of the seven people I've Ignored... let's see.
One got banned from the only thread I follow, so moot point. One posts in threads I no longer follow for unrelated reasons. And four out of the other five? I happily watch them for signs that I can take them off 'ignore' once they come up with a low-sodium version of their posting style. Or, heck, once whatever argument I didn't want to cope with the salt from subsides.
I look forward to taking at least two of them off in the near future, with luck.