To Boldly Go
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This is To Boldly Go, a Star Trek quest run through the eyes of Commander, Starfleet.
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Warning: puts one more user on threadban
[puts two more people on Ignore]
Of the... seven, I believe, people I have on "Ignore" at the moment, the majority were in no sense "incurable shitheels."

They're simply people whose posts contain a high enough proportion of salt, hostility, or unnecessary contentiousness that I don't want to be obliged to listen to them all the time. Switching "Show Ignored Content" to 'on' on a given page is literally the press of a single conveniently placed button, and when I'm in the mood to put up with a high salt level, I press that button.

Of the seven people I've Ignored... let's see.

One got banned from the only thread I follow, so moot point. One posts in threads I no longer follow for unrelated reasons. And four out of the other five? I happily watch them for signs that I can take them off 'ignore' once they come up with a low-sodium version of their posting style. Or, heck, once whatever argument I didn't want to cope with the salt from subsides.

I look forward to taking at least two of them off in the near future, with luck.

warning If you feel the need to use the Ignore function to avoid getting stressed out in a thread, that's fine. But broadcasting to people that you've put them on Ignore isn't great; it effectively tells them that you think their posting is so distasteful for whatever reason that you don't want to bother with them, whilst leaving them no way to respond. Whether this is because their posting is too "salty" or not; it's effectively a form of sniping. The one redeeming feature here is that you didn't specifically indicate the people you've put on Ignore, but they may still be able to work it out for themselves, and regardless, it still isn't okay.

I've given you a small infraction and threadbanned you for three days. Please don't do this again.

Thanks for your time.
Warning: Greetings
I'm going to assume, based on context, that Simon is roleplaying at everyone. I've got him on ignore, and only took him off to read the omake, so I'll not be replying to whatever bizarre feudalism apologia he's peddling in-character.
If you have someone on ignore, do not declare it to the board, as that is a violation of SV's Rule 3. A Staff Notice has been logged against your account.

In addition, I'll thank everyone to remain calm and civil, even in disagreement. If tempers get too heated, you will be infracted and removed from the thread.
Warning: Warning
The worst the Mods can do is suspend me and assign a dozen or so infraction points. I'll take the hit if that's the price to speak my mind.
warning Understand that this does not impress me. And there is certainly a lot more that can be done for people who feel like going piratical with regards to the rules.
Information: Official Staff Communication
@OneirosTheWriter would you be willing to consider locking the thread for a day or so to disrupt the salt spiral? I'm watching people here and in the chat getting burnt out and discouraged, and I see no end in sight. I think the quest will be healthier if we all step back and give it a rest for a moment.

Look, I'll see everybody in a week or so. This is absolutely doing my head in and one of my co-QMs is now on a self-requested ban, so this is going on lock for now.
It was a small timeout, but hopefully y'all are a bit calmer now.
okay so I completely understand that everyone was freaking out about the recent updates in the quest. It's reasonable to get worried about bad shit, and from reading the updates I can say that I really can't fault y'all all that much for blowing up the thread.

However, I have to request that y'all keep from going too crazy. It doesn't help the QMs or the players to have things melting down in thread, so let's try and move on from this whole situation.

So yeah, thread opened. Let's bring some good vibes into the thread and stuff.