Starfleet Design Bureau

Or hell, just pulling off an evasive maneuver, with VH Mobility, they'd need to get right up in your face to reliably take you out in that alpha strike, and if we can squeeze in a respectable sensor suite for its size, that becomes easier said than done.

I love the design on this ship so far. I'd have prefered the Light Cruiser, but I am absolutely happy with how this is congealing.
Yeah, but keep in mind the bird of prey needs to charge weapons and shields too. We are still early. Shooting while cloaked is a LATE trek thing.
[ ] Two Enhanced Type-2 Thrusters (Maneuverability: Very High) (Civilian Cost: 30 -> 35)

Enemies of the Federation, ours are the frigates that will spin you 'round and kiss your butts goodbye.

At 160kt, we're probably looking at 2 photon torps and 4-6 phasers if we specialize in weapons.
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In a 1v1 the BoP is going to have an advantage over this ship no matter what we do.
My idea is that with sufficient maneuverability plus the advantage I think that our phasers have over their disruptor cannons in the available firing arc department, our bridge crews may be able to make up the gap with skill and/or training.

I'm actually wondering if having a ship class that is so similar in paradigm to their own ships will make the Klingons more willing to respect Starfleet (and the Federation).
That's one flat fish! I like it.

I'm leaning towards the extra manoeuvrability too. Being harder to hit and being able to focus firepower forward are very good things for a combat-dedicated vessel.
Not even a roll, it's just a straight up cost increase for more maneuverability. I'd say go for it. We've eaten a lot of greens to keep size (and so cost) down. Time to pay for meat. A high maneuverability can create a true Skate replacement.
a thought occurs, while even very high maneuverability is proboly is not going to let a ship bring to bear its guns before a de-clocking bird of prey has its shields back up, it will make it way more dangerous for a ship to re-engage its clocking field. Clocking while under fire is risky as hell because even if you vanish off sensors, for a short window they know roughly where you are, and that can be enough for them to introduce your unshielded hull to to edge of an antimatter blast. So being able to keep the pressure on and suddenly shift targets means the fade part of hit and fade just became a lot harder.
I sincerely doubt the Klingons are so advanced that they can have a Cloak and still match one of these in a straight fight.

Honestly, it's a bit weird that they are more advanced than us, even after we integrated the Vulcans and all that.
Not that odd. The Vulcans aren't full pacifists, but they do generally disdain violence while the Klingons are all about it. It makes some sense that their warfighting technology is better.
I sincerely doubt the Klingons are so advanced that they can have a Cloak and still match one of these in a straight fight.

Honestly, it's a bit weird that they are more advanced than us, even after we integrated the Vulcans and all that.

they have an edge in weapons tech, but they could be behind us in other areas. I would be unsurprised if we had notably more advanced industrial technology for example.
Not that odd. The Vulcans aren't full pacifists, but they do generally disdain violence while the Klingons are all about it. It makes some sense that their warfighting technology is better.

Also, while we got our tech boost from peacefully integrating several polities, the Klingons were probably busy shaking down their neighbors for their own best pieces of technology. The Klingons probably could have just beaten up and taken the stuff of a Vulcan-tier civilisation that had the misfortune to be situated relatively close to them.
Which sharply limits their utility. When you couple it with the fact that one of these Space Darts didn't have to expend much of their internal and mass budget on the Cloak, and chances are if that first alpha strike fails, you're about to get thrashed to death unless you're going in a full sized wolfpack against a single example.

I mean, canonically, a cloaking device is smaller than a person. Or at least it was when Kirk stole one.

Who's a wee little cloaking device? You are, you are!
I will again ask if the Klingons even have cloaks at this point. I know a BoP does in one the the TOS movies, but Disco seems to imply that they developed it around then (2260s I think). I'm just going of my memory and Memory Alpha, though.
Also, while we got our tech boost from peacefully integrating several polities, the Klingons were probably busy shaking down their neighbors for their own best pieces of technology. The Klingons probably could have just beaten up and taken the stuff of a Vulcan-tier civilisation that had the misfortune to be situated relatively close to them.

Yeah, one thing that the shows besides TOS drop the ball on is that the Klingon Empire is, you know, an imperial power. It has more than just Klingons living in it.
I mean, canonically, a cloaking device is smaller than a person. Or at least it was when Kirk stole one.

Who's a wee little cloaking device? You are, you are!

Quark and Rom stole one in DS9 and to hide the fact that they were stealing it, they had it cloaked itself while they were carrying it.

So we never saw what the ds9 era cloaking device looked like, but it wasn't so big that two people couldn't carry it.
[X] Two Enhanced Type-2 Thrusters (Maneuverability: Very High) (Civilian Cost: 30 -> 35)
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I sincerely doubt the Klingons are so advanced that they can have a Cloak and still match one of these in a straight fight.

Honestly, it's a bit weird that they are more advanced than us, even after we integrated the Vulcans and all that.

From what little I've read, Kilngon tech is more performative at this time at the cost of way more maintenance and durability issues, iirc their warp coils could need replacing in months if they run them at warp 7+ for too long.
[ ] Two Enhanced Type-2 Thrusters (Maneuverability: Very High) (Civilian Cost: 30 -> 35)

We've already been designing to max out it performance, would be a bit silly not to include this too. Although I would be less inclined to pick this for larger ships where maneuvering isn't such a critical must, or where we have more engine space available
I don't see this ship even with maxed agilty going from "Oh fuck AMBUSH!" to finishing an E-turn and powering up weapons in less time than it takes to raise shields. That is a pipedream right now imo.
You may well be right on that, though of course max maneuverability would have uses in spacecraft design. Specifically for instance in that you don't need to both with any firing arc then the front one anymore, allowing one to double down on massive alpha strikes and follow up attacks. It also gives one more ability to manage ship damage, ie, changing which aspects you show to the enemy to the less damaged ones.

Whether one needs maximum maneuverability to achieve these goals I don't know though, so that's something to ponder I guess.
[ ] Two Enhanced Type-2 Thrusters (Maneuverability: Very High) (Civilian Cost: 30 -> 35)

Gotta go fast!!!
Having this choice makes me feel much better about not getting the 3 thrusters from the other hull choice.
Max thrust time!
Also love the look of the ship.