Starfleet Design Bureau

Well, not quite the Coalition's overwhelming military victories causing an uprising in the Star Empire leading to it collapsing and a new peace-loving and xenophilic faction taking over followed by it joining the burgeoning Federation, but I think we can still call this a win. :V

Yeah, they had to pay some legitimate reparations rather than just White Peacing out like the canon result was. I love it.
Realistically I think there was no way to divert the Romulan Star Empire from continuing to exist except having boots on the ground on Romulus herself, probably for decades to come, and that would cause a price in blood and material which even the Andorians apparently baulked at. The prospect of Klingon, Kzin or Tholian opportunism should not be overlooked, either.

Haha, the Kzin. I kinda hope we might get some border conflicts or something with them, they're always hilarious to fight when we fought them in From the Ashes.

@Sayle, any chance our favourite cephalopods might be making a cameo in the quest?
Opportunity and Ranger are both good names for a new series of exploratory vessels, and if either of them win an upcoming name vote I wouldn't mind. But I would prefer calling the ships the Dauntless-Class, and as Q tells us, "It's wonderous. With treasures to satiate desires, both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Personally I feel that the name Dauntless encapsulates this perfectly.
I say first thing should be a new cargo shop or refit to either the nx or thunderchild classes, also we should and probably will continue to produce Thinderchild class ships especially once we refit them do to what the romulans did perhaps 1 per major planet plus 1 or 2 extra if we add more engineering equipment and they can help colonize, improve planets, or even build star bases

Ie add some type of mining drone to the thunderchild (or perhaps the nx) that mine stuff and equipment to process reaources and produce basic stuff to help repair or build things.
Realistically I think there was no way to divert the Romulan Star Empire from continuing to exist except having boots on the ground on Romulus herself, probably for decades to come, and that would cause a price in blood and material which even the Andorians apparently baulked at. The prospect of Klingon, Kzin or Tholian opportunism should not be overlooked, either.

Haha, the Kzin. I kinda hope we might get some border conflicts or something with them, they're always hilarious to fight when we fought them in From the Ashes.

Personally I'm interested in the Tholians. I like seeing the actual aliens instead of Humanoid with minor facial changes Number #573824
the Thunderchild, Polyphemus
Sister-ships, united at last.
While the Romulan opening attack disabled the Polyphemus and left the dreadnought dead in space,
The drifting Polyphemus was further damaged in the crossfire and then destroyed in the final stages of the battle
Thunderchild was scuttled after the battle,
If we don't have shields or warp 7 engines to prototype then a new cargo class but once we do we refit the legacy fleet for a few reasons.

1we can p-type the new stuff on thier and save resources,

2 we are still going to be getting a least a few war time ships that hadn't finished by the time the war ended most likely. Perhaps even 1 or 2 more nx or thunderchild class vessels

3 we can add a secondary hull to the thunder child and make her more useful perhaps with a large amounts of engineering equipment and use them to help protect important planets or stations or construction sites perhaps healing out to build stations or colony's though we can do that to the nx's as well once we replace them.

4 it will take a bit to recover from the war and so let's refit what we have instead of building a new ship and having to split limited resources even more.
I wonder if we'll be able to reverse engineer cloaks from the 'this is how you detect them' package we got? It's at least a hint in the right direction, I would have thought.
Damn, heavy losses, but we got a better result than the canon war, so I'm happy :)

As others have said, hopefully we'll have shields and a better warp engine so we can do a new explorer class next.
Huh, since the Thunderchild was scuttled not destroyed, I wonder what happened to the hull in the long term. Did Starfleet come to recover it after the War ended? Did someone eccentric collector find it and its now in some archive of historical artifacts?
I'd assume that in the context of starships, scuttling a ship is destroying it.
If we are integrating tech from all member nations, doing a light cruiser with integrated techs lets us do post-war transition from interceptor to utility ships.

Then we can prototype all of the next generation tech into an explorer.
Wait, is From the Ashes alive? Or is there more than the old quest?

There was the original on SB, and a couple of sequels including one on SV, and then the AU version which happened on SV more recently and was rather successful.

There's no kind way to say this, but there's no way they join the Federation without ending up with outsized influence or without becoming antagonists. Blame the psychos in their government. They just can't be trusted with existing.


What if we went with the original "stuck in the Neutral Zone" location? That would mean they could show up for the odd cameo but avoid derailing the plot too much.
Figures of the Romulan War: Where Are They Now?

There are many names that have gained their fame during this hard-fought, deadly war. Most of them, unsurprisingly, are ship captains or admirals, with more than a few enlisted crew below those storied ranks making innumerable heroic acts day by day, some of which allowed the captains and admirals of this war to become so recognizable. This article will focus on three such figures.

Captain Taisa Shevchuk: Captain of the Endeavor at the outbreak of the war, she served with distinction in its opening actions before being heavily injured in combat. She spent medical leave back on Earth when the Endeavor was destroyed in combat in the Denobula system. Some accounts show that the Endeavor was destroyed multiple times, but this is likely due to clerical errors in the records. She was set to captain the UES Burya before its untimely destruction in the Second Battle of Sol. Unfortunately, it led to her receiving an 'unlucky' reputation, leading to her early retirement to her family home of Odessa, Ukraine. She has stated her interest, however, to wait out her unlucky reputation and return to the stars, perhaps at the helm of another Starfleet vessel.

Rear Admiral Mosi Afolayan: The nominal commanding officer of any task fleet that had the Thunderchild at its center, she was present for all the combat operations leading up to the Battle of Cheron under the command of Admiral Westmorland of the Polyphemus. In the ensuing battle, Afolayan sustained heavy injuries ensuring the survival of several crew members in the evacuation of the bridge of the Thunderchild before its destruction. She is currently in a medically induced coma following the battle, receiving treatment at Nairobi International Hospital.

Captain Fuku Sukuda: Captain of the Thunderchild, he, alongside Rear Admiral Afolayan, saw out the war until the Battle of Cheron, where he was among the crew evacuated from the bridge. He too sustained injuries, but still commanded the ship from an extremely cramped secondary bridge. In the aftermath of the battle, he, alongside other evacuated survivors, witnessed the scuttling of his command from the bridge of the Atlantis. He is now on shore leave on Earth following the end of the war pending reassignment to a new command, and at times visits Rear Admiral Afolayan at NIH. Rumors of a relationship have been firmly denied by Captain Sukuda, but speculation remains ongoing.
There was the original on SB, and a couple of sequels including one on SV, and then the AU version which happened on SV more recently and was rather successful.

If you have stacking rerolling criticals, the answer to a 100, a second 100, then a 96 is not to give your players a dyson sphere. Although it is very cool and was statistically hilarious.
I would appreciate links
This sounds quite fun to read mind dropping some links to it please?
Sorry, what's From the Ashes? I did a search and a bunch of different threads popped up, so I'm not sure which you're referring to?

One of the best quest series/franchises ever in my opinion. The original From the Ashes along with Great is the Fall of Gondolin are what made me fall in love with questing as a medium and @Sayle as a QM. There will never be anything quite like them.

The Original

From the Ashes (Star Trek , Empire, Quest)

System Startup . . . Date Check . . . 149 Years Since Power Failure Checking Solid-State...


Kathalonda Resurgent (From the Ashes Sequel) (Empire Builder)

Economy/Research/Fleet/Worlds Starship Designer INDEX Year Four Year Five Extrasolar Intercept...

Sequel II

Kathalonda Destroyed (Star Trek Empire Builder)

From the Ashes Kathalonda Resurgent The Sphere Scandal The Sphere Scandal is...

SV Sequel (Set during the Kathalonda-Kzin Wars, Ended Early)

Kathalonda: The Kzinti Campaigns (Starship Battle Simulator)

From the Ashes Kathalonda Resurgent Kathalonda: The Kzinti Campaigns Starship Rules: Weapons...

SV Sequel III

Kathalonda (Star Trek Empire Quest)

From the Ashes Kathalonda Resurgent You are the Kathalonda, squid-like aquatic creatures with...

SV Reboot!

From the Ashes [Alien Nation Quest] [Star Trek]

Civilization is a fragile, fickle thing. It relies upon cooperation, careful decision-making...

If you enjoy @Sayle's Star Trek writing, then I would definitely advise checking these out. If you're a little stuck on where to start, then read the first one as it provides a lot of important context, and then either go for the second and read through sequentially, or skip straight through to the last one. In the SV reboot we decided to play as a somewhat more calculatedly compassionate(though still crafty and occasionally with a bit of cannabalism stress eating ) version of the same species, on the cusp of forming our own proto-Federation by the time the quest ended.
I think Skate class is less of a starship and more of a light attack boat.