Starfleet Design Bureau


And all of this with inferior polarised plating and no shielding technology. Utterly astounding performance there from Thunderchild, even if she launched too late to save Proxima Centauri.

I suppose that, since the war doesn't seem over yet, we might yet get to make a second wartime ship? If so, I'll be voting for a light cruiser next - Thunderchild is in absolutely no need of a successor, and the Stingrays are really badly outdated now.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since it seems to have been missed in favour of how awesome our ship is - Proxima Centauri got warcrime'd. Six million dead, along with the Vulcans protecting them. Sad.:(
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a rapid salvo from a dozen phase cannons over the span of five seconds burning through the shields of one of the lead warbirds and causing a catastrophic hull breach.
First Kill

This caused massive secondary explosions as volatile storage and antimatter supplies were breached, resulting in the station's destruction
Starbase Kill(Does this still count as one or as a something special?)

As a result two more warbirds were destroyed in cooperation
Two half Kills= One kill or de we not count them?

photonics allowed her to destroy another enemy ship
Second warbird Kill.

the dreadnought managed to disable another attacker
Third Kill in battle.

On the brink of losing power entirely, the Thunderchild returned fire with her few remaining operational cannons to no effect.
Even after this slugfest and being the target of the romulan attentio for most of this fight she is still shooting.

The battle would conclude a week later when a partially-repaired Thunderchild
Also even after this beating onboard resources were enough to make her combat able again inside a week. (That alone is the most impressive thing UES Thunderchild did on her first mission)
So all in all she killed 3 Romulan warships, destroyed a armed Starbase and assisted in two more kills. Then she could go back to another battle inside a week with only crew repairs.
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The girl needs a motto. If anyone can do Latin, I think something along the lines of "By my hand, you shall slay no more." would be fitting.
Keep in mind this fight very much played on thr weaknesses of the Romulan doctrine. They are optimized for defeat in detail with a side order of Wolfpack submarine tactics. We forced them to fight in an engagement which limited their ability to do concentration of force and eliminated thir ability to control the tempo of the battle via hit and fade.

This war is gonna get bloodier.
Oh well, that was better thanI expected but still, a bunch of Light Cruisers or Heavy's would've served US better. Maybe the next one can be more usefull. Untill we have shields the Thunderchild is rather useless.
I'd say we need a step down in a heavy cruiser next… something with more punch than a stingray so it can't be ignored to focus on the dreadnought, but not nearly as expensive as the latter.
Heavy cruisers are filled by the NX class, and while a refit of the NX should 100% be on the table i don't think a new design is warranted unless we have to test it for new warp engines or shields as the phaser and torpedo upgrade should be back compatible.

And all of this with inferior polarised plating and no shielding technology. Utterly astounding performance there from Thunderchild, even if she launched too late to save Proxima Centauri.

I suppose that, since the war doesn't seem over yet, we might yet get to make a second wartime ship? If so, I'll be voting for a light cruiser next - Thunderchild is in absolutely no need of a successor, and the Stingrays are really badly outdated now.
A newer Light cruiser might be in order but it depends on where we're at with design. At the very least the guns should be a small refit.

Frankly in terms of design most of our designs are fine-ish in a fight with our tech level. The issue is we're still out teched when in comes to armor/defenses.
Neat bit of unintentional tactical handiness I just noticed - all of our ships sprint at 4.9. The Stingray lags behind on cruise but when we need to book it, the entire task force can move at maximum warp if need be.
I'm inclined to agree that our next ship should probably be a light cruiser; something that can straddle the line between Stingray and NX classes and serve as a dependable frontline fighter while the NX provides heavy escort for Thunderchilds and the Stingrays can act as harassment forces.
The Thunderchild and NXs performed admirably. The photonic torpedoes worked great at alpha striking to quickly delete targets.

I do feel bad for the Stingrays though, they do their job in providing escort and screening for the Thunderchild and NXs, but they bear the brunt and end up with crew losses.

It felt to me that a 3+ flight of NXs are also a dangerous grouping when not tied down to defense. I could see NX flights as a fast strike group with the Thunderchild as breakthrough.
Our next ship should be interesting. With luck we'll have Warp 6 or 7 engines to play with, shields, and some better hull materials. Wonder what Starfleet Command will ask us to make.
Getting really sick of the Romulan Star Empire committing war crimes and getting away with it again and again and again. Brasilia? Proxima Centauri? Narenda III?

Perhaps the timeline alterations will allow us to push on 'til we've seized the orbitals of Romulus and Remus and MACOs have dragged the Romulan Senate to their knees before Admiral Archer.
Expensive ass boondoggle of a dread that needs piles of repairs. Blegh. Good against an enemy that doesn't move but that's not praise that's a consolation prize.

Would rather have had 3-4 modernised CLs.
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I'm surprised that the warbird's speeds was that low. They've been in space a while now, and were comparable to the Klingons and Vulcans in terms of tech.
I'm surprised that the warbird's speeds was that low. They've been in space a while now, and were comparable to the Klingons and Vulcans in terms of tech.
Yeah, surprised myself. Cloaking technology must still be pretty new if it can't handle higher than Warp 3.
Expensive ass boondoggle of a dread that needs piles of repairs. Blegh. Good against an enemy that doesn't move but that's not praise that's a consolation prize.
? The Thunderchild was back in combat within a week even after this much damage, though....
Yeah. There's no need for retaliatory atrocities or going full Morgenthau plan... but steps have got to be taken that unprovoked total war is not a viable option for the Romulan Star Empire in the future. And to further establish the precedent targeting civilians and counter value attacks are unacceptable to anyone else. If the Klingons want to fight a clean, above the belt shooting war in the future... I can live with a DMZ. But wiping out millions and engineering pandemics? At the very least this calls for active oversight to prevent similar attacks

Expensive ass boondoggle of a dread that needs piles of repairs. Blegh. Good against an enemy that doesn't move but that's not praise that's a consolation prize.

Would rather have had 3-4 modernised CLs.
Literally spearheaded the next engagement of the battle with field repairs compared to the several permanently lost CLs and their dead crews. I'm not saying CLs wouldn't have worked... but do you seriously expect flouncing in here and overdramatically tossing down a strawman is going to convince anyone by this point?
We also have to acknowledge that the romulans never truly intended to go to war with the vulcans they literally had infiltrated the vulcan government and their general plan pre romulan war was to try to cause a big conflict between the vulcans and andorians then strike when both of them had annihilated eachother

So they are in a bit of a hurdle at the moment as they never prepared for this kind of war
Oh well, that was better thanI expected but still, a bunch of Light Cruisers or Heavy's would've served US better. Maybe the next one can be more usefull. Untill we have shields the Thunderchild is rather useless.
We still have Light Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers. Frankly we'd be fine just giving them a refit with the newer guns. The thing is no ship we have can take NEARLY as much abuse as the Thunderchild. It took twelve warbird alphas to the face. A NX only took four and was combat incapable due to it. This ship was not only still able to fight it killed a starbase on its own despite receiving that damage. If absolutely nothing else this ship serves as a more than capable linebreaker and siege platform.

Expensive ass boondoggle of a dread that needs piles of repairs. Blegh. Good against an enemy that doesn't move but that's not praise that's a consolation prize.

Would rather have had 3-4 modernised CLs.
It was back in the fight in less than a week. After taking enough damage that a two or three NXs would be epitaphs. I fail to see your argument.