Having a a fully dedicated core of home defense ships inside Federaton territory ready and able to smash wohever starts shit is point in fact cheaper than not having dedicated warships and spending weeks/months recalling all the multi role explorers to form a battlefleet. We see the loses the Federation takes for not having such a defense multiple times.Why the hell would we waste the antimatter (and more importantly, the crew) keeping these things idling at a starbase for the possible eventuality of a conflict/threat big enough that we need The Big Stick? The likelihood of another major war scenario so soon after the first is unlikely, we have Stingrays to take up the slack of regular low-intensity patrol and anti-piracy work (and do so more efficiently, even if doctrine moves to having them patrol in pairs or something to avoid another ganking incident), and outside of a war our explorer-type heavy cruisers can generally be expected to outfight or outwit most things they expect to find, more often than not. So to keep the battleships in a state of readiness at a starbase is indeed wasteful - we don't IC know when they'll become needed but only reserving them for such a use is a waste of time and numerous resources that could be put to better use. Better to have them out doing Starfleet things (probably after a refit to give them more multirole capability) than to have them twiddling their thumbs waiting for another war - by which time they'll almost assuredly be obsolete.
Assuming they can't be refitted and are largely incapable of the sort of missions a peacetime Starfleet would more likely require outside of that, the more likely option is that the ships are mothballed in long-term storage - which rather defeats the purpose you posit of having them on-station as a defensive asset - or outright scrapped with the material recycled into more useful hulls.
From yesterdays enterprise we know that a Klingon first strike with presummarily cloaked ships on the Federations Industry leads to a surrender in circa 25 years of total war. Something that is not possible if a dedicated home fleet could stop such a deep strike.
There is just the problem that I and some others do not like the Multi role stuff and we are trying to get a doctrine shift for dedicated designs in quest.Do I really hope everyone chills out and goes back to "lets make cool multi-role or exploratory starships now that we aren't at risk of getting glassed by the Romulans" after the war? Yeah. Do I think we can afford to relax while the Romulans might have a second go at Earth's defenses at any time - and will likely be going after colonies or other members of the Coalition of Planets? No, not really.
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