Starfleet Design Bureau

@Sayle Can we perhaps get other internal components then Science Labs or cargo spaces? Like an Armored CIC, Flag Bridge, Backup Power generation, enhanced engineering, Redundant Systems(Life support, extra EPS systems, and so on), and Secondary warpcores.
(furtive glance left. then right. left again.)

[X] Full saucer

(runs for the hills)

EDIT: crap and i just missed the vote... sorry everyone...
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Highlighted by everyone's use of atomics, a Hospital space would be nice. The NXs and Stingrays wouldn't have had the space for that kind thing and the fleet isn't always going to be able fly back to a base to offload the wounded.
Man, why cant people just start building a ship replicator. :V

Highlighted by everyone's use of atomics, a Hospital space would be nice. The NXs and Stingrays wouldn't have had the space for that kind thing and the fleet isn't always going to be able fly back to a base to offload the wounded.

Could also refit one of our merchants into a makeshift hospital ship. In some ways, it'd be safer than a hospital bay on a vessel that may potentially be sent to another battle.
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[grumbles about full saucers being boring]

If this thing comes out at the end just looking like the quest-canon NX or a Connie I'm gonna lose it.
Maybe we can go with more flat-ish designs?
regressing back to Starfleet Museum for inspirations,

But quad nacelles would be fun, too.
I do quite like the look of the Pyotr Velikiy as a guide, as well as the Avenger and the Predator. With the Pyotr, I feel like we save a lot of materials that would go into making a connector to a secondary hull, as well as present a slimmer profile that can guard against any oncoming attacks on its plane of space.
2156: Project Bulwark (Spaceframe: Part Two)
[X] Full Saucer

The full saucer design eventually carries the day after a close debate. The primary hull will be 180 meters across, almost a third larger than the NX class and containing substantially more internal space and external surface area for mounting tactical systems. Hopefully it will be able to compensate for the lack of dedicated propulsion systems, although the two-deck thick rim provides much more space to fit such things than the one-deck rim of the NX. That extra vertical space will be much appreciated, but right now the main deflector is your main focus.

The old Type-1 and even its cludged-together cousin are incapable of providing the necessary protection against debris for a ship of this mass, which means needing to take a chance on the new and untested Type-2. It is an evolution of the main dish used on the NX, unifying the dual particle emission systems into a single whole - along with some other targeting improvements and additional graviton ray emitters. So far as you can tell you have two main options for where to put it, both with pros and cons to consider.

The first option is placing it in the forward bow. Unfortunately its greater size is an issue, as well as its circular dish rather than the classical stretched oval. Mounting the new deflector there would require building out the front of the primary hull, creating a partially underslung protrusion to house the internal assembly. It should be minimally invasive in terms of material, but it would reduce the ability of the ventral bow phase cannons to cross-fire, effectively limiting them to covering either port or starboard, but not both. More significantly it occupies the same space as you would put some of the torpedo launchers, which would mean reducing the number of torpedo tubes you can mount forward from a maximum of six to a maximum of four.

The second option is to install a more classical secondary hull, building it down from the aft hull so the deflector has a clear sightline past the ventral bulge of the saucer. In this case it would be impinging on the sightlines of the aft ventral cannons, and the addition of that much material will no doubt drive up costs for the hull plating and polarisation relays required to protect that extra surface area. It will increase the vertical profile of the ship quite significantly, which will require shifting the nacelles up above the primary hull to compensate. The ship may have more space for auxiliary capabilities as a result, but will add additional expenses and mass for the engines to deal with.

[ ] Forward Saucer Deflector (13 -> 15 Industry)
[ ] Secondary Hull Deflector (13 -> 19 Industry)

Two Hour Moratorium, Please.
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Underslung would be the secondary hull? Seems to be the way to go here, putting it in the saucer sounds like it messes with coverage and weapons that can be mounted
If the point of this design is all-around firepower to cover our forward-focused ships and retaliate against ambushes, better to go with the saucer deflector that compromises the concentration of fire forwards rather than overall - especially aft ventral, where the rest of the fleet is relatively weak - coverage.
At the moment, with how necessary material is not just for this ship but for other vessels being repaired or constructed as well, putting the deflector dish in the hull itself, while sacrificing weapons and forward coverage, might be the right call to make here. We only lose out on two torpedo launchers, and the Romulan modus operandi seems, at the moment, to hinge on off-vector attacks that don't place them in front of the ship anyway.
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Oh brilliant more just following standard federation design... how interesting...
what's wrong with standard fed? If it's dumb it's dumb, but if it works it works and in this case it allows for maximum firepower concentration for not-unacceptable tradeoffs

E: the current design patters trend towards maximum arcs of fire anyways…
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