Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Half-Saucer Hull

Yeah we definitely want to get experience with deflectors asap.

Also i really hope we stay in this time/timeline(?) for a good while, i really liked the others as well but there is something magical about being there from the very beginning you know.
[X] Half-Saucer Hull

Makes for a faster and bigger ship that can be more heavily armed. Plus, this gets us started on Starfleet's tradition of deflector dishes.
[X] Half-Saucer Hull

Just sounds better for future backwards compatibility, as we develop more tech for refits.
[X] Arrowhead Hull

Can we not do the saucer+cigar shape? Come one give us triangles or nose forward cones. Anything different I vote for.
[X] Half-Saucer Hull

If the design of the ship is to last for decades and be easily upgraded to Warp 5, we will need a deflector system.
[X] Half-Saucer Hull

We'll have to find cost offsets somewhere, but I think going extra for a deflector dish on a ship that's gonna be in service for a few decades is worth it. That's not the sort of thing you can really retrofit it, and will absolutely be needed when we upgrade the engines to 5.
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[X] Arrowhead Hull

Can we not do the saucer+cigar shape? Come one give us triangles or nose forward cones. Anything different I vote for.

Looks like we're following canon more or less, right now it seems we're on the path to the standard Starfleet saucer + 2 cigars look, let's hope we can at least keep the sphere and not flatten it into a saucer as we make more ships. :/
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[X] Half-Saucer Hull
A short-range interceptor needs to be fast, and needs enough weaponry to actually take out its target when it arrives. Mass production doesn't matter as much here compared to raw capabilities.
[X] Arrowhead Hull

Can we not do the saucer+cigar shape? Come one give us triangles or nose forward cones. Anything different I vote for.
I would have voted for the Arrow instead of the Saucer if it came with a deflector.
So the first option is to eschew a deflector entirely.
I just can't vote for something that won't be a test bed for one of the most important technologies at Starfleet's disposal.
[X] Arrowhead Hull

Say no to saucers!
Other than just wanting a different aesthetic, there is no reason to vote for Arrowhead.

In fact, it is actively harmful to our design. We have chosen to build an interception/patrol ship that currently is too slow to be anything other than local. But, in the future, maybe it could have some interception ability with a Warp 5 Engine.

But, without a deflector, it will never be able to be fast enough to be anything other than a local patrol ship. So, if we were serious in our desire to build a military patrol ship, half--saucer is the only choice. First, because it is not yet fast enough. And, in the future, it will also have to keep up with other ships of similar technologies.

It'd be ridiculous to build a ship that can only go up to Warp 3- and no further.