*Heavy breathing
*Heavy breathing
Unless we design a new class of ship inside of four years of game time, the covariant shield technology should reach standard cost for our next project. Should make it a competitive choice, barring other shielding prototypes becoming available.
Likely for small systems or some less vital parts of more major equipment, but significant repairs would still need a Spacedock stay.
I think for less serious damage it does.Definitely the anti matter tanks, but beyond that I'm split between the workshop and the shuttles. Could fabrication help with self repair?
And while we'll send them boldly going, a great deal of that will be closer to home - and to the Federation/Klingon border.Fabrication and hydroponics is my vote. It gives this ship a spattering of science and engineering while making it more self sufficient and liveable.
Nah, either three picks or four.Looks like we might be getting maybe two more utility picks after this one?
357ly range is impressive, but that's probably going to be limited by the other factors on the ship. Almost three years out (and anther three back) assumes nothing important breaks and the ship doesn't run out of other supplies.
Canon had hydroponics at least, not sure about the others (probably didn't have the shuttle cargo bay).Pick Two
[ ] Antimatter Storage (Range: 120ly -> 357ly)
[ ] Fabrication Workshop (+2 Engineering, Fabrication)
[ ] Shuttle Cargo Bay (+3 Cargo, +1 Engineering)
[ ] Hydroponics (+2 Science, Hydroponics)
1 yeah 181days one way at warp 6.2, and 1 year 14 days at warp 7Almost three years out (and anther three back) assumes nothing important breaks and the ship doesn't run out of other supplies.