[X] Recommend a three-ship run over the next five years. (-27.6 Industry)
As has been stated before, industry compounds like a snowball. I'd rather have the ability to build some NXs AND upgrade the Stingrays. This would be immediately useful as it increases their power, range, and maneuverability. But it also might help in development of the Warp 5 engine as there will be a lot more warp 5 engines around and the configuration for the Stingray is for max speed. It may actually go past Warp 5 without modification and give information for overall development.
And, on top of that, have industrial growth so that we could build more ships at the end of the 5-year period. Compared to losing all that for an extra 2 NXs within this 5 year period.
For math:
3 ship run industry at the end of 5 years: 100.4 Industry (Can do 2 NXs and still have leftovers)
5 ship run industry at the end of 5 years: 82 industry (Cannot)