Starfleet Design Bureau

Art: Planet Lifter Tug
So, @Sayle , if you were wondering why I asked about cargo containers...

The Planet Lifter heavy tug is a civilian cargo and utility vessel operated by the United Federation of Planets. The class has several unusual features as a result of its high-load hauling mission and overall design. Firstly, while most Starfleet vessels (and, indeed, most powers in general) arrange decks parallel to the line of travel, the Planet Lifter instead arrays its decks perpendicular to its primary axis of thrust. Most striking however are the ship's massively oversized Nacelles and impulse engines, needed to generate a sufficiently powerful Warp Field to operate at full capacity—no less than five Federation standard large cargo pods in a chain behind the ship. Three powerful aft-mounted tractor beams allow the ship to tow significant amounts of mass when unloaded, and more easily maneuver cargo containers for docking.
The ship's massive 16.5 meter deflector is housed in a forward cylindrical blister off of the primary 30-meter spherical "crew hull", which contains the ship's crew quarters, bridge, recreational facilities, and so on. Two large two-door shuttlebays, operating twelve shuttlecraft between them (or more typically, a mix of shuttles and utility workpods) are located amidships. The aft hull is devoted entirely to the massive hydrogen tanks and enormous fusion reactor needed to power its systems at full load.

Maximum Warp (unloaded): Warp Factor 5.9
Maximum Cruise (unloaded): Warp Factor 4.8
Efficient Cruise (unloaded): Warp Factor 4

Maximum Warp (Full Load): Warp Factor 2
Maximum Cruise (Full load): Warp Factor 1.8
Efficient Cruise (Full Load): Warp Factor 1.333~

Crew: 19 Officers, 36 Enlisted
Length (unloaded): 277.5 Meters
Length (Full Load): 1161 Meters (1.16 km)
Beam: 164.6 Meters
Height: 145 Meters

(AKA: How do you think all those Pharos stations got built)
Art: Saracen-class Gunboat
McCreary, this just arrived on my desk from a think-tank on Andoria. And they want us to dispense supplies to actually build a prototype.
...I never thought I would say this, but I think they might actually be crazier than we are.
-Internal Memo, Starfleet Design Bureau

Art: Otodus-class Combat Cruiser
McCreary, remember that Adorian think-tank? They sent us another design. Unlike that hilarious deathtrap, this one actually looks surprisingly viable. Sending you their full writeup this time, I want your opinion before I forward this to San Fransisco.

-Starship Design Bureau, Utopia Planitia, internal memo.

The Otodus Class Combat Cruiser is intended as a modernization package for existing Selachii production as much as possible for the new era, in order to improve the ship's performance against modern Klingon warships.

Consequently, the design retains as much of the original hull design as is possible, forcing innovative solutions to overall geometry in order to fit the desired weapons load and modern systems.
The primary addition is a large 30 meter diameter, 50 meter long engineering hull in-line with the previous main body to contain the new warp core, a modest shuttlebay, an extended torpedo magazine (see below) and some amount of flex space for other systems. Both Nacelles are moved to a catamaran sprint configuration rather than being directly attached to the trailing tips of the hull; two additional phaser banks have been added in their place to take advantage of existing conduit space.
Both original thrusters are replaced with the new Type Three thruster to maintain high performance despite the increased mass of the ship, hopefully maintaining the majority of the original Selachii class's performance.
Most obviously, however, is the "Torpedo Pod" on the dorsal surface. This consists of six total standard torpedo launchers, four oriented forewards and two to the aft, fed by a large magazine in the main engineering hull. In addition to the two existing torpedo tubes in the main saucer retained from the original Selachii, this is likely to allow these vessels to more effectively engage modern Klingon warships thanks to their heavy torpedo punch. Rapid fire launchers were considered, however the current costs of developing those systems was deemed prohibitive in light of other factors of design.
Art: D7/Excalibur Meme
MSD: Saladin-class
Ladies, gentlemen, distinguished nonbinary persons, I present: the Saladin!

Yes I'm aware the Franz Joseph one had the deflector out on a little strut, but A) that's dumb and B) @Sayle's deflectors are a lot chunkier than just a dish.

This is based pretty heavily on the brief given in the Kea retrospective - Sagarmatha hull with no secondary section and one nacelle, 3 phasers (2 dorsal, 1 ventral, all forward/side and no rear coverage) forward torpedo bays, general science lab and dilithium lab (only 2 modules mentioned) - and the technical stats, which specified a monotronic core and shuttlebay. And let me tell you, the shuttles required me to reshuffle the whole deck plan once I noticed.
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