That said, I find the silence regarding my speculation on the ABB reaction to the appearance of two "supernatural" beings from Japanese Folklore to be.... worrying. I just hope my fears about the ABB conscripting them with Bomb Implants has simply been lost in the speculation and reminiscing about Fae.....
Given the myths involved here fear seems like a more likely response. A 5 tailed kitsune is terrifying. Particularly a kitsune of unknown alignment - kitsune fall all over the chart in Japanese myth.
I'm ninety percent certain they don't have Bakuda yet. That said. FIVE TAILED KITSUNE, I don't think Lisa needs to worry about anyone without magic defeating her anytime soon.
I was pretty surprised to see her atart out with five. Eslecially when even just one tail can be quite a bit of power, depending on the sources.
I'm ninety percent certain they don't have Bakuda yet. That said. FIVE TAILED KITSUNE, I don't think Lisa needs to worry about anyone without magic defeating her anytime soon.
Given the myths involved here fear seems like a more likely response. A 5 tailed kitsune is terrifying. Particularly a kitsune of unknown alignment - kitsune fall all over the chart in Japanese myth.
I was pretty surprised to see her atart out with five. Eslecially when even just one tail can be quite a bit of power, depending on the sources.
One would hope the ABB think like that, but Bakuda is both crazy enough and arrogant enough not to care.

Unfortunetly, a LARGE part of why a multi-tailed Kitsune is so dangerous is the little detail that is usally takes a century to gain each new tail, and in five centuries a Kistune can learn a LOT of Magic. Lisa.... Hasn't. As such, she's not THAT much more dangerous then she was until she can learn how to USE her power.

If anything, Dinah has it even worse; as a Drider, she would lack many of the powers one would expect from the Jorogumo she resembles, and would have even less of a chance of protecting herself.
Yes, I did ask everyone to share their (mis)adventures in D&D; Whereas I might have a fertile imagination, I am only one, and am admittedly, somewhat strange. With everyone here, I now have a field of ideas to pick and choose ideas from. Besides, one laugh shared by many makes everyone's day a little less oppressive.

Re: Lisa - Yes, she has five tails. If she should ever be seen in Brockton Bay's oriental neighborhoods as a kitsune, there might be some interesting times ahead. Like the Obaa-chan brigade teaching her how to be a proper lady ("Brian, HELP!" "Eh, you're on your own."), a strange white wolf watching what she does intently that she can never quite see, offerings of sake and rice left for her, and video gamers running around shouting "Ahri MIA!" Uber will probably start watching samurai and Hong Kong action cinema, and Leet wil get even more ideas for Tinkering (that may or may not blow up on him).

What Lisa has to start with is an ability to float, and to shapeshift, and to jump and climb like no one's business. Of course, she just may keep this secret, and use it to surprise someone. The minor abilities to distract, hide, and disguise come later.

Keep in mind that a certain trick to see shapeshifters wont's be working; We as a culture are so used to illusions that our reflections only show what we wish to see, instead of things as they truly are. However, her reflection in the blade of a sword, that one will still work.

Re : Dinah - Yes, Dinah's been kinda left out to dry by Lolth. Still, a twelve YO cute monster girl is not without resources. And of course, the contention between various powers to give her the information Lolth so kindly did not tell her and try to poach her out from under Lolth's nose will probably begin sooner rather than later.
A funny thought is Dinah finding out that she is now perfectly comfortable in just about any orientation. Ending up with her sleeping on the ceiling at some point. ...
That said, scariest thing I've ever done in a D&D campaign... Pixie Rogue in 3.5, specializing in daggers. Very few were the things I couldn't backstab every single round. And sure my daggers only did 1d2 for base damage. When they are +5 daggers and I can sneak attack someone IN THE FACE every single round, it's pretty devastating.
So... You had a Pixie armed with razor blades... Read Dresden Files much?

Fun Fact: The Square-Cube Law that makes things like 50-meter-tall spiders a physical impossibility works just as much in favor of small creatures like pixies. Forget razor blades; a foot-tall pixie could use a full combat knife with a down-sized grip as a sword, easy-peasy.

Just imagine being hunted by pixie that can dart out of the foliage, slash a hamstring, and be back in cover before you can react. That is why we dare not go ahunting for fear of little men.
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Yes, I did ask everyone to share their (mis)adventures in D&D; Whereas I might have a fertile imagination, I am only one, and am admittedly, somewhat strange. With everyone here, I now have a field of ideas to pick and choose ideas from. Besides, one laugh shared by many makes everyone's day a little less oppressive.
oh you did? i have a few
one time my friend who was playing a barbarian went to the stables by himself in order to wake up the young blue dragon we had bribed via giving it the stuff of another party member tried to stab it so as to get it up, it did nothing but make it sleepily blast him through a wall
As some as they learn of the 5 tailed Kitsune, the ABB will sacrifice a minor member, who will ask her if she prefers tofu or liver.

That answer will determine the total number of brown pants replaced in the ABB.
As some as they learn of the 5 tailed Kitsune, the ABB will sacrifice a minor member, who will ask her if she prefers tofu or liver.

That answer will determine the total number of brown pants replaced in the ABB.
And knowing Lisa, she would totally pick her answer based on what would fuck with them the most.
As some as they learn of the 5 tailed Kitsune, the ABB will sacrifice a minor member, who will ask her if she prefers tofu or liver.

That answer will determine the total number of brown pants replaced in the ABB.
....... Any chance Lisa would be interested in Mom's old Bacon and Liver recipe? I never cared for it myself, so never learned it, but I'm sure we can find a version for her if we tried.......
*gets done watching Ghost in the Shell in a virtual theater along side 50 other people*

I'm not sure what you mean by musicians... as for how the pixie held it? Magic items resize to fit the user. Also, we thought it was funny.

The post I initially quoted said he (or she) would have kept the weapon if it had been a one banded sword.
since the author asked about D&D shenanigans and half the comments are talking about Loth I thought I'd share a few of my party's misadventure during my father's campaign. one of the earliest things I remember messing with Lolth what setting fire to the demon web pits. we continued on messing with lolth here and there (including opening a gate to the negative plane in the demon web pits) until we finally managed to capture Loth in a magical tapestry which we then hid in an extradimensional inns broom closet. other Misadventures include kidnapping in drow children who have been blessed by Lolth at the hands of my chaotic neutral Alchemist, who decided to take them in because he thought he wouldn't do any worse. There's definitely more that we did. I don't remember all of it as I had been playing in my father's campaign since I was a kid.
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since the author asked about D&D shenanigans and half the comments are talking about Loth I thought I'd share a few of my party's misadventure during my father's campaign. one of the earliest things I remember messing with Lolth what setting fire to the demon web pits. we continued on messing with lolth here and there (including opening a gate to the negative plane in the demon web pits) until we finally managed to capture Loth in a magical tapestry which we then hid in an extradimensional inns broom closet. other Misadventures include kidnapping in drow children who have been blessed by Lolth at the hands of my chaotic neutral Alchemist, who decided to take them in because he thought he wouldn't do any worse. There's definitely more that we did. I don't remember all of it as I had been playing in my father's campaign since I was a kid.
I'd say you should spell-check your uses of the Spider Queen's name, but not even WotC or TSR could get the spelling right, so who knows what it actually is?
I'm ninety percent certain they don't have Bakuda yet. That said. FIVE TAILED KITSUNE, I don't think Lisa needs to worry about anyone without magic defeating her anytime soon.
Actually, Lisa's not the one Bakuda should be worried about if she pulls that.

I can't imagine Tamamo no Mae being happy that someone she'd just invested effort into had had a bomb implanted. This would likely end... poorly for Bakuda.

Probably better than if it was Tia thus irritated, but only probably.
Fun Fact: The Square-Cube Law that makes things like 50-meter-tall spiders a physical impossibility works just as much in favor of small creatures like pixies. Forget razor blades; a foot-tall pixie could use a full combat knife with a down-sized grip as a sword, easy-peasy.

Just imagine being hunted by pixie that can dart out of the foliage, slash a hamstring, and be back in cover before you can react. That is why we dare not go ahunting for fear of little men.
A 1 ft pixie could very likely wield a sword in proportion to them that would be like the Buster Sword to Cloud, perhaps even easier than he could.
D&D stories....The only D&D story I can really remember right off the bat is when my mum (we play as a family) had her Druid get hammered at the pub, slid/threw her equally drunk badger animal companion down the bar, and had it launch off the other end into the front door....right as the high-level Fire Genasi NPC walked in, who then caught it with her face. Somehow, said NPC managed to keep her composure well enough to not burn the establishment down to it's frame.

I'd say you should spell-check your uses of the Spider Queen's name, but not even WotC or TSR could get the spelling right, so who knows what it actually is?
If memory serves, Lolth and Lloth are interchangeable, but otherwise both correct. It's been a while though, I could be wrong.
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We had a group traveling through Toril's Dalelands. For some reason, we had a preponderance of clerics, and we had gotten into a rather lively and heated Theology discussion. So much so that a random encounter caused the six of us to cast the exact same spell on the poor creature (an adult green dragon) - Flame Strike. At the exact same time. The dragon failed 4 of 6 saves, and ate a total of 160+ points of damage. Our DM facepalmed, then spent the next 10 minutes laughing. Our ranger spent some time back tracking, but we never found it's lair.
We had a group traveling through Toril's Dalelands. For some reason, we had a preponderance of clerics, and we had gotten into a rather lively and heated Theology discussion. So much so that a random encounter caused the six of us to cast the exact same spell on the poor creature (an adult green dragon) - Flame Strike. At the exact same time. The dragon failed 4 of 6 saves, and ate a total of 160+ points of damage. Our DM facepalmed, then spent the next 10 minutes laughing. Our ranger spent some time back tracking, but we never found it's lair.
Well that bites.

Still looking for a group who doesn't mind Drow in full plate armor btw.

Also I have an Omake/apocrypha but don't want to step on what you have planned PM for deets.