Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Y'know, as I was reading Snorri second guessing himself and thinking that surely Thungni must have foreseen every possible choice Snorri might make….My suspicion is that, for all their wisdom, the Ancestors were fumbling in the dark along with the rest of the Dawi.

All these beardlings running around insisting that the Ancestors have a Plan, some great and mighty purpose behind each and every decision - it must have been exhausting. Eventually they accumulated so much power and consideration that their own personal doubts and second guessing became too much. If your every decision has the chance of causing a schism, maybe the only thing you can do is exit the stage and hope the beardlings don't make too much of a mess of things.
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Alric's Challenge
Create a method of reliable, quick and secure communication as possible. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Alric Thungnisson, Angkra Twenty-loops, and Karaz-a-Karak
As a consequence of his frequent discussions with his venerable uncle, the mighty and wise Snorri Whitebeard, Alric has offered a prompt for any that wish to take it up. A way for messages to be shared across the realms faster than any Runebearer, safer than any road and as reliable as a Master Crafted axe. Such is the sort of goal, the sort of problem a proper Runelord should set their sights upon he reckons, anything less is beneath them.
Of the challenges, I think this one peaks my interest the most, if only because the runes we would have to learn/create or think about would be interesting, let alone how helpful a potential communication system would be for all the Karaks.

Hell, could you imagine how this could affect military campaigns!
I think that we should probably do this, some time have passed since we made a weapon
Heh, first thing made with thungi's hammer is a hammer.

though perhaps not as it apparently can be used only to make the absolute top-est tier of items, and idk if we wanna do all that for a hammer.
One memory in particular rises to the surface.

…We don't have the luxury of Grungni or Valaya to guide us, and the world certainly won't wait for them to make the trek up to do so…

Do you tell him? Yes, a part of you rumbles. This was what Thungni wished, was it not? To bear the hammer in your hand is to bear the burden of responsibility. A trade you have made for the Karaz Ankor, for your people over and over again without complaint or hesitation.

So it should feel natural to do so again.

…wish it or not, it appears the world has demanded I stand up to the challenge…
Snorri's talk with Whitebeard did matter to him.

But— and here your Will wavers

—Is that true?

Is the wielder of the hammer intended to be Thungni's heir? Is it truly what Thungni wishes?

A madman's thought, or a coward's if you were uncharitable, but you must ask it. In the absence of certainty, in the face of such a monumental choice nothing can be taken for granted.
And thus the doubt spiral begins.

But this?

But you?

Maybe if you didn't so flagrantly bend even your own lax interpretation of the Rule of Pride in the eyes of so many. Maybe if you hadn't given the Brana those Runes. Maybe if you hadn't put it upon yourself to organize the Runesmiths of the North during the Siege and plant those early suspicions. Maybe if you hadn't fueled those flames with your announcements and by building Khazagar. Maybe if you had been a more conventional Runesmith. Maybe if Thungni had actually been straightforward with his words so that no one could doubt you.

Maybe if you simply hadn't been Snorri Klausson then this choice would be easy.

But you are. You are Snorri Klausson.

And that is the true crux of it. Isn't it? The wellspring that this trickle of doubt spills from.

Because it is you.
Snorri is all kinds of radical and he's very aware of it.

Because it should be someone like Alric Thungnisson, a man who has won the universal respect of every Runesmith. The oldest living child of Thungni, who learned at His feet alongside Durin and unofficially carried the burden of heirhood since the latter's loss. Who worked alongside him, who was privy to the Ancestor's private thoughts, the one among those alive who knew Him best.

Because it should not be some half crippled radical, iconoclast if you wanted to be rude, who dwelt in the Far North. A veritable madman who acted without obvious rhyme or reason and seemed all too happy dancing between literal and political ruin with every act he commited himself to. That wasn't a man you expected, or even really wanted to be the heir of Thungni, and you and he were one in the same! The risk, the potential damage someone like that could cause the Guild simply by being the heir was frightening.
Snorri is really putting himself down.

But did Thungni care about that though?

Even with your faith in the Ancestor stretched as it is, even you know such a question is just a formality. Of course He had, It was Thungni. Yet you must ask. At the very least He must have considered what you may do or cause. Even if Kazador's presence proves you weren't the only one He chose, thought capable of burden, the fact that you were in contention must mean something mustn't it?

After all, the Ancestor left His hammer in that cave knowing you could be the one to find it, gave you the book that led you to it even. Left them, left those damned poems, knowing you would read His words, and in all likelihood know what message you would take from them. It must mean He was comfortable with the idea. Surely?

So you can safely believe there is approval, if not wholeheartedly then at least in the attempt. But approval is not an order, approval is not a duty.
That's a good way of thinking about it Thungni was giving Snorri the choice to become the Heir not the Duty.

Thungni did not assuage your fears, nor prepare you, and a part of you rages at Him for it as much as it admonishes yourself for questioning His methods. This was not how you trained an apprentice, let alone an heir! It was downright Yorri-ish, but at least Master Yorri never intended for you to be his heir! It invited tarnishing all one built.
Yorri gets it from somewhere.

What does He want from me, your mind roars with anger, a furious and grim fog shrouding your thoughts.

Another memory floats upwards. Of you standing before the House, all too ready and shamefully eager to throw down with Thorek Stonefoot before a familiar voice cuts through the tension like a clarion peel of thunder.

Take it or dismiss it at your own discretion…

as has ever been your right.

It makes you want to scream.

Choice. Choice. Choice.

It was always choice, wasn't it? Rarely order, rarely demand, but whenever it could be given, always choice. That is Thungni's way. But giving a man you know would answer one way, was it ever really a choice?

How you hated it at that moment.

In the absence of direction, of certainty, you find yourself feeling like the sole arbiter of the fate of the entire Runesmiths Guild. Choice has been thrust upon you in all its ugly uncertainty, and you are ill-prepared to face it.
Snorri is understandably freaking out about this choice.

Do you wish to stake your claim, face the challenges it will bring, with the only certainty and support I provide is that I accept you as my Heir?

Do you have the conviction to believe it in the face of overwhelming doubt? In the face of failure?

Do you think you have the talent, the skill to navigate the Guild with little more than your word and deed?

Do you have the Will to see decisions through, to make those decisions in the first place?

Do you have the wisdom to know when to intervene or to step away and let others stand or fall on their own merits?

Do you believe you are the right choice?

Above all.

Do you
wish to be my heir, Snorri son of Klaus, or do you not?
That's the main question if he really wants to be Heir or not.

Did you want to be heir? In the absence of knowledge, training, ability, everything else, an unwilling heir would always be an unworthy heir. One who could not commit themselves fully was not one who could have even a chance of doing the role justice. If you died here and now, no doubt from the coniption this choice is giving you, Karstah would not be ready to take up your place.

But you believe, with Gromrilclad certainty, that she would be. That her failures would be overshadowed by her greater success. If you didn't, you would not have accepted her request. This you know.

Is that then, what Thungni believed? That those He chose, even if they thought themselves unprepared, would succeed?
Ah that's really sweet.

So you cast aside all notion of duty, all expectation self imposed or otherwise, and stare the choice in the face as images flash through your mind.

The Karaz Ankor. The Hold. The Clan. The Guild.

Khazagar. Your work. Your pride. Your desires.

To be a true heir is to match another's presence so perfectly that you could walk behind them and share one shadow.

It's to be trusted by someone so completely that they believe you can one day carry their own burdens.

It is to uphold a legacy into the future and proudly carry their ideals through turmoil and strife and prove them inviolate.

To put your destiny, your fate, in the hands of one you think greater.

Simply put.

To walk another's path.
This is what Snorri thinks being an Heir means for better and worse.

And here, in the privacy of your thoughts, you come to a quiet realization.

If the choice is yours, free of duty or context to sway you—

—then you do not want to be someone's heir.
I think this is a bit that's important to note if Snorri didn't feel obligated to become the heir he wouldn't want to be an heir so he should be one.

That burning pride, that selfish desire, demands you do not settle for such a fate. It demands glory, it demands greatness to such a degree that it invites ruin.

Your entire life you have spent climbing a storm wracked mountain, its peak enveloped by a curtain of dense thunderheads and slopes buffeted by ceaseless, howling gales. Every time you have passed through that looming wall of clouds, braved the bitter winds and killing cold to reach what you believe was peak, you have only ever found yourself staring up at yet more mountain: at even more treacherous slopes, imposing storms, and lethal winds.

But you also found other trails, other paths, going up those seemingly impossible slopes and showing the challenge can be overcome, can be beaten.

That greedy, selfish ember pushes you to keep walking, to go where there are less and less trails to guide you. Pushing on until you reach a point where only seven others have climbed beyond.

You want more, more than to be just Thungi's heir.

You want the Guild, the Karaz Ankor, the whole damn world, to know that you do not need to follow Their path. That you can forge your own.

That you can walk beside Them as they forge ahead.
Walking besides the Ancestors is a wonderful goal.

Without any forewarning or thought, you feel the beginnings of an oath stir in your mind; building and building strength until it is forcing itself to the forefront of your thoughts with the fury and implacability of an avalanche.

A declaration of monumental and cataclysmic hubris. The kind that has folk, you included, believe wholeheartedly that the maker is undoubtedly, irrevocably Insane. The kind that can only end in complete and total failure in the eyes of all sane beings.

It is Ego unbound by propriety and good sense.

It is the confirmation of an impossibility.

It is a journey without end or respite.

It is the Oath of a Dwarf, sworn from the depths of his soul.
Oh this is going to be awesome.

Heed these words,

Those beside me,

Those before,

And those to come,

To the Ancestors who lead the way so I swear,

On all that I am and will ever be.

I. Will. Reach. You.
This is such an awesome Oath and this validates that choice of not becoming the Heir for me.

"Lord Klausson?" Kazador asks again, making you blink and draw your mind back from the strange direction your thoughts had ended up following.

How long had they been standing there waiting for you? Glancing around you see several pairs of eyes staring at you expectantly.

Probably too long.
Oh yeah he was in thought for a while.

"The only thing I have won the right to, Lord Ironwill," you say while lifting Thungni's hammer slightly for emphasis, "is Karaz-Kazak-Rhun."

Kazador gives you a thoughtful glance, eyes searching for something. Before he nods.
Kazador picked up that there was more but didn't push.

"Well then," he says, "would you mind our company on the way back to the Hold?"

Both of you know a large part of why he's asking is because he wants to look at the hammer.

You nod all the same.
Can't blame him.

- [Early 473] A great tragedy in Karak Eight Peaks has occurred. Two dozen assorted taverns and breweries found their ale stores lost in a conflagration of terrible proportions when a warehouse caught fire from as of yet unknown cause. Already accusations fly and Grudges are sworn in the chaos of such senseless tragedy. Vintage brews, centuries old, all gone. Thankfully no lives were lost from the flame, though many no doubt feel like they have died. A dark day. The watchmen in charge of the Warehouse were supposedly a hair's breadth from shaving their heads and marching to their Dooms. Only by the counsel of Arnhold Balebrow, Karak Eight Peaks's High Priest of Grimnir, were they swayed away from such a course. Hold your brews and your kin close.
Damn that really sucks.

- [Early 473] Snorri Klausson returns to Kraka Drakk wielding Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Declaring, with the backing of Kazador Ironwill and later the Runelords Gottri Hammerspite and Alric Thungnisson, that he has won the right to wield it by overcoming a series of Trials beneath Karak Izril built by Thungni Grungnisson.
So it looks like Kazador, Gottri and Alric are backing Snorri up.

- [Burudin] If any of my siblings tells you they know what Father thought after this, this is proof that they're as full of it as anything I've ever seen. Only one man would have a chance to know, and he isn't among us anymore.

- [Burudin] Klausson, for the sake of my sanity and yours stay away from the Ironpeak until otherwise stated. All correspondence will be done through my great-grandnephew, also until otherwise stated. - Gottri Hammerspite

- [Burudin] He'll probably be out in a few decades with a new hammer.

- [Burudin] Is this Grandfather's gambit then? I had thought Alric was waiting to show them off, but if He even hid away the hammer, well…

- [Burudin] It seems I shall have no peace until Gazul escorts me to the Halls of the Ancestors.
They're just so done right now. Gottri was also hunting for the Hammer and is livid.

Mood: Calm before the Storm.
Status: Volatile
- Your fellow Runesmiths know you have the hammer. They are clamoring at even a chance to see the hammer. They aren't here yet, but they are coming. Ancestors help you.
- There are rumours of little dalliances occurring but to your mild surprise either the Beardlings aren't bouncing around like rabbits or they're being more discreet about it. Then again you aren't going around and snooping over it. They want to cause their Clans grief, that's on them.
- The number of competitions have steadily been growing as the practice cements itself and something approaching a list of best practices forms.
- The trickle of Ornsmotek Runesmiths on the outs with Vragni still continues. From what you can gather Vragni is aware, but what his response will be isn't something these Runesmiths know or care to find out.
-- That Ornsmotek Master willing to teach you the Master Rune of Thunderstorms for the right price is still here. Especially since he knows you have the Hammer. (see Khazagar)
- Still no contributions to the Libary besides your own and Karstah's sadly. Maybe they would if you dangled the Hammer. No, that's a bad idea.
Oh yeah they're all going to come to try and take a look at the Hammer.

Thought we saw someone snooping about one of the stones by Grungni's Falls. Tried to track. Got gravel in my sleeping bags. Lord, please tell your teacher he can just tell us not to bother him.

- Norgrim


- Anonymous note, stowed away inside Norgirm's letter.
LOL Yorri is the best. Kinda curious how he'll react to Snorri's choices.

[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about reactions to you running off with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun [Extensive, Evolving]
We should probably figure out how people are reacting to that.

(*New*)[ ] Examine Karaz-Kazak-Rhun: [Cost: minimum 1 action] Gain semi random research and trait progress. By the hammer of Thungni, you now hold the hammer of Thungni! It is folly to believe you can ever truly understand it at your current level of skill. But there is still inspiration to be found, and maybe you also just want to admire something so beautiful as this hammer. Who's to stop you? You're its owner.
Researching this is honestly something with no real end to it.

Gottri's Challenge [Unavailable to you]
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot. SNORRI KLAUSSON DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE.
I can't blame the man but damn if that's not hilarious.

Durin's Challenges
Find the Ankor Bryn. Create a Weapon beyond Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. Create a Runestaff more powerful than Gormwand. Break the Rule of Three.
A relic, one kept out of respect for the founder of the order. Many have tried, all have failed. Since Durin's death none have made a serious go at the first, and only the Brotherhood makes longstanding attempts at the last. These are considered the final goals of Runecraft, ones that shall one day in the nebulous future.
Looks like we have that Weapon.

I voted for it, not really expecting much from turning away from being Thungni's Heir. I just saw it as way too much trouble.

But that oath right there? That's beautiful. It's worth abandoning the Heir of an Ancestor.
Yeah it vindicates that choice for me.

We chose right. Our boy has long been mired in depression and a little selfishness, being able to tell himself that he swings his hammer for the joy of it and to let his heart rest lighter, is a beautiful thing. Duty is virtuous but duty is also a thing that should be shaped around the man rather than the man around his duty.

Being Snorri is a fine thing to be. It is folly to try to measure the value of a hammer by the same criteria one might value a knife. They are different tools for different tasks, both fine things but incomparable.

We chose right.
Snorri is choosing to walk his own path and be his own dawi with his heaad held high.

Lol. Snorri just unknowingly repeated Durin's oath.

I think we are taking up the mantle Thungi left, even by trying to leave it behind
It is very ironic and he is taking up the mantle in a way even if he's not accepting the heirship.

So it looks like Gottri was the third competitor, and Alric knew but never acted. Probably knows where the rest of the gear is too. Or at least is aware of what Thungi tied each of them to. So he probably would have backed our heir claim, but is silent on it as we were. It was our choice.
But Goooooottriiiiiiii, don't you wanna find out if our new hammer can break Aadamaaaaant? It just means you need at most a 7 rune combo if it does.
So is he just mad because we won the best hammer ever (until he finishes Old Breaker)? Or is he mad because we won it before he did?
The latter.

Also this.
MALT AND SEETHE GOTTRI MALT AND SEETHE. The most radical Runesmith truly is Snorri, the dawi who has sworn to walk besides the Ancestors, what exalted hubris, what tremendous ego, truly none can deny his glorious madness.
A pity that such a poor choice was voted in, but I suppose we'll have to live with it. And considering the people cheering that their vote won, anyone who objects to this statement and not theirs is very silly.

We should March this turn given the way things are going.
We could offer time to study the hammer to whoever comes up with a true killing rune for demons.

[ ] [Social:] Brynna covertly attends a competition in Khazagar.
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin, shopping for reagents in the Grozurbaz with his son.

[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about reactions to you running off with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun [Extensive, Evolving]

These are the most interesting choices to me. The reactions is just common sense, but I want to see more on how Khazagar is going (and getting more details on the local reactions to us getting the hammer) and I just enjoy seeing Dwalin and want to see him with his son.
lookit all that cheap reasearch. unfortunately I also want to make something with the hammer, so I'm hoping for a 50/50 plan.
Thormund's Challenge
Create something that can turn the mountains against our foes. Reveal Standing with Thormund Stalwart-shield and gain 3 Standing with Karak Kadrin
The wandering Runelord Thormund Stalwart-shield muses on the defensive properties of mountains and a subsequent idea that took his mind when he fought alongside the Throng of Karak Kadrin to defeat a wandering army of Khornates. He grumbles that such power is so poorly weaponized. Avalanches, rockfalls and the like are one thing, but entirely too uncontrollable for his taste and the realm of Rangers. No, if someone could literally make the living stone act against our foes, it would be a feat worthy of song and be of great interest to the Peak Pass Hold.
Wasn't this one completed?

Gottri's Challenge [Unavailable to you]
Create a Rune or Combination of Runes capable of breaking Adamant. Reveal and gain 1 Standing with Gottri Hammerspite, gain Master Rune of Shattering Sound
After acquiring Adamant, a result of Kraggi's eternal quest to perfect Old Breaker, Gottri has changed his long standing challenge to his fellow Burudin members. Now, rather than find that which can withstand his Runes, he challenges any to create that which can sunder Adamant. He boasts, in his laconic and brusque way, that no one will manage before he can, and he's willing to bet one of his acceptable Runes over it to boot. SNORRI KLAUSSON DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE.
[q] Send to Gottri a runic schematic of 4 sets of MBreaking and a note saying skill issue.
I know people have their long term plans and such, but to not use any actions to start investigating the hammer is silly. You must be flexible to new opportunities.

We know a lot of people are going to come to our school i hope of seeing the hammer. I suggest we lean into that by creating a new class/seminar open to runelords only: Collaborative hammer research!

Let not the boon if the ancestors fall only on one hold, but the whole of the Karaz Ankor! All who wish to contribute may come and do so as long as they share their findings!
(*Updated*)[ ] [Simple] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -6) =2 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. With a Rune to restore sight now in your repertoire, you can only think of simply increasing the amount of light generated, but maybe examining the Rune Yorri taught you will get the old muse running.
2 actions.

2 actions!


IT'S TIME!!!!!
--[] [Difficult] Starlight: Due end of Turn 59.
---[] Accept
Do you have a plan for this or are you accepting because thats a lot of favour to ignore?

Anyway alternate proposal. With the action bonuses from the hammer we can one turn this dragon and still expect 14 - 15 actions of work on the output.
And I think theres something for the flex of immediately creating something with the hammer. We know narrative matters in the way epic events are portrayed and adding an extra turn waters it down a little more.
And also I want to be working together with our heir after Snorri's decisions.
[] Plan: The Dragon Kaiju Ends
-[] Snorri & Karstah
--[] The Enduring War Rune 1 Snorri + 1 Karstah + 1 Retainer. Already covered, this is for action tracking purposes.
--[] Examine Karaz-Kazak-Rhun 1 Snorri
--[] [Difficult] Convert Siphoning to Engineering 1 Snorri

--[] [Difficult] Design Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti: An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
---[] Choose: Master Rune of Awakening (T4 Greedy Troll Heart) + Empowerment (T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart) + Engineering Siphoning (T4 Greedy Troll Heart). 1 Karstah

--[] [Difficult] Build Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti: An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
---[] Choose: Master Rune of Awakening (T4 Greedy Troll Heart) + Empowerment (T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart) + Engineering Siphoning (T4 Greedy Troll Heart). 5 SNORRI
---[] Use all relevant items including Karaz-Kazak-Rhun
---[] Use a non solid design.
--[] [Difficult] Build Azrilzhufgotten, The Silver River Banner: 2 Karstah
-[] Retainers & Orders
--[] Expedition, Aiding Krum 1 Retainer + 1 Industry of the North
--[] Expedition, Aiding Kraka Drakk 1 Retainer
--[] Princely Hunting: T4 Radiant Pegasus
--[] Queenly Authority, Additional Order: T4 Barazgal 15 Kraka Grom Favor
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Do you have a plan for this or are you accepting because thats a lot of favour to ignore?

Anyway alternate proposal. With the action bonuses from the hammer we can one turn this dragon and still expect 14 - 15 actions of work on the output.
And I think theres something for the flex of immediately creating something with the hammer. We know narrative matters in the way epic events are portrayed and adding an extra turn waters it down a little more.
And also I want to be working together with our heir after Snorri's decisions.
[] Plan: The Dragon Kaiju Ends
-[] Snorri & Karstah
--[] The Enduring War Rune 1 Snorri + 1 Karstah + 1 Retainer. Already covered, this is for action tracking purposes.
--[] Examine Karaz-Kazak-Rhun 1 Snorri
--[] [Difficult] Convert Siphoning to Engineering 1 Snorri

--[] [Difficult] Design Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti: An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
---[] Choose: Master Rune of Awakening (T4 Greedy Troll Heart) + Empowerment (T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart) + Engineering Siphoning (T4 Greedy Troll Heart). 1 Karstah

--[] [Difficult] Build Skaudardrengi, The Singing Slayer, Emperor Dragon Gronti: An exemplary 45 meter Storm Wyrm forged from pure Adamant, with eyes of glowing Dronril shielded by metallic lids. Rest linked in this post.
---[] Choose: Master Rune of Awakening (T4 Greedy Troll Heart) + Empowerment (T4 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Heart) + Engineering Siphoning (T4 Greedy Troll Heart). 5 SNORRI
---[] Use all relevant items including Karaz-Kazak-Rhun
--[] [Difficult] Build Azrilzhufgotten, The Silver River Banner: 2 Karstah
-[] Retainers & Orders
--[] Expedition, Aiding Krum 1 Retainer + 1 Industry of the North
--[] Expedition, Aiding Kraka Drakk 1 Retainer
--[] Princely Hunting: T4 Radiant Pegasus
--[] Queenly Authority, Additional Order: T4 Barazgal 15 Kraka Grom Favor
Don't you need 1 drakk rearing at minimum?

Image tagged in memes,i bet he's thinking about other women,blank transparent square

An image tagged memes,i bet he's thinking about other women,blank transparent square

Don't you need 1 drakk rearing at minimum?
Didn't they age out of needing that decades ago?
E: Yes, the lock ended on that on turn 55:
[ ] Drakk Rearing [Cost: minimum 1 general, heir or retainer action, 15/?? actions] Locked until Turn 55 Results. Gain Dwarf acclimated Dragons. More actions improve speed, breadth and depth of their development. By the reckoning of the Dwarfs, and the magics of the Brana and Menlinwen, the Shard Wyrms shall be physically mature specimens when they reach 120 years Old, however the first 60 years of their life will be the most important, both in terms of amount of care and socialization required.
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This feels like a good turn for "The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc."

We know it unlocks some of the research trees. However, I think it is a good step sidewise action as we spend time processing what just happened. Give the other tunesmiths time to gossip about it before we do a new dramatic thing.
Am I the only one that thinks the Master Rune of Thunderstorms could be a great addition for the Skaudardrengi?
Might be viable. The intended combo for its "Armour", when that eventually gets made in the pretty far future, is Storm Mantle and Thunderstorms is like the compressed form of that combo based on the Excel rune list. Could save us time and valuable actions to get it, but then again that'd mean redesigning the Armor combo and that sounds like a headache.

I'm personally not really interested in using it, but I might change my mind on that if I can think of a decent combo.

I think the idea is to put it on the scales?

Has anyone calculated how much converting M.Mountainsouled costs now?
Lagg calced it out on the discord. Five progress to compress, 2 to convert.
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That was fine reading snorri having a mental anguish and bending himself backwards into every which direction knew something like that was going to happen
[ ] [Social:] Brynna covertly attends a competition in Khazagar.
[ ] [Social:] Dwalin, shopping for reagents in the Grozurbaz with his son.

[ ] [Letters:] Knowledge about reactions to you running off with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun [Extensive, Evolving]

[ ]