[Canon] Brynkhaz a Langskaudi, the structure will be completed Turn 59
As Dwalin strolls down the path towards his destination he has some time to reminisce on how truly blessed he has been the last few decades. The amount of joy he has gained from being a father of three has challenged his prestigious poet skill to be able to describe.
Taking a turn continuing along the road he doesn't bother to fight the smile that makes its way onto his face as his thoughts turn to his children. Hollar his eldest just had his Kumenouht ceremony a few years back. The boy didn't have the Gift and choose to become a Runescribe just like his mother.
His second son is still a decade off attending his Kumenouht so the lad has plenty of time to choose. You didn't have to be the boy's father to see how enamoured Rorkaz was with all things smithing to see what the boy's path was likely to be. The lad hasn't been showing the signs of having the gift so far, so the path of Smednir it seemed.
And his youngest was such a Joy! Hallar his little daughter was the reason he was going to be late to his meeting. The lass adored listening to stories and practically begged him for one before he left. With a face like hers asking for the Tale Teller to recount a story, well he had to ensure it was a worthy tale. Alas in his efforts to recount the tales of The Stalwart and Warrior Bard rescuing Dawi from the clutches of the Fimir he had lost track of time.
Hopefully his friend will have left him some of the good ale, but it was a worthy sacrifice. Enough daydreaming! He was approaching his destination. Walking towards the tavern entrance he could already hear the noise of merriment and drinking from inside. He gives a quick glance to the taverns sign, showing an image of a dwarf scaling a mountain while drinking from a tankard with the words The Daring Drinker inscribed on the bottom.
Entering the tavern, he spots his drinking companions for the night, he starts to approach and is spotted by Grelda before making it halfway towards the table.
"Well look who finally decided to show up!" says Grelda as several dawi heads and one brana look over towards him.
"GREETINGS TO YOU ALL MY FRIENDS!" he responds back, "Apologies for being late but my little one was insistent for one more story before I left for the night." He says, taking a seat at the table and accepting a tankard from Okri Brewbeard.
"Poor lass, must have been bored out of her mind with your shite story telling ability." Okri bemoans, shaking his head before taking a drink himself.
"Okri you fool! That's the whole point, he is trying to put her to sleep." Responds Dwinbar Grimseal.
"I find He Who Sings Like Thunder tales rather entertaining," interjects the Brana She Who Tells Tales and Sings Songs. Or just Storysinger.
"Bah! Don't bother with these Krutheads Dwalin, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a saga and a longbeards grumblings." Says Grim Thunderarm.
Dwalin sits back enjoying his drink taking the banter in good humour. He was surrounded by friends who while not sharing the same occupation shared the same passion, Story telling and singing. Grelda Farstrider a ranger with voice and talent in singing only bested by her skills as a ranger. Okri Brewbeard whose love for brewing just beat his love for story telling. Dwinbar Grimseal, a fearsome warrior who after every victory can be found with a quill in hand recording the battle in song. Storysinger, a Brana who oddly declared in her search for diamonds says she has found it in song. Grim Thunderarm a dwarf with a passion for engineering that is barely match by his passion for saga telling. Many more that aren't currently here tonight and of course himself the Saga Singer and Storyholder. A group not skalds in occupation but certainly so in spirit.
"As amusing as it is to poke at Dwalin's skill or lack of at storytelling now that he is here, we can get to the point of this meeting." Begins Grelda, "Our little group has grown to not be so little anymore, so we can't keep hosting our gatherings in taverns anymore because we won't all fit."
"If you lad wants to use your brains for once I am going to get another drink, I am expecting this to take the whole night."
Joking grumbles fill the table.
Dwalin wakes with a hangover that if it was described in song it would not be appropriate for the ears of beardlings. Looking around he finds himself in his workshop hunched over his desk on top of a bunch of papers. Sitting up while nursing his throbbing head he tries to recall what exactly happened last night. He remembers discussing plans of where to host their little gatherings…
Oh dear, well that might be an issue, looking down at his desk and examining the papers more closely he can see it to be a half complete blueprint for a building. Dwalin rises from his seat and walks towards the exit of his workshop. He will have to tell his wife and kids he will busy for the next few weeks; an oath was sworn after all, drunk or not.
Dwalin is standing before his friends once more as they look over the plans he had created in order to fulfill his oath. He is rather proud of what he has planned, the Brynkhaz a Langskaudi will be a beautiful building located in the Khazid Okraz. It will be a monument to those who love and enjoy song, whether they be a professional Skald or a miner singing miner songs. It will be split into two sections. The upper level being a massive theatre for professionals plays and retelling while the lower level will cater to a much more informal and causal area with a multitude of small stages and a fully stocked bar.
"Well, you Runelords always seem to go beyond expectations." Says Grim, getting small nods and huffs from everyone else.
"Dwalin, you have three young children to take care of right now and a war that we both know you will be joining." Says Grelda, drawing nods once more.
Dwalin supresses a wince. "Ah, one of the plights that come with the profession sadly, but you need not worry I should be able to handle everything." He assures them but he must have failed judging by the glances they are sending each other.
Grim steps forward "Dwalin, I have known you for centuries and I have always valued your companionship and if you will take it, you have my oath to follow you and add you in your endeavours."
Dwinbar steps forward before Dwalin can respond. "Dwalin, you and I have shared a battlefield many of times and on each occasion, you have brought honour upon yourself. If you would take it, you have my oath to follow you and aid you on the battlefield or off it"
Okri this time. "Dwalin, you swore an oath to aid our group and from the plans you have created what I have seen has only cemented my understanding of your character. You have my oath."
Grelda, "Dwalin, you are a right pain in the ass sometimes, but few have such love an dedication for the art we all cherish. You have my oath."
Storysinger, "He Who Sings Like Thunder, you have performed with honour both on the battlefield and off of it, you have wonderful talent for creation. I would swear my oath to you if you would take it."
Dwalin stays silent for a moment, taking the time to gather himself and inspect his comrades. It would not do to not take this moment with the seriousness that it deserves. "Songs and Stories have meaning and purpose, whether it be honouring an act or teaching a lesson to the next generation. Art without meaning is not true art. Choosing to follow me is to act with purpose and with me we shall record moments worthy of sagas and create them ourselves as well!" He pauses taking in his friends that trust him enough to entrust him with their honour.
"If you understand that, then I accept your oaths!"
Brynkhaz a Langskaudi is a large circular building located in Khazid Okraz designed by the Runelord Dwalin 'Thunderlung' Hurgarsson. The entrance of the building is a large Azrilwut door flanked by two huge statues of dawi skalds. Each skald is holding a scroll that is unfurling away from the door going around the entirety of the building. One could notice that the skalds are holding the same scroll but from opposite ends. All around the building from the unfurled scroll are scenes out of story and saga. The depictions from the left skald are stories from the Far North and as they continue around the building they slowly transition to stories from the north then towards the south. The same can be seen from the right skald as the stories start from Zorn and move northwards.
Oklid Zagkhaz (Cunningly Spoken Saga-Hall)
The Oklid Zagkhaz is the upper section of Brynkhaz a Langskaudi which can only be described as an extremely large theatre. Designed to allow for the most impressive of performances, the combination of runes and engineering present in the theatre allows for incredible freedom towards the performers they are able to completely control the light, wind and sound of the stage. The audience will always be able to hear everything from the performance with perfect clarity unless the performer do not wish it to be so. The balconies are runed so that the sound from the performance can be heard but and noise made by the occupants of the balconies cannot be heard. The backstage area is an engineering marvel allow for the transportation of props and scenery. The curtains for the stage are actually two huge runic banners created by Lord Thunderlung himself.
Dangskaud Ungor (Hit/Strike Song Cave)
Dangskaud Ungor is the lower and underground section of Brynkhaz a Langskaudi. If Oklid Zagkhaz is the place you would take your date to then Dangskaud Ungor is the place to would enjoy with your friends. A large area with multiple small out coves with stages on them for anyone wanting their chance to perform. A huge bar stock with ridiculous amount of alcohol even for dwarfs, this place is a place for merriment and joy with friends. A place to share stories and sing even if you aren't a skald.
AN: Thanks to @BungieONI proof reading this story
Taking a turn continuing along the road he doesn't bother to fight the smile that makes its way onto his face as his thoughts turn to his children. Hollar his eldest just had his Kumenouht ceremony a few years back. The boy didn't have the Gift and choose to become a Runescribe just like his mother.
His second son is still a decade off attending his Kumenouht so the lad has plenty of time to choose. You didn't have to be the boy's father to see how enamoured Rorkaz was with all things smithing to see what the boy's path was likely to be. The lad hasn't been showing the signs of having the gift so far, so the path of Smednir it seemed.
And his youngest was such a Joy! Hallar his little daughter was the reason he was going to be late to his meeting. The lass adored listening to stories and practically begged him for one before he left. With a face like hers asking for the Tale Teller to recount a story, well he had to ensure it was a worthy tale. Alas in his efforts to recount the tales of The Stalwart and Warrior Bard rescuing Dawi from the clutches of the Fimir he had lost track of time.
Hopefully his friend will have left him some of the good ale, but it was a worthy sacrifice. Enough daydreaming! He was approaching his destination. Walking towards the tavern entrance he could already hear the noise of merriment and drinking from inside. He gives a quick glance to the taverns sign, showing an image of a dwarf scaling a mountain while drinking from a tankard with the words The Daring Drinker inscribed on the bottom.
Entering the tavern, he spots his drinking companions for the night, he starts to approach and is spotted by Grelda before making it halfway towards the table.
"Well look who finally decided to show up!" says Grelda as several dawi heads and one brana look over towards him.
"GREETINGS TO YOU ALL MY FRIENDS!" he responds back, "Apologies for being late but my little one was insistent for one more story before I left for the night." He says, taking a seat at the table and accepting a tankard from Okri Brewbeard.
"Poor lass, must have been bored out of her mind with your shite story telling ability." Okri bemoans, shaking his head before taking a drink himself.
"Okri you fool! That's the whole point, he is trying to put her to sleep." Responds Dwinbar Grimseal.
"I find He Who Sings Like Thunder tales rather entertaining," interjects the Brana She Who Tells Tales and Sings Songs. Or just Storysinger.
"Bah! Don't bother with these Krutheads Dwalin, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a saga and a longbeards grumblings." Says Grim Thunderarm.
Dwalin sits back enjoying his drink taking the banter in good humour. He was surrounded by friends who while not sharing the same occupation shared the same passion, Story telling and singing. Grelda Farstrider a ranger with voice and talent in singing only bested by her skills as a ranger. Okri Brewbeard whose love for brewing just beat his love for story telling. Dwinbar Grimseal, a fearsome warrior who after every victory can be found with a quill in hand recording the battle in song. Storysinger, a Brana who oddly declared in her search for diamonds says she has found it in song. Grim Thunderarm a dwarf with a passion for engineering that is barely match by his passion for saga telling. Many more that aren't currently here tonight and of course himself the Saga Singer and Storyholder. A group not skalds in occupation but certainly so in spirit.
"As amusing as it is to poke at Dwalin's skill or lack of at storytelling now that he is here, we can get to the point of this meeting." Begins Grelda, "Our little group has grown to not be so little anymore, so we can't keep hosting our gatherings in taverns anymore because we won't all fit."
"If you lad wants to use your brains for once I am going to get another drink, I am expecting this to take the whole night."
Joking grumbles fill the table.
Dwalin wakes with a hangover that if it was described in song it would not be appropriate for the ears of beardlings. Looking around he finds himself in his workshop hunched over his desk on top of a bunch of papers. Sitting up while nursing his throbbing head he tries to recall what exactly happened last night. He remembers discussing plans of where to host their little gatherings…
Oh dear, well that might be an issue, looking down at his desk and examining the papers more closely he can see it to be a half complete blueprint for a building. Dwalin rises from his seat and walks towards the exit of his workshop. He will have to tell his wife and kids he will busy for the next few weeks; an oath was sworn after all, drunk or not.
Dwalin is standing before his friends once more as they look over the plans he had created in order to fulfill his oath. He is rather proud of what he has planned, the Brynkhaz a Langskaudi will be a beautiful building located in the Khazid Okraz. It will be a monument to those who love and enjoy song, whether they be a professional Skald or a miner singing miner songs. It will be split into two sections. The upper level being a massive theatre for professionals plays and retelling while the lower level will cater to a much more informal and causal area with a multitude of small stages and a fully stocked bar.
"Well, you Runelords always seem to go beyond expectations." Says Grim, getting small nods and huffs from everyone else.
"Dwalin, you have three young children to take care of right now and a war that we both know you will be joining." Says Grelda, drawing nods once more.
Dwalin supresses a wince. "Ah, one of the plights that come with the profession sadly, but you need not worry I should be able to handle everything." He assures them but he must have failed judging by the glances they are sending each other.
Grim steps forward "Dwalin, I have known you for centuries and I have always valued your companionship and if you will take it, you have my oath to follow you and add you in your endeavours."
Dwinbar steps forward before Dwalin can respond. "Dwalin, you and I have shared a battlefield many of times and on each occasion, you have brought honour upon yourself. If you would take it, you have my oath to follow you and aid you on the battlefield or off it"
Okri this time. "Dwalin, you swore an oath to aid our group and from the plans you have created what I have seen has only cemented my understanding of your character. You have my oath."
Grelda, "Dwalin, you are a right pain in the ass sometimes, but few have such love an dedication for the art we all cherish. You have my oath."
Storysinger, "He Who Sings Like Thunder, you have performed with honour both on the battlefield and off of it, you have wonderful talent for creation. I would swear my oath to you if you would take it."
Dwalin stays silent for a moment, taking the time to gather himself and inspect his comrades. It would not do to not take this moment with the seriousness that it deserves. "Songs and Stories have meaning and purpose, whether it be honouring an act or teaching a lesson to the next generation. Art without meaning is not true art. Choosing to follow me is to act with purpose and with me we shall record moments worthy of sagas and create them ourselves as well!" He pauses taking in his friends that trust him enough to entrust him with their honour.
"If you understand that, then I accept your oaths!"
Brynkhaz a Langskaudi is a large circular building located in Khazid Okraz designed by the Runelord Dwalin 'Thunderlung' Hurgarsson. The entrance of the building is a large Azrilwut door flanked by two huge statues of dawi skalds. Each skald is holding a scroll that is unfurling away from the door going around the entirety of the building. One could notice that the skalds are holding the same scroll but from opposite ends. All around the building from the unfurled scroll are scenes out of story and saga. The depictions from the left skald are stories from the Far North and as they continue around the building they slowly transition to stories from the north then towards the south. The same can be seen from the right skald as the stories start from Zorn and move northwards.
Oklid Zagkhaz (Cunningly Spoken Saga-Hall)
The Oklid Zagkhaz is the upper section of Brynkhaz a Langskaudi which can only be described as an extremely large theatre. Designed to allow for the most impressive of performances, the combination of runes and engineering present in the theatre allows for incredible freedom towards the performers they are able to completely control the light, wind and sound of the stage. The audience will always be able to hear everything from the performance with perfect clarity unless the performer do not wish it to be so. The balconies are runed so that the sound from the performance can be heard but and noise made by the occupants of the balconies cannot be heard. The backstage area is an engineering marvel allow for the transportation of props and scenery. The curtains for the stage are actually two huge runic banners created by Lord Thunderlung himself.
Dangskaud Ungor (Hit/Strike Song Cave)
Dangskaud Ungor is the lower and underground section of Brynkhaz a Langskaudi. If Oklid Zagkhaz is the place you would take your date to then Dangskaud Ungor is the place to would enjoy with your friends. A large area with multiple small out coves with stages on them for anyone wanting their chance to perform. A huge bar stock with ridiculous amount of alcohol even for dwarfs, this place is a place for merriment and joy with friends. A place to share stories and sing even if you aren't a skald.
AN: Thanks to @BungieONI proof reading this story
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