Hmm... Naglfar?

Was the one thing from Mythology that came to mind. Its a ship that ferries the souls of the damned dead to the battle of ragnorok... Its also completly built from dead peoples toenails or something like that, but still. Were transporting souls, were planning to fight the apocalypse (or at minimum something apocalyptic) at some point, arguably every puelly magi is damned...

Although i also like Vimana, but that may be just being a fate Gilgamesh fan.
Brocken? (Its the mountain where supposedly witches dance at walpurgisnight)

Theres a secondary pun in there is you speak german, the word brocken has a direct translation something like chunk/block/(large) piece, often applied to rocks. As far as i know our flier isnt particularly elegant.

Hmm, on the theme of elegance, anyone thought how we confront people this time after weve won? Less friendly?... Like....
A huge grief-throne, spiky black armor, with the captured soulgems floating in a halo around us, or something. If we really want to drive it home...
Damocles everyone will just think of the thing with the sword. And im not sure thats the impression we ant to give, "we could kill you at any time".
I dunno, the Sabrina-mobile? The Citadel of Despair? The Flying Microwave?