"It is my duty," Toshimichi says serenely, with a touch of pride in her voice. And yet when she speaks again, there's that tug of insistent curiosity. "I wonder, what drives you, Miss Vee?"
Yep, yep yep yep yep yep okay great this is good this is
non-weird, this is in line with what I was expecting. I think it's in the convo I posted, I expect these people to be looking at us VERY similarly to how we're looking at them: they don't know us and we have weight behind us. Are we people they can be friends with, will there be a clash over beliefs or actions, will we cause Problems somehow, what can they learn about us to work with/around/use us/etc?
Now to a degree that's confirmation bias talking, but -- bluntly the "vanilla" here is that these people are operating on a wavelength similar to us. Think of it like running a quest where you're trying to keep things from going to shit in Tokyo. Imagine you know nothing about Sabrina and you get the offer we made, then she shows up with a huge strength behind her.
I mean, you act like she is, mostly.
If or when we start seeing or hearing things that
don't match up with that,
then we might start worrying.
[] Last few comments?
[] What's your focus for meeting the Chiyoda team?
- [] Just probe for information
-- [] About local politics
-- [] About the Chiyoda team and Toshimichi Akane
- [] Your own goals here - to distribute cleansing
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)
Draft vote from my perspective. This... Hm.
[X] You're as interested in the motive as the means, here. From a perspective of knowing little or nothing of you personally, and trying to run herd on a primed bomb like Tokyo without your cleansing or backing -- there are some really good reasons she might act this way for.
I'd want to make that comment. Beyond that?
Given the option...
Note that this next bit is NOT x'ed, this is something I am floating for consideration, not pushing as policy.
[] Ask if she'd like a fuller answer to the question she asked you.
-[] It's about the people. Others, people -- they,
we aren't anywhere as small as the pale figments that they show up in our vision as. Every individual has an experience behind them the same way she does, twenty four hours of
being and
mattering every single day. And then -- this world takes
suffering and just
pours it on them. It's an atrocity. A gigantic, omnipresent, worldwide crime against humanity, ignored and borne because -- a lot of reasons, honestly.
--[] You'd have to be completely insane to think that the lot of you could do away with that entirely. But you don't
have to do that to make things better, to make them less horrific than they have been. You only have to do what you're up for. It's just that in this case, "what you're up for" might have a bit more impact than it does for most people.
---[] You think it's wrong to call that simple, though. It's not the goal that's grand.
Just putting that on the table because I wanted to.
Let's see. Meeting.
[X] Focus
-[X] Look to understand Chiyoda group's perspective and motives here. Right now you're two separate groups trying to size each other up and figure out where to go and how to go about moving there. If you understood them better you could expedite that tremendously.
--[X] Don't be shy about sharing your own in return.
--[X] You're going to have to do
something besides that in order for this to go anywhere.
---[X] Work through the obstacles to all the "obvious" approaches to what you'd like to do.
---[X] Long term, besides cleansing, is there anything else that you could do to help?
I put it as "Shut up and listen" earlier but this is really the notion.
*Looks at thread*
Lmao everybody speculating about powers and I'm just sitting here like "I do not care, who is she personally"