The idea with the boat is that Yuki claims it, we push it, it floats to its destination, then we use Yuki to teleport into her boat and catch it. We need the boat there for that. That may take more calendar time than flying directly somewhere with constant acceleration, but it'll take less of our personal time.
Ah, I missed that trick. On reflection, I think applying witchy gravity thing to protect the whole base during acceleration is a good idea so that it can be constructed without any special attention to durability under acceleration. Once applied, might as well do the whole trip at nearly speed of light for Mars or closer (<40 min travel).
Probably the faster resource to exploit for money would be mining tritium off the surface of the moon. Small amounts should be worth large amounts of money. $30,000 per gram or thereabouts...
Successfully selling lots of tritium would be very dependent on masquerade enforcement actions to prevent us from coming to the attention of national governments. It is a major component of modern nuclear weapons.
Actually, we should crash the gem diamond market. Not to make money; breaking De Beers is its own reward.
More seriously, making a million-ton batch of perfectly pure defect-free monocrystalline diamond should be the work of hours. Preslice some of it into standard wafer form factors and find a distributor to sell the things. Should be lots of other uses for the rest. Diamond has such great material properties that it would be used for all kinds of things if it were so available. Heat sinks, heat exchangers, x-ray optics, optical optics, substrates for power electronics, machine tools etc.
Gold should also be easy. Just transmute it, there should be witchy methods to do that which produce a nonmagical product. The bottom would drop out of the market, but gold is useful and people would use it for more things if it were cheap enough.
In the long run, our organization should facilitate other meguca doing this (and tax them) but the above low-effort schemes may be enough to get started.