The battle didn't last all that long, I doubt their gems are all that. Cleansing them is mostly a service and a way to show off. Is it that hard to ask first?
They don't seem to be flipping out from grief. We could at least check their soul gems before cleansing them without asking.

For the girls, it's gonna feel like Sabrina is pulling a witch out of their souls. Let's ask or check, first.
Hey, uh, maybe we should make it a point to ask them for their version of events? We know that Akiko is hiding something from us, and for the most of the other knowledge that we have on whole shebang is either inferences or assumptions, and we need to get them confirmed or denied before we move along.
I agree with Cannon. They surely have their version in this war. We have to also convince them we're not part of the Sendai's faction, because I'm pretty sure the reason they went aggro at us is because of what happened between Sakura and the cloner.
Yeah, +1 to asking their version of events before asking for their help. Also agree with asking before cleansing. If one of them was about to witch, they would have asked us to let them use a grief seed after their telepathy.
Regarding cleansing - considering we use freefloating grief as, essentially ammunition, are we sure generating more of it is a message we want to send?
[x] Muramasa

I prefer maintaining the grief stand-by until they can confirm us they won't do anything stupid once we dismiss it.
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Yeah, +1 to asking their version of events before asking for their help. Also agree with asking before cleansing. If one of them was about to witch, they would have asked us to let them use a grief seed after their telepathy.
Actually, if they were more than half down, the possibility of accepting an enemy's pity(as they see it) likely wouldn't even occur to them. Basically same issue as Homura offering Sayaka a cleanse.
[x] Confirm that purple is Hoshiko.
- [x] Release her.
[x] Cleanse everyone's gems using grief seeds. Don't pull it directly from their soul gems.
[x] I can release all of you. Just stop attacking us.
- [x] Release them once they agree. Return their grief seeds.
[x] Introductions?
[x] Will you hear us out now?
[x] Keep our tone sincere. Level. Matter of fact. Don't hide that we didn't want things to go this way, but we really did come here to talk to them.
[x] We didn't come here to fight them, or to encroach on their territory. We're not even with the Sendai girls as such. We're here because we wish for an end to the hostilities on both sides of this conflict.
[x] Offer to cleanse their grief seeds as a gesture of good faith.
[x] Ask what happened between them and and the Sendai girls. We know the general outline of events, but it would help to get their side of the story. In particular, ask them how does the university group factor into all of this.

I'm cutting the vote off here, because I'm pretty sure that their reply is going to significantly impact how we proceed with this, and asking them for their aid when we don't even know what even brought them into this is abit premature. Apart from the last two lines, the vote is otherwise mostly identical to Mura's.
[] Onmur

I see a possible issue with our free cleansing + reuseable grief seeds project.

Witch population levels may start getting rampant. Every MG that comes to us for aid is another one that's not fighting them. Or rather would not fight them. I mean, unless they're the battle-crazy types, who would eant to fight eldritch abominations as a day job?

Which is good for providing the MGs a normal and safe life, yes. But unless the bastard catrabbit starts referring new contractees to us, the witch numbers will keep rising which is very bad for the mundane population.

Cutting witches down by ourselves is only a stopgap measure. There's only so much we can do, without adding our cleansing services, and a limited distanmce to cover. It's a very real possibility that we will end up having *three* cities worth of MGs to take care of after this war.
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*shrugs* Eh, okay.[q] Cannongerbil

Awesome Mami vote is gone tho :(

[x]Telepathy to friends: Mami, you were *amazing* there. Even more than you usually are, I mean. Good work too, Kirika.
[x] Confirm that purple is Hoshiko.
- [x] Release her.
[x] Cleanse everyone's gems using grief seeds. Don't pull it directly from their soul gems.
[x] I can release all of you. Just stop attacking us.
- [x] Release them once they agree. Return their grief seeds.
[x] Introductions?
[x] Will you hear us out now?
[x] Keep our tone sincere. Level. Matter of fact. Don't hide that we didn't want things to go this way, but we really did come here to talk to them.
[x] We didn't come here to fight them, or to encroach on their territory. We're not even with the Sendai girls as such. We're here because we wish for an end to the hostilities on both sides of this conflict.
[x] Offer to cleanse their grief seeds as a gesture of good faith.
[x] Ask what happened between them and and the Sendai girls. We know the general outline of events, but it would help to get their side of the story. In particular, ask them how does the university group factor into all of this.

[x] Cannongerbil

Leaving their soul gems alone for now and using seeds to cleanse them seems like the right choice.
Asking for their version of the story, before deciding how to proceed is reasonable.
[x]Telepathy to friends: Mami, you were *amazing* there. Even more than you usually are, I mean. Good work too, Kirika.
[x] Confirm that purple is Hoshiko.
- [x] Release her.
[x] Cleanse everyone's gems using grief seeds. Don't pull it directly from their soul gems.
[x] I can release all of you. Just stop attacking us.
- [x] Release them once they agree. Return their grief seeds.
[x] Introductions?
[x] Will you hear us out now?
[x] Keep our tone sincere. Level. Matter of fact. Don't hide that we didn't want things to go this way, but we really did come here to talk to them.
[x] We didn't come here to fight them, or to encroach on their territory. We're not even with the Sendai girls as such. We're here because we wish for an end to the hostilities on both sides of this conflict.
[x] Offer to cleanse their grief seeds as a gesture of good faith.
[x] Ask what happened between them and and the Sendai girls. We know the general outline of events, but it would help to get their side of the story. In particular, ask them how does theuniversity group factor into all of this.
[x]Telepathy to friends: Mami, you were *amazing* there. Even more than you usually are, I mean. Good work too, Kirika.
[x] Confirm that purple is Hoshiko.
- [x] Release her.
[x] Cleanse everyone's gems using grief seeds. Don't pull it directly from their soul gems.
[x] I can release all of you. Just stop attacking us.
- [x] Release them once they agree. Return their grief seeds.
[x] Introductions?
[x] Will you hear us out now?
[x] Keep our tone sincere. Level. Matter of fact. Don't hide that we didn't want things to go this way, but we really did come here to talk to them.
[x] We didn't come here to fight them, or to encroach on their territory. We're not even with the Sendai girls as such. We're here because we wish for an end to the hostilities on both sides of this conflict.
[x] Offer to cleanse their grief seeds as a gesture of good faith.
[x] Ask what happened between them and and the Sendai girls. We know the general outline of events, but it would help to get their side of the story. In particular, ask them how does theuniversity group factor into all of this.
[x]Telepathy to friends: Mami, you were *amazing* there. Even more than you usually are, I mean. Good work too, Kirika.
[x] Confirm that purple is Hoshiko.
- [x] Release her.
[x] Cleanse everyone's gems using grief seeds. Don't pull it directly from their soul gems.
[x] I can release all of you. Just stop attacking us.
- [x] Release them once they agree. Return their grief seeds.
[x] Introductions?
[x] Will you hear us out now?
[x] Keep our tone sincere. Level. Matter of fact. Don't hide that we didn't want things to go this way, but we really did come here to talk to them.
[x] We didn't come here to fight them, or to encroach on their territory. We're not even with the Sendai girls as such. We're here because we wish for an end to the hostilities on both sides of this conflict.
[x] Offer to cleanse their grief seeds as a gesture of good faith.
[x] Ask what happened between them and and the Sendai girls. We know the general outline of events, but it would help to get their side of the story. In particular, ask them how does theuniversity group factor into all of this.
[x]Telepathy to friends: Mami, you were *amazing* there. Even more than you usually are, I mean. Good work too, Kirika.
[x] Confirm that purple is Hoshiko.
- [x] Release her.
[x] Cleanse everyone's gems using grief seeds. Don't pull it directly from their soul gems.
[x] I can release all of you. Just stop attacking us.
- [x] Release them once they agree. Return their grief seeds.
[x] Introductions?
[x] Will you hear us out now?
[x] Keep our tone sincere. Level. Matter of fact. Don't hide that we didn't want things to go this way, but we really did come here to talk to them.
[x] We didn't come here to fight them, or to encroach on their territory. We're not even with the Sendai girls as such. We're here because we wish for an end to the hostilities on both sides of this conflict.
[x] Offer to cleanse their grief seeds as a gesture of good faith.
[x] Ask what happened between them and and the Sendai girls. We know the general outline of events, but it would help to get their side of the story. In particular, ask them how does theuniversity group factor into all of this.

I'm going to go with this for now.