Yes, let's get the topic of Kyuubey up first. We could ask her if she has her own form of privacy enchantment, and ask how she gets by without one as a way to make the witchbomb test flow into place. Up next? Finish our replies, find out what a soul looks like, vs what our soul looks like. Then we get to the root of it. What is her plan? Orrr.... we could go for silly drama, and start with the big plan, and return to KB in a moment.
First of all check we should check her opinion on kyubey and her knowledge on lich/witchbombs*. Then her intentions but that can wait until we answer her first question.
* I'm aware she probly knows them considering her power but just to be sure.
[] Ask about her opinon on Kyubey and knowledge of lichbomb/witchbomb
[] Tell about your theory about being born from a wish: no memory past certain point, specific knowledge about the magical girl system, languages, science, etc. Don't mention secrets about Homura and Madoka.
-[] If useful, mention you've met a girl made from a wish before. She also became a magical girl.
[] Ask what her intentions are. You doubt Rionna traveled half the world to Mitakihara just to ask you that question, seeing how territorial magical girls tend to be.
I'm not sure about the line about Hijiri.
Also yes! she may not think we know about such, or she might be interested in that story.
Seeing her agree to the privacy field, she must be observing our "intent" towards her with a boost from her enchantment. So, she is getting by some points of negotiation using shortcuts. If that is the case, working our end of the conversation from big items, back down to details should be easier. Once she knows how we feel about what we are about to say, she can decide if she wants to resist or not.
Therefore, big declarations up front.
[] we have a reason to want her here
[] what is her reason to seek us?
[] can we work together?
[] Kyuubey talk
[] ask about regular souls / our soul
-[] re Hijiri
[] witchbomb / protect innocents
[] Our history
[] her history
[] discuss powers
[] why we infosec, and what we expect.
[] return to Mami
[] telepathy Niko
[] Ask how late she wants to talk tonight
[] We have people to gather, that want to meet her.
[] write out a few bilingual notes for her to use with the hotel staff
-[] and an address for her to meet us at
-[] and imply that she could use the hotel's business card to communicate with the taxi drivers her destination.