While I know he hasn't come up in the last few updates, there's something about Kyousuke that I feel I need to get of our chest, something that might impact how we deal with him in the future; I think Kyousuke has autism.Now I know some of you might be raising your eyebrows, but just hear me out. The first time this idea came to me was during that scene where he yells at Sayaka. He's depressed because of his inability to play the violin, and Sayaka decides to cheer him up by talking about music with him...but Kyousuke felt like she was mocking him. That actually reminds me of myself back in elementary school (I have autism by the way). I wasn't the most physically fit kid, so when we ran laps in gym, I'd fall behind. My classmates would eventually start cheering me on, but for some reason it sounded to me like they were making fun of me. His lack of social skills and hyper focus on his music are also signs of autism. I've known about my autism since 1st grade...but if Kyousuke does have autism, then I'm not sure he knows that. I can imagine having to grow up in a world with a brain that thinks differently from everyone else, never even knowing that. How hard that would make it to understand and communicate with people. I've managed to adapt to it, since I've known for almost my whole life. Which is something Kyousuke doesn't have.I think his real problem is that his brain is just wired differently then everyone around him, and no one notices, not even him.