1. You mean like how Homulilly literally shits black-feathered crow familiars like nobody's business? It's the same symbolism; Homucifer re-uses a lot of Homulilly's panopoly.
2. Yea, Homulilly's never moved people around and fucked with their memories. What was I thinking?
And there's no reason that she should have false memories, just missing ones, like Sayaka in Different Story.
1: ... Fair enough.
2: The issue is that this happens
Post PMMM. Memory manipulation is a canon power for Homura and Homulilly, yes, but she only gets it after meeting with Madokami and wishing to see her again. The posited timeline of events leaves Homura with no chance to attain that power.
If her memories are missing, then we have the problem of her still remembering Madoka making her wish, as that is the one thing she should
not have been able to remember.
1) Gretchen is associated with white feathers.
2) Feathers apparently is actively seeking to kill people, not 'save' them.
3) Making Sayaka a Magical Girl = saving her is pretty suspect for a Witch's thought processes, bruh.
The thing about KG being Feathers that makes me fairly positive it's not true is A) It doesn't explain the way she talks to us in Time Stop and Barriers and shit, and B) We've seen imagery of Madokami and signs of her influence, which implies that instead of witching out, last-timeline Madoka ascended into a demi-Madokami status.
1: White feathers, and wings, aren't associated specifically with Madokami, they're associated with
hope. Vice versa black with grief. My reasoning being that Homura's own wings went from white to black. The first time we see them in episode 12 they're white, later they're black. (also, our grief-wings for another data point of black wings)
2: This depends on how much the entity in question knew and thought about the actors involved. If Feathers just sees things as the appear to be and doesn't know the people then yeah, that's attempted murder. On the other hand, If Feathers knows that Oriko will try to see what happened and warn us, that we'll listen to her, and that Homura is also available and willing to listen to us, then Feathers could well be have the same sort of mindset that led Oriko to burn down Sayaka's house and claim she was saving her.
There is also the events from Oriko's visions to consider, but I'll freely admit I'm not sure what the deal is there.
3: No, it doesn't save Sayaka, but it does set things up so that people can be saved.
The problem with point B is that, as far as I can see, Madoka's stated wish lacks a clause or mechanism that that keeps her from falling. She's not eternally defeating herself, so how does she avoid witching out?
A is a fair point.