Doesn't Japan use seals for a lot of stuff instead of signatures?

... I feel like that makes the shennanigans even more viable...

So there was some thread relevant discussion in Discord, with a few more pics dumped that would've been nice to drop on thread. And this is why we have veB's quote bot:

Are we doing the Witch Runes thing? Because that sounds like a good direction. **starts trying to draft potential ideas** Also: There's a Discord?

(edited to avoid double posting)
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... I feel like that makes the shennanigans even more viable...

Are we doing the Witch Runes thing? Because that sounds like a good direction. **starts trying to draft potential ideas** Also: There's a Discord?

(edited to avoid double posting)
There's an invite to the Discord server on the second post of this thread.

Just keep in mind current-PMAS discussion should be kept in thread.
There's an invite to the Discord server on the second post of this thread.

Just keep in mind current-PMAS discussion should be kept in thread.

Cool, gotcha. Mostly just wanted to confirm this was a thing that existed.

Stringing together bits of handwritten runes from the wiki, because some of them are (surprisingly?) similar to a different cipher that I definitely know can be written with signature-like speed and fluidity, and I wanted to see what I could do with it. Thoughts?

Edit: I keep noticing that, applied correctly, a combination of 'S' and the rune form bears some resemblance to Homumom's shield, where the 'V'-rune can charitably bear resemblance to a bow and now I can't stop myself from exploring if there's any feasible way for that to be represented without shoehorning it in.

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Cool, gotcha. Mostly just wanted to confirm this was a thing that existed.

Stringing together bits of handwritten runes from the wiki, because some of them are (surprisingly?) similar to a different cipher that I definitely know can be written with signature-like speed and fluidity, and I wanted to see what I could do with it. Thoughts?

Edit: I keep noticing that, applied correctly, a combination of 'S' and the rune form bears some resemblance to Homumom's shield, where the 'V'-rune can charitably bear resemblance to a bow and now I can't stop myself from exploring if there's any feasible way for that to be represented without shoehorning it in.

I stopped trying to improve my attempt at a theorical Sabrina's signature after 5 minutes and 3 pages.

Be careful you don't take too long or too much paper. :p
Cool, gotcha. Mostly just wanted to confirm this was a thing that existed.

Stringing together bits of handwritten runes from the wiki, because some of them are (surprisingly?) similar to a different cipher that I definitely know can be written with signature-like speed and fluidity, and I wanted to see what I could do with it. Thoughts?

Edit: I keep noticing that, applied correctly, a combination of 'S' and the rune form bears some resemblance to Homumom's shield, where the 'V'-rune can charitably bear resemblance to a bow and now I can't stop myself from exploring if there's any feasible way for that to be represented without shoehorning it in.

If we go with a holographic seal, we could have stylised hourglass/witch runes/stylised bow as three of the layers, with the impactor logo as a fourth somewhere.
Crazy idea, but I wonder what would Oriko do if we asked her to explain her own tale to Yuuki, rather than explaining ourselves.

Would she go for a tragic narration? How would she portray us? How sad/excited would Kirika be to hear it? Could we pull Anri in to listen? Would Oriko have us play some of the important scenes?


"I don't like this part."

"Don't worry Mami, it's OK. It won't hurt at all this time!"

"We're ready for the reenactment. Thankfully I still have some explosives leftover..."

"... Wait, what?"

*Muskets clatter on the ground*
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I like the last one in edit 2 mostly because it's the most likely to fuck with Homura's head.

I mean, it's not like we haven't half-jokingly brought up the topic before. But let's see if I can get this down to something more subtle. I always appreciate the optical tricks where you might not see the reference if you don't know it's there, you might not even see anything strange about the image at all, it looks reasonable for the context it's in- and then you can't unsee the hidden information.

... that being said, I'll come back to making signature/logo/monogram ideas after I try and burn through my schoolwork. Hopefully signatures are still open for ideas by that point, eh?
Crazy idea, but I wonder what would Oriko do if we asked her to explain her own tale to Yuuki, rather than explaining ourselves.

Would she go for a tragic narration? How would she portray us? How sad/excited would Kirika be to hear it? Could we pull Anri in to listen? Would Oriko have us play some of the important scenes?


"I don't like this part."

"Don't worry Mami, it's OK. It won't hurt at all this time!"

"We're ready for the reenactment. Thankfully I still have some explosives leftover..."

"... Wait, what?"

*Muskets clatter on the ground*
I'd suggest a puppet show, but for a veteran meguca that's more likely than not to be a PTSD trigger.
Hmmm... So I have something that I think maybe would be good to address with Yuki ('our own overbearingness').

And about talking with Homura and Sayaka about O&K, should we do it right away, or have a bit of Enchantment practice first? This talk might tank practice time... not that that would be too horrid. We probably could still practice with Mami if Homura and Sayaka stomped off.

Specifically, I'm thinking we'd help Mami practice her cloning (fully sized Brina clone to help!), or how to make magical tripwires (for the purposes of helping make sure O&K stay within their boundaries). Meanwhile, I don't know what we've got planned for practicing, but if nothing else, there's some tricks Mami said she'd show us she still hasn't (hammerspace and keeping objects in place with magic).

Also, when addressing O&K, remember Homura's angle. Having a way she could check on O&K anytime she wants should help a lot with convincing her.

Now, convincing Sayaka might be difficult. She's Sayaka and she has very legit reasons for wanting O&K to be punished. I'm not sure just honestly explaining how the house arrest is making things worse will be enough.

[ ] Yuki's question.
-[ ] Meguca with good intentions, who were horribly misguided until we befriended them and they agreed to work with us. Not before they hurt us, though.

[ ] Rin and Sakura
-[ ] Test for interest in muggle monemaking schemes. Mention that you have a contact with Ideas. It's something for them to do with their time, if nothing else.

[ ] Yuki.
-[ ] Thank her for helping Rin.
--[ ] Hint: If there's anything we can do...
-[ ] Address our own overbearingness: Ask her to feel free to speak up anytime, specially if she feels forced to follow our steps.
--[ ] If we solve the big problems by stomping on the people, we've failed.

[ ] Kures.
-[ ] Ask Kirika to check the IRCs Nadia provided.
-[ ] Many thanks.

[ ] ...

I'd suggest a puppet show, but for a veteran meguca that's more likely than not to be a PTSD trigger.
We could bring Kyouko to do the play. :o

Oriko would get to tell Kyouko everything she'd need to do. She'd love it.
Crazy idea, but I wonder what would Oriko do if we asked her to explain her own tale to Yuuki, rather than explaining ourselves.

Would she go for a tragic narration? How would she portray us? How sad/excited would Kirika be to hear it? Could we pull Anri in to listen? Would Oriko have us play some of the important scenes?


"I don't like this part."

"Don't worry Mami, it's OK. It won't hurt at all this time!"

"We're ready for the reenactment. Thankfully I still have some explosives leftover..."

"... Wait, what?"

*Muskets clatter on the ground*

Wait, does Oriko even know she blew our leg off again? It happened completely in timestop.
Wait, does Oriko even know she blew our leg off again? It happened completely in timestop.

Actually, huh, if it's been mentioned I've forgotten, could Oriko see what could potentially happen in timestop, even if she necessarily couldn't actually act on that information in the time between moments? It feels like the answer should be no, but now I'm not sure...
So here's an attempted expansion of my earlier vote.

[] To kirika: "Thanks Best Buddy!" Be friendly!Brina
[] To Yuki: "Ours is a friendship that cost us an arm and a leg. Respectively. Well. My leg, Oriko's arm and head, and Sayaka's apartment. They are the first ones I've 'proactively befriended'. Sayaka and Homura aren't quite on board with it yet tho."
[] To Yuki: "Ours is a friendship that cost us an arm and a leg. Respectively. Well. My leg, Oriko's arm and head, Kirika's leg, Sayaka's apartment building, several thousand rounds of ammunition, and a good night's sleep. They are the first ones I've 'proactively befriended'. Sayaka and Homura aren't quite on board with it yet tho."
[] To Yuki: "Ours is a friendship that cost us an arm and a leg. Respectively. Well. My leg, Oriko's arm and head, Kirika's leg, Sayaka's apartment building, several thousand rounds of ammunition, and a good night's sleep. They are the first ones I've 'proactively befriended'. Sayaka and Homura aren't quite on board with it yet tho."

I feel like maybe we shouldn't be that flippant about it? This is a chance to sell Yuki on the idea we can manage peace talks between her group and groups she's had issues with.

I feel like being flippant through "Ours is a friendship that cost us an arm and a leg. Respectively. Well. My leg, Oriko's arm and head, Kirika's leg, Sayaka's apartment building, several thousand rounds of ammunition, and a good night's sleep. They are the first ones I've 'proactively befriended'" is probably a good way to brush over the excruciating details while giving a good overview, and not putting too heavy an emphasis on the incident, since we are trying to move past it in an appropriate manner where we can. Probably a bit of something else at the end that's more serious, about "Homura and Sayaka have some understandable remaining reservations but we're" working on it, building a positive relationship going forward, or something like that?
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It's the brushing off at the end I feel particularly troubled by, yes. The rest can be chalked up to our usual brain damage, but I feel like dismissing Sayaka and Homura like that crosses a line.

Probably unintentionally, given, but then, what's this board's input into Sabrina's response for, if not to iron out as many unintentional verbal snafus before she voices them?

But yeah, treating our friends' valid reservations seriously, both because we gotta do right by them and show respect for them even where we disagree, because it'll make a better impression in general on Yuki, and honestly because "Sayaka and Homura aren't quite on board with it yet tho" sets off the dialogue flag in my head saying 'if you say this it will come back to bite you in short order'.
Sudden inspiration:
Using these sans-serif runes as inspiration.

Top: possible Palmer Method-style writing, spliced together from two separate attempts.
Bottom: possible scribble-style signature derived from the above.

As thefizzynator does, I treat the displayed runes as ornate, stylized blackletter-style capitals rather than the base letterforms — though I cleave more closely to the runes for my n.

My b here is very shaky; it should be written exactly as a Palmer-style o. More painfully, the V rune isn't really cursive-compatible as-is: essentially all modern European cursive scripts strongly prefer diagonals upwards and to the right, and completely eschew straight lines perpendicular to that. (Unless you're left-handed. Which I'm not.)


(Discount witchiness effect brought to you mostly by my inability to properly adjust white balance. :V)
Sudden inspiration:
Using these sans-serif runes as inspiration.

Top: possible Palmer Method-style writing, spliced together from two separate attempts.
Bottom: possible scribble-style signature derived from the above.

As thefizzynator does, I treat the displayed runes as ornate, stylized blackletter-style capitals rather than the base letterforms — though I cleave more closely to the runes for my n.

My b here is very shaky; it should be written exactly as a Palmer-style o. More painfully, the V rune isn't really cursive-compatible as-is: essentially all modern European cursive scripts strongly prefer diagonals upwards and to the right, and completely eschew straight lines perpendicular to that. (Unless you're left-handed. Which I'm not.)


(Discount witchiness effect brought to you mostly by my inability to properly adjust white balance. :V)

Looking good there. More cohesive than my attempts before I had to cut for schoolwork. (... which I need to get back to...) I was trying to do something similar for a bit, from the same source you listed, actually, but I started moving away from that script when it was looking like, yeah, a coherent signature could be made from it, derived from the runes, but it starts looking much less recognizably like the runes. I dunno, if we're going full "not traditionally coherent signature" (that doesn't require adding esoteric effects with Grief, which is probably still on the table if we could think of a solid implementation), I'd prefer it looks recognizably like "what even is this alphabet/wait these are Witch runes why" as opposed to "which language's variant of the Roman alphabet did you just appropriate", which I feel like turns up more often than not as one moves toward cursive?

And I still kinda want to see if there's a reasonable way to make the initials+SV symbol version of a signature work, if only for future monogramming purposes. Hn...
It's the brushing off at the end I feel particularly troubled by, yes. The rest can be chalked up to our usual brain damage, but I feel like dismissing Sayaka and Homura like that crosses a line.
I think that flipping from brain damage to srs would be useful anyway. It emphasizes the serious parts, which we probably want.

[] "Ours is a friendship that cost us an arm and a leg. Respectively. Well. My leg, Oriko's arm and head, Kirika's leg, Sayaka's apartment building, several thousand rounds of ammunition, and a good night's sleep. Our first 'aggressive befriending'!"
-[] Seriously, though: Oriko's dealt with her demons and continues to improve, and you're doing your best to help her do that, but you don't blame Sayaka and Homura for their reservations.
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