Archangel of Nutella.
[] Maybe later.
[] Shift seating arrangements as to include Hijiri.
-[] Try and talk to her.
-[] Potential things to bring up (go for less sensitive issues first):
--[] How is she holding up; is anything troubling her?
--[] Worried about Airi?
--[] About Niko?
--[] We'll all solve this. We just need to talk, be honest, and understand each other.
--[] What Hijiri wants to do once this is over. Offer transport services?
-[] Ask her to give us a chance. Ask for her cooperation. Shake on it?
--[] Could her powers help with the search?
--[] Bring up her telepathying.

[] Shift seating arrangements as to include Hijiri.
-[] Try and talk to her.
-[] Potential things to bring up (go for less sensitive issues first):
--[] How is she holding up; is anything troubling her?
--[] Worried about Airi?
--[] About Niko?
--[] We'll all solve this. We just need to talk, be honest, and understand each other.
--[] What Hijiri wants to do once this is over. Offer transport services?
-[] Ask her to give us a chance. Ask for her cooperation. Shake on it?
--[] Could her powers help with the search?
--[] Bring up her telepathying.
Mami, on the other hand, has a thoughtful look on her face. She crouches down to tap Kazumi on the shoulder. "Kazumi?"
"Yes, Mami-sempai?" Kazumi says, almost on reflex.
The Return Of Mami Senpai.
Haven't taken the time to Clear it, yet.If Sabrina confronts Hijiri about the telepathy, I think Sabrina should go like "You've been awfully quiet, talking with Niko back there?" So that way Sabrina gets two birds with one stone whilst avoiding a confrontation after all this work reasoning with her. However Sabrina also shouldn't get pushy about the Niko topic, and generally use this as an opportunity to further befriend her.
Though regarding Yuuri, did Sabrina clear her and the update just didn't go into details? Don't see any particular reason she wouldn't have. Hmm... Maybe it should become standard practice for Sabrina to clear every Seed she can? The process isn't too difficult and time consuming, plus making this standard operating procedure avoids similar or worse scenarios like just then. That, and having a surplus of Clear Seeds means Sabrina can hand them out should a Magical Girl she's helping be in too much of a rush for a new one.