We're not discussing an emergency here, so this little point is irrelevant.
Then let's start discussing emergencies! We're planning for the future here. What is the chance of us running into an emergency with such a requirement, and does the expected value of having that capability balance out the expected penalty of having copied it?

Oh. Wait. There's no downside to copying it, so that math comes out positive no matter what P(emergency is).
Then let's start discussing emergencies! We're planning for the future here. What is the chance of us running into an emergency with such a requirement, and does the expected value of having that capability balance out the expected penalty of having copied it?

Oh. Wait. There's no downside to copying it, so that math comes out positive no matter what P(emergency is).
Now you're changing the goalposts, considering you were initially focusing on "Let's have it copied for Sayaka/Kazumi to use for random visits and daily tasks." .
Fuck fears of vote-splitting. We've voted for "copy shit" every single vote since this event started and I am fucking tired of having to keep repeating it. And I do not want to have to specify every single thing we do as "copy X". I want to just say "COPY SHIT, PEOPLE" and stop having to track and vote for every single thing we do to make sure it gets copied. Particularly if we're going to have people exploding with rage every single time it's time to vote again to tell people to copy the mobile oppression fortress or similar things.
"Fuck fears of vote-splitting" is basically saying "I don't care if I cause us all to lose". Don't be immature.

And since voting for a generic "copy shit" clearly hasn't worked, we need to specifically and emphatically specify each thing we want each person to copy, and for it to happen NOW.
Now you're changing the goalposts, considering you were initially focusing on "Let's have it copied for Sayaka/Kazumi to use for random visits and daily tasks." .
Let's look at the positives for copying:
1. It lets more of our allies do useful shit without us present

Let's look at the negatives for copying:

Oh look, there aren't any. Who would have thought?

Now, if we're dealing with people who don't want their shit copied, or if we're dealing with people we're on strained relations with, that's fine. But when that's not the case? Why not?
Do the Saints really need that capability? Not in my opinion, since they're not in the business of trying to one-up Concept!Madoka's achievements like Sabrina is.
Does a group of people who are nominally in the "business" of saving human lives not need the ability to get from point A to point B quickly? Where are you even going with this? What is the point of this argument?

Please, spend some words to clearly lay out your rationale for your position that our flying platform should not be copied, because it is truly not apparent to... well, anyone else in the thread, near as I can tell.
[X] For ease of regrouping, flyers should search the most far away areas.
-[X] Ask Niko to clarify. Search whichever place she's got in mind. Industrial area, maybe?

[X] To help counter possible memory attacks, propose everyone checks in with the group every... half an hour?
-[X] Ask Homura if she'd be willing to do periodic check-ins for us; just as an extra precaution, and only so long as it doesn't horribly inconvenience her.

[X] Ask if they know possible culprits we should look out for?

[X] Remind everyone to call and regroup if possible before engaging.
-[X] We'd prefer if no blood had to be shed on this. If it does though, we want to hit them hard enough that they're never in a position to hurt our friends again.

[X] Before going:
-[X] Doublecheck who was shadowing Niko on your first visit.
-[X] Give the copiers Carte Blanche to copy our magic. Please, copy. Start with the Fog, Privacy Sphere, and definitely the MoF.
-[X] If Kirika, Kazumi, and Sayaka are willing, we'd also be well-served by having anti-magic on as many teams as possible. One of the few powers that doesn't have much diminishing returns.
-[X] Have Umika do her mental protection.

Now stop fighting. Dirty humans in this thread fight like pansy elves over nothing, make Karne angry when people ignore his shitposting!
Does a group of people who are nominally in the "business" of saving human lives not need the ability to get from point A to point B quickly? Where are you even going with this? What is the point of this argument?

Please, spend some words to clearly lay out your rationale for your position that our flying platform should not be copied, because it is truly not apparent to... well, anyone else in the thread, near as I can tell.
I am saying the benefit is not really there for the Saints in copying the MOF imo, not that they shouldn't. Usually a failure for a meguca to save a life is from not knowing about a Witch, not a lack of speed. So that claim rings hollow to me.

Are they agoraphobic? Because if they're not, I don't see any reason that being able to move groups of people around quickly wouldn't be useful to them.

Seriously, why would they not want this capability? You've provided no rationale whatsoever.
And the responses I seen involve generalities or wierd edge cases about how supersonic capabilities are highly valuable when the Saints typically don't roam outside Asunaro anyway.
Sorry, wait, don't we want our NEW BEST FRIENDS to be able to visit us, and more importantly MAMI, whenever the fuck they want on their own schedule and their own power?

[X] To help counter possible memory attacks, propose everyone checks in with the group every... half an hour?
-[X] Ask Homura if she'd be willing to do periodic check-ins for us; just as an extra precaution, and only so long as it doesn't horribly inconvenience her.
Continuous communication. Depending on how we sell the utility fog and how the clones work, we should have three people on the team that have arbitrary multi-tasking and can individually maintain continuous contact with every single magical girl we know.

And thirty minutes? During a crisis situation with someone on the loose with a memory editor, a way to knock people out silently, undetectably, and without making a single sound, and a Clear Seed? Thirty minutes is enough for them to take out literally our entire assault force. It's been not more than 15 minutes since we even woke up! If you're not going to make it continuous, at least take it down to something that's not going to give our opponent free reign to knock us out whenever they want to. Like, I don't know, thirty seconds or so.
[X] For ease of regrouping, flyers should search the most far away areas.
-[X] Ask Niko to clarify. Search whichever place she's got in mind. Industrial area, maybe?

[X] To help counter possible memory attacks, ask everyone to keep in touch at all times, if possible.

[X] Ask if they know possible culprits we should look out for?

[X] Remind everyone to regroup if possible before engaging.

[X] Before going:
-[X] Ask who was shadowing Niko on your first visit.
-[X] Give the copiers Carte Blanche to copy our magic. Please, copy. Start with the Fog, Privacy Sphere, and MoF.
-[X] Have Umika do her mental protection
My take on a less angry remix of Vebyasts vote. Mostly because only checking in every half-hour is dumb.

[x] Ask the power copiers to try copying the privacy sphere before you drop it.

[X] For ease of regrouping, flyers should search the most far away areas.
-[X] Ask Niko to clarify. Search whichever place she's got in mind. Industrial area, maybe?

[X] Ask everyone to remain in continuous contact with someone in another group.
-[x] Include people capable of multitasking in all status updates.

[X] Ask if they know possible culprits we should look out for?

[X] Remind everyone to call and regroup if possible before engaging. You want to find out why this happened to better prevent a repeat.

[X] Before going:
-[X] Ask who was shadowing Niko on your first visit.
-[X] Explicitly offer the Fog and MoF to the power copiers. Local omniscience and an extremely fast flight ability will be useful for searching.
--[x] Suggest that everyone else offers powers for copying as appropriate given time pressures.
-[X] Have Umika do her mental protection.
Last edited:
Beat me to it. :p Here's my own less-angry rewrite:

[] Ask the Pleiades if they had any threats on their radar.

[] For ease of regrouping, flyers should search the most far away areas.
-[] Ask Niko to clarify. Search whichever place she's got in mind. Industrial area, maybe?

[] Ask everyone to remain in continuous contact with other groups.
-[] Anyone that has a multitasking power should be included in all status updates.

[x] Remind everyone to call and regroup if possible before engaging. You want to find out why this happened to better prevent a repeat.

[] Before going:
-[] Ask who was shadowing Niko on your first visit.
-[] Get the power copiers to copy everything you do.
--[] Do some grandstanding with the Fog to make sure they pick up the most powerful version they can get.
--[] The Privacy Sphere needs to be copied before you dismiss it.
--[] Other targets: MoF, Cleansing (grandstanding may be necessary), scanners, any defenses you make, the Manifold Omni-Debating Technique you'll be demonstrating with the status updates, etc.
-[] Have Umika do her mental protection

I think that yours is better overall; mine is a bit long. Individual points from mine that I think are useful:
  • Kazumi's power-copying is almost certainly based on what she perceives an ability to be, so we should take care to grandstand when they're copying the Fog and attempting to copy Cleansing to maximize the power of the ability they copy. It's not just a Byakugan; if we give them the right demonstration, they could also pick up something very much like Skitter's power. Sayaka in particular could derive spectacular value if we can sell the Utility Fog as real infinite multitasking instead of the arbitrary parallelization that we actually get.
...Huh, that's actually about it.
I think that yours is better overall; mine is a bit long. Individual points from mine that I think are useful:
  • Kazumi's power-copying is almost certainly based on what she perceives an ability to be, so we should take care to grandstand when they're copying the Fog and attempting to copy Cleansing to maximize the power of the ability they copy. It's not just a Byakugan; if we give them the right demonstration, they could also pick up something very much like Skitter's power. Sayaka in particular could derive spectacular value if we can sell the Utility Fog as real infinite multitasking instead of the arbitrary parallelization that we actually get.
...Huh, that's actually about it.
Hmmm... A thought: If this is about what Kazumi perceives, is there a way to get her to copy the "telekinetic levitation" part of the platform alone or would it inherently come as part of a package deal?

Because, if she just copies the telekinesis part of the deal, there's no reason she couldn't apply that to, say, her shoes and use those to fly. Or anything else she and her team might make or think to use.
Kazumi's power-copying is almost certainly based on what she perceives an ability to be, so we should take care to grandstand when they're copying the Fog and attempting to copy Cleansing to maximize the power of the ability they copy.

I'm not sure that "infinite multitasking" is actually the main takeaway of the grief sensory fog as a discretely copied item, but I've increased the grandstanding from "discount Byakugan" to "localized omniscience" anyway.
All the things that we've ever used the MOF for, the Saints could also benefit from. That includes:
  • Moving the whole group plus guests and cargo around the city quickly and effortlessly.
  • Rapid long-distance travel at no cost.
  • Mobile cover and medevac services in combat.
  • Moving furniture and other large objects between their homes.