

EDIT: Okay, are you being serious? What makes you think this could possibly be the case?
*takes deep breath*
1: Sayaka notes early on that we "made the most amazing wish." She should have no basis for knowing what constitutes an "amazing wish."
2: Sayaka subtly compares Homura to a corpse early on when we're talking about living arrangements. Noteworthy given how big a thing the lichbomb was for her in canon.
3: Sayaka was pretty antagonistic towards Homura to a large degree and for a quite a long time.
4: Sayaka is noticeably sympathetic towards witches. It comes up early on, after Gertrude, and it comes up again when she first fights one. (The spider witch, aided by ourselves and Mami.)
5: Sayaka does not listen to a music player with Kyouske. This is specifically and explicitly pointed out by Firn when we see them together. And listening to that got her relationship troubles in canon.
6: Sayaka (and Madoka) gives Nagisa a look when she meets her for the first time. (This is definitely on the more conspiracy theorist side of things, but I might as well throw it in.)
7: Whatever the hell is up with her foreseen (prevented) disappearance sometime this week. In the same vein, regardless of intent, Feathers would have targeted her for a reason.
8: Sayaka's powerset mirrors what the Mermaid Witch was capable of in Rebellion. (A big part of the reason I wonder if her power gems are related to witch's familiars and would like to examine them and compare their structure with what we know of familiars if we get the chance.)
9: Sayaka's airstep now has angelic imagery, among others.
10: So many angel jokes lately.
11: Suspicious timing of the Kyousuke relationship concerns.

And that's just what I remember off the top of my head.

Yes, every singular thing on this list can be written off in isolation. Some of them can be construed as innocent even put together. Put all of them together however and they paint a picture of something being up.
From the right perspective, they are one and the same.
Such is the way of things, when meguca are involved.
3: Sayaka was pretty antagonistic towards Homura to a large degree and for a quite a long time.
This is true in canon. No conspiracy needed

4: Sayaka is noticeably sympathetic towards witches. It comes up early on, after Gertrude, and it comes up again when she first fights one. (The spider witch, aided by ourselves and Mami.)
5: Sayaka does not listen to a music player with Kyouske. This is specifically and explicitly pointed out by Firn when we see them together. And listening to that got her relationship troubles in canon.
6: Sayaka (and Madoka) gives Nagisa a look when she meets her for the first time. (This is definitely on the more conspiracy theorist side of things, but I might as well throw it in.)
I'm trying to find out what you're talking about and I can't do so. Do you have citations?
This is true in canon. No conspiracy needed

I'm trying to find out what you're talking about and I can't do so. Do you have citations?
The Nagisa moment is pretty irrelevant. As to the others...

Original sympathy for the witch, either late chapter 1 or early chapter 2:
"It was amazing to watch," Madoka adds shyly. "That Witch, though... it really didn't seem to like you, Sabrina."

"Maybe because she ripped a hole out of its home?" Sayaka says with a grin. "I know I'd be mad if someone punched a hole through my living room wall."

Sympathy for the familiar, spider witch fight:
It's just a rabbit, with the fluffiest white fur, clinging incongruously to a rope. Huge, obsidian black eyes blink at you, before the rabbit darts away, seeming to flow from rope to rope in stuttering motions, like frames skipping in an animation.

The distinctive boom of Mami's musket rings out, a streak of fire blasting the Familiar apart in a puff of fur. "It's a Familiar, Sayaka," Mami chides. "Don't hesitate!"

"Right," Sayaka says, grimacing to herself. "Sorry. It was just... all fuzzy and cute, you know?"

While I'm on that page, the airstep symbols, from the same spider witch fight:
"No, I-" Sayaka frowns. "I- do?" Azure light blazes beneath her feet, lifting her into the air as if on an invisible platform. Cerulean lines streak into stylized images that trail away behind her: an armoured knight, crossed swords, a winged angel, a windmill, a mermaid... The images reel away as Sayaka rockets upwards.

Missing music player:
Kyousuke, it turns out, is a rather delicate looking boy with grey hair and fine features. Sayaka, sitting at a chair beside his bed, looks up in surprise at the four of you trooping into the room. Kyousuke looks similarly surprised. There's no music player, or even the wreckage of one, in sight, something which niggles at the edge of your thoughts.
Perhaps we need to make (and plaster everywhere) PSA posters warning about the dangers of infohazards. :V

Also, re:Mikiel
We ask Sayaka if she's an Angel.
She responds by saying she isn't.
Later in the conversation, she stabs us through the heart.
:V :V :V
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by defenestrator on Sep 11, 2017 at 10:33 AM, finished with 124171 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Use Chibis to set the table.
    -[X] See if Kazumi can make her own.
    [X] Keep chat light during dinner.
    -[X] Can Niko be your Science Buddy?
    [X] If you have a few idle minutes at any point, ask Mami to try extending your range with her ribbons.
    [X] Witch Hunt
    -[X] Ask Sayaka if she feels confident in her Clone Power to scout ahead. That should become standard practice, to be honest.
    -[X] Play support and battlefield control. Pay attention to the Pleiades' styles.
    -[X] Clear the Seed and give it to the Pleiades.
    [X] Use Chibis to set the table.
    -[X] See if Kazumi can make her own.
    [X] Keep chat light during dinner.
    -[X] Share your vague plans for world-wide Grief cleansing with everyone.
    [X] If you have a few idle minutes at any point, ask Mami to try extending your range with her ribbons.
    [X] Witch Hunt
    -[X] Ask Sayaka if she feels confident in her Clone Power to scout ahead. That should become standard practice, to be honest.
    -[X] Play support and battlefield control. Pay attention to the Pleiades' styles.
    -[X] Clear the Seed and give it to the Pleiades.
    [X] Over dinner...
    -[X] Chat.
    [X] Witch Hunt
    -[X] Let Sayaka show off some! She seems to have improved a lot lately.
    --[X] Not too much though, everyone gets a turn to share in the asskicking.
    -[X] Clear the seed and give it to Kazumi. Homura and Sayaka have one each, Mami and we don't need them, and they probably won't be seeing the one Niko has for a while, so...
    [X] Dinner
    - [X] Broach discussion about SCIENCE!
    - [X] Failing interest in that topic, give people a chance to talk about their interests.
    [X] Witch Hunt
    - [X] Make sure everyone knows what to expect from everyone during the hunt.
    - [X] Ask Sayaka if she feels confident in her Clone Power to scout ahead.
    - [X] Play support. With so many girls you won't be as needed on the front lines but there's more room for error. Do your part by helping look after people.
    - [X]Use the opportunity to put your nanoparticle utility fog through the ropes.
    [X] Make sure you have a moment after the hunt to talk to Sayaka in private.
To be fair, we were about to microwave tea.
"Sayaka, why..."

"I... I had to."

"But I mean, why?! That hurt a lot! And it's not like it did anything, it just fucking hurt!"

"Uh... Shit I'm sorry I don't know what came over me!"

*Vanishes sword*

"Thankfully you did get those healing powers from Yuma this time."

"Oh yeah..."

*Heals Sabrina*

"You know, I think I know why this happened."


"Your brain damage in contagious."

*Stands still wide eyed*


"I'm a meme."

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And the windmill is clearly a reference to the Law of Cycles! That, or Sayaka is secretly a windmill.
Or the girl has read her Cervantes, in which case Don Quixote. (or... just vaguely heard of Don Quixote but, come on, the works of Cervantes being part of the Mitakihara Middle School Curriculum is funnier.)

Own vote suggestion revision:

[X] Use Chibis to set the table.
-[X] See if Kazumi can make her own.
[X] Have mostly light chat around dinner
- [X] Broach discussion of SCIENCE! See who else enjoys power experimentation.

[X] Witch hunt.
- [X] Make sure everyone knows what to expect from everyone during the hunt.
- [X] Ask Sayaka if she feels confident enough in her Clone Power to scout ahead.
- [X] Play support. Do your part by watching everyone's backs.
- [X]Use the opportunity to put your utility fog through a test run as an addition to your toolset.

[X] Make sure you have a moment after the hunt to talk to Sayaka in private.

(wordcount: 109)

Sooooooo.... question about those chibi tablesetters: Are we going to work on making non-witchy chibis today or will we be forewarning the saints about the witchiness? 'Cause it looks like the latter hasn't come up in discussion yet. Either way is fine really, but I sorta figure it's a problem worth mentioning.

I figure test ribbon effects with Mami fits naturally as part of tonight's homework seeing as she doesn't necessarily have to do her schoolwork tonight. I do not expect talking to Sayaka to take that much time.

If we want to talk to the Plieades about science and suchlike, there's no reason such discussion would be immediately. The dinner table may not be the place for the nitty gritty of experimentation, but if people enjoy talking about experimentation and its fruits there, it's a strong sign that everyone will be that much better inclined to sciencey stuff.

I note that I mostly mention science talk specifically, because no alternatives have floated up. It occurs to me that such talk might not be everyone's idea of a good time... But I can't imagine why.

(Hmmm.... on the subject of science, I wonder if Girl Genius both exists and is in the same place in this universe.)

Belatedly: ...Hunh, damn, missed the chance to take a flying umbrella ride back from karaoke. Well, next time. Next time.
By the way, anyone feels Sayaka intends to talk with Hitomi... perhaps about Kwyjibo...?
In the series, Sayaka seemed to be completely taken by surprise by Hitomi's interest in Kyousuke. (For that matter, so is the audience. The two don't even share a single scene before then, and there's no indication that she's visited or spoken to him while he was hospitalized.) It's possible that now that she's seen the two of them together a few times, she noticed something on Hitomi's face, but... well, Sayaka's not usually one for nuance.

Or Sabrina misreads someone, thinks she has been Witchbombed, then discusses the Witchbomb, only to realize she just Witchbombed someone.
If someone answered yes, we'd ask them to go into detail. If they're describing one of those not-the-witchbomb scenarios, we'd drop the matter.

1: Sayaka notes early on that we "made the most amazing wish." She should have no basis for knowing what constitutes an "amazing wish."
She understands that we wished for literal control over the substance of our enemies. That's about as badass a wish as you can make, even without knowing the full context.

2: Sayaka subtly compares Homura to a corpse early on when we're talking about living arrangements. Noteworthy given how big a thing the lichbomb was for her in canon.
She called her a vampire. She's pale, anti-social and somewhat morbid in her outlook. It's a fitting metaphor.

3: Sayaka was pretty antagonistic towards Homura to a large degree and for a quite a long time.
LOLwut? Sayaka is always hostile towards Homura because Homura makes a terrible first impression and doubles down on it by being abrasive and refusing to explain herself. Other people have been claiming that the fact that Sayaka is now starting to accept Homura (just because Homura turned out to be, y'know, right all along) is evidence that she's an angel.

Sympathy for the familiar, spider witch fight:
It looked like a fluffy bunny. Most people would hesitate to attack something that looked like a fluffy bunny.
I don't think the windmill imagery has anything to do with the Law of Cycles either - it's a Don Quixote reference. Tilting at windmills and all that.

I suppose that the "Angel" theory hasn't been conclusively proven impossible, but that's a very low bar. At this point, given the events up till now, if the theory is true, it's highly obvious that Sayaka has no interest in discussing it with us, and is a good enough actress that we can't force it out of her.

Seriously: If we confront Sayaka, she'll act like we're crazy and dismiss it whether it's true or not. There's no point.
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At this point, given the events up till now, if the theory is true, it's highly obvious that Sayaka has no interest in discussing it with us, and is a good enough actress that we can't force it out of her.

If it is true, and she didn't want to discuss it with us, she wouldn't have picked that song. It's far more likely that it's not true, than that it is true and she doesn't intend to tell us given an adequate opportunity to.