"Homura! Wait!"
March 16th
Homura ignored Sabrina and stalked towards the stairs to the 5
th floor, where there would be a balcony she could use to get to the roof. The fastest, least energy-intensive route to Madoka's home. To make sure she was safe-!
"Homura! Jesus... Homura! I'll give you a ride!"
That gave the violette a slight pause, but only enough to allow Sabrina to catch up.
"Jeeze, you're like a machine sometimes, you know that?"
"Yes." She was a machine. She had almost allowed herself to forget, and it may have cost her. Homura's fist clenched and she sped up slightly, despite the fact that the taller girl had to jog to keep up with her relentless pace.
Her Magical Girl uniform materialized around her mid-step, a flash of Mother-of-Pearl beside her marking Sabrina's own transformation.
The helipad was only a minute away, but it felt like an eternity. Immediately she spun to face Sabrina. "Make the Platform."
"Yeah." Sabrina said.
One of the things Homura respected about the girl was her ability to work resolutely in a crisis. She'd seen a lot of even grizzled veterans crumble in the face of crises that would have broken lesser girls. Some would only collapse when their weak points were targeted. Homura knew, in fact, that she could have been one of them. But Sabrina... Sabrina didn't break. Even when Kyuubey declared a proxy war on her, she fought back against everything he threw at her, infohazard or otherwise. Homura only had one plan with a decent chance of killing Sabrina, and it involved killing Mami.
She... would greatly prefer it not come to that.
Instead of dwelling on the errant thought, she sat on the platform and withdrew one of her favorite pistols, breaking it apart in the matter of a few seconds and inspecting the parts for cracks. "Madoka's House. Fast."
Obediently, the Mobile Oppression Platform raised off the Hospital's balcony, reshaped itself into some odd aerodynamic shape, and fired like a rocket. Homura lurched backwards into the wall, the pieces of her gun scattering like straw in a windstorm, right as Homura noticed the small grief ring on her finger.
Homura cursed herself quietly.
"Sorry!" Sabrina said quickly. "I didn't realize you were... doing maintenance?"
"Inspection. To make sure it works before I use it." Homura supplied, ignoring the apology. "I don't appreciate you slipping into Timestop without my permission." She said, and Sabrina flinched.
"Don't let it happen again." Homura said, deciding to forgo chastisement in favor of searching for her lost firing pin lock. She finally fished the tiny wishbone-like fragment of metal out from underneath one foot and delicately put it back inside the bolt assembly. With that back together, she started looking for the appropriate pieces of the slide.
The larger parts of the gun hadn't flown far, obviously. The handle was still by the magazine, where she had put it, albeit two feet further back. The main part of the slide was on her other side, along with the barrel of the weapon and the spring guide. The spring wasn't present though, which caused Homura to frown.
A quick search showed it nowhere on the floor. "What'cha looking for?" Sabrina asked.
"The spring is lost."
"Hang on, I'll help-"
"Concentrate on flAIE-!" Homura let out an undignified squeak as she felt numerous protrusions extrude out from underneath her... bottom... probing for something. This time she leveled one of her more serious glares in Sabrina's direction.
But stopped when the spring fell out of the pleats of her skirt.
"There we go!" Sabrina said brightly. Homura sighed and settled down. Back to work.
Spring on the spring guide, barrel and bolt in the slide, spring and guide pressed between both, and the whole slide assembly back on the handle. From there, point it away from Sabrina (although a miffed part of her wished for vengeance, she reminded herself to always treat a weapon as if loaded), rack, pull trigger until it clicks. Check. Hold trigger, rack, release, check. Pull trigger again, check, clear weapon.
Homura sighed. If you had asked the girl in the hospital "two months" ago to disassemble, check, reassemble, and preform a function check on a pistol (now reloaded, even as her mind wandered), she would have probably cried. Yet here Homura was, doing all that within the span of just a minute and a half. With just enough time to ready herself for the landing. Sabrina really had rushed over fast.
The MOP hadn't even properly touched down before Homura was leaping out. She was already six strides towards Madoka's house before the sound of shattering glass broke her focus slightly.
She turned back towards the hospital to see... What she roughly estimated would be tens of thousands of dollars in property damage.
"..." Homura said succinctly.
"...Oops." Said Sabrina.
Fuck it. "Let's go." Homura said, and turned back towards the objective. She observed the situation as she approached.
Madoka's mother's car was present in the driveway, which meant that she wasn't out - unless she had taken the train for some reason. The Kaname's enjoyed flaunting their wealth, however, so Homura was reasonably sure the Junko would be inside the home.
Tomohisa was another matter. Rich or not, the Kanames' money wasn't limitless, and in any case they were Japanese. Trains were a fact of life.
Lights were out around the entire residence. Not a huge surprise, in the bright morning sun, but it meant she didn't know for sure that anyone was home. But at the same time, the lack of other vehicles or any other oddities nearby meant that there was probably nothing wrong inside.
Probably. Homura bit her lip. Probably was the bane of her existence: She absolutely wanted to minimize threats to Madoka, but even Homura realized that keeping Madoka perfectly safe would make her utterly miserable. If it didn't, Homura would have locked the Pinkette in a steel crate
years ago and fed her through an airlock. Until Sabrina, she had actually started contemplating doing just that, at least once, if only to see how the Universe displayed it's hate of Homura in that instance.
Homura shook her head, and sighed. Reluctantly, she reached for her shield, but then paused. She... Could just check...
Ding do..n..g......
The doorbell was oddly distorted by the timestop, playing only partially before Sabrina lifted her hand and the front of the house faded back into stopped time.
Homura glared.
Sabrina shrugged.
Homura twitched.
Sabrina resolutely looked at the door. Then smacked her own forehead. "Right... Timestop."
"Timestop." Homura agreed dryly, but with the choice removed from her, she cranked her shield back upright. Immediately color flooded back into the world, and the final, strange half pitch of the doorbell rang out through the house.
There was no answer. Frowning, Homura motioned to Sabrina a second time, looking around warily. "Hit it again."
Sabrina obliged, giving the button another push. Still, moments passed without response.
"Huh," Sabrina said, stepping back. "I guess they're not awake yet- Homura?!"
Homura marched up to the door, her pistol held resolutely in both hands, lifted one leg, and in a flash of purple energy sent a kick far stronger than a girl her size and weight had any business giving out. The door, made of solid wood, buckled in it's frame, the mechanics of the knob shattering and the door itself swinging open to slam against the far wall violently. Immediately Homura was inside, sweeping left and then right, to cover the least space twice.
She didn't lower her gun. The room was empty. But there was the faint sound of crying from the floor above.
Homura was suprised to find her pace nearly matched this time by Sabrina. The Snowy-haired girl's face was taut and sour, looking actually quite similar to Homura's own. It almost made Homura relax slightly, knowing what Sabrina did to people who
truly drew her ire.
At the top of the stairs the hall split. The crying came from the left-hand side, and so without speaking verbally Homura turned right to check for threats while Sabrina went to secure Tatsuya. Homura was sure she'd call if Madoka was present.
The bathroom was unneccessarily large, but also quite empty. It didn't take much time to sweep it acceptably. Next was Junko and Tomohisa's room.
The first think Homura noticed about the room, having never actually entered it before, was that it was overwhelmingly purple. There were, like in Madoka's room, splotches of color everywhere, but rather than Madoka's adorable, totally normal, super-cute array of various plush and superbly uncreepy chairs, which Homura didn't find even the least bit strange, there was a odd, eclectic mess of swatches of paint colors, warmly knitted quilt fragments, and what looked like an old fashioned loom in the corner.
Homura crooked an eyebrow.
But in the end, despite the weird mess, the room was empty. The sheets held no parents of any sort, living or deceased, and a brief check under the swatches and quilts didn't reveal any corpses or lurking Madokas. Homura huffed in annoyance, but resolved to leave. She turned towards the door, but there she froze in mild surprise.
Sabrina stood there, looking worried, with an equally worried Tatsuya hanging onto her shoulder. The toddler was clinging to Sabrina like a life raft, and was obviously the source of the crying earlier - his eyes were puffy and red, and were still moist with tears, though Sabrina seemed to have wiped his face clean.
Homura prepared for the worst. "Where's Madoka?" She asked.
Sabrina flinched. "We don't know."
Homura was silent for a moment, processing. Then, like steel: "Where. Is. Madoka?"
Sabrina flinched back slightly, and Tastuya buried his head in her shoulder whimpering, but to the foreigner's credit, she stood her ground. Homura almost wished she hadn't.
"Madoka's missing, Homura."
End March 16th
Homura's one of those people who've read a lot of books on Breaching, but never really got trained, for obvious reasons. Ironically, if you take the situation as closer to an Active Shooter, her actions are totally correct; but it would probably have been better conducted if: 1) She had decided to bring Sayaka and 2) if she had swept the building properly.
She also learned how to dissassemble and reassemble a weapon from a book (and from hiding in a closet during the JSDF equivalent to CATM training), but she does that like, hourly.
Homura is a better cop than I was, actually.