We need to prepare Kazusa and the other Asunaro Nutjobs for us going Plaid on the way back.

Something like: "Once this baby hit's 88 Lightyears per Hour, you're going to see some serious shit."

Perhaps the first attempt at faster-than-light travel should not involve passengers. Especially passengers who can be accurately described as "the Asunaro Nutjobs".

This is how Sabrina ends up tunneling right into Vermis, but with three extra people along for the ride.
Options, options...

[Q] Sweep down on the girls as a huge, dark cloud, grab Michiru, and move away. Pose. Laugh maniacally and announce to Umika and Kaoru that you have kidnapped their sweet cinammon roll (too pure for this world).
-[Q] Challenge them to take her back from you if they can and be a proper evil Boss.

[Q] Meet up with the girls normally, but match Michiru's enthusiasm with your own, match her cheer, let your brain damage slip as much as she does hers.
-[Q] Keep this up until either Umika or Kaoru cover their faces in terror and say: "Oh my god, there's two of them..."

[Q] Be HugBrina.
-[Q] Just hug them hoes ladies.
I think entering with the full intent to make Umika or Kaoru facepalm because we're to similar to Kazusa is actually a damn good idea.

I mean, Kazusa is the lynchpin and leader of their little group. If we end up looking like her, only with crazier powers and maybe a bit more upstairs, they'll already be primed to accept Emperor Sabrina as their Lord and Savior.

Having the Peladies, who are overpowered, working with the Mitakihara girls, who are overpowered, and with at least two not-overpowered-but-still-powerful outsider groups makes us a incredibly powerful federation, and gives us the population to get everyone together to draft a Constitution.

I really really really like Constitutions. They're very nice.
So, uh.

In 2011, gold had a value of ~$41 USD/gram, while 7000 yen was worth around $91 USD.

If we're offering 20 grams of gold and 7000 yen an hour, that comes out to around $910 USD per hour.

That's, uh... a bit more than a "skilled professional consultant" makes. Just a tad.
Honestly, I was going with something like a 20% value by weight - Kyouko would have to go to borderline criminal places to be able to get rid of bullion. Bars tend to be stamped with identification numbers, you know?

Sabrina fell towards the back of the vehicle as it accelerated, then once it stopped accelerating, she made her way towards the front. Right?
That's what I was trying to describe, yes.
Honestly, I was going with something like a 20% value by weight - Kyouko would have to go to borderline criminal places to be able to get rid of bullion. Bars tend to be stamped with identification numbers, you know?

Still comes out to ~$255 per hour, even then. And we can fairly trivially recast it into something more easily fenced - a ring or necklace or whatever.

I mean, I'm not upset - getting Kyouko to accept more money is great! I just didn't expect her to be willing to take such a generous offer.
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Mirroring is a good plan even on a tactical level. It's one of the better ways to subtly build a rapport with someone. Fully support that approach.

Still comes out to ~$255 per hour, even then. And we can fairly trivially recast it into something more easily fenced - a ring or necklace or whatever.

I mean, I'm not upset - getting Kyouko to accept more money is great! I just didn't expect her to be willing to take such a generous offer.
Imagine the look on Kyouko's face when we pay her in easily-fenced generic gold chain. Say it's to make it easier for her to carry and pretend to be confused when she gets angry about it being worth more.
The comma after "se" should be a semi-colon.

Again, the comma should be a semi-colon.

Uh, we do have a last name, Firn. We voted on it and everything. It's "Vee".
I was thinking of properly presenting ourselves as Sabrina Vee.

[ ] Meet up and do proper introductions.
-[ ] And use your surname, explain you're still getting used to it.
[ ] Let Michiru's cheerfulness infect you.
[ ] Secure the airbox and make sure the food doesn't get spilled during taking off, flying, and landing.
[ ] Warn the girls before taking off!
[ ] While flying, tell the girls about your powers again; cleanse gems, ask if they've got a Grief Seed to Cleanse, though that might have to wait until you've arrived?
[ ] Try to arrive just before lunch, so you can all greet Mami as soon as she arrives.
-[ ] Remind Mami to bring lunch!
[ ] Help introduce everyone.
-[ ] Support Mami in her time of need!

I'm kind of at a loss what to vote for, exactly.

Things are going the opposite of bad, so there's nothing we should vote to stop from exploding.

Nothing is exploding, what do?!
Again, I haven't looked at any other votes so I can provide an independent brainstorm:

[] Present yourself as you actually are: cheerful dweeb who wants to help but can back that attitude up.
-[] Goal: Get a "Great, there's two of them".

[] On the way back:
-[] First, introductions! Explain your powers, showboat a bit - Mobile Oppression Fortress to Warp zero-point-zero-one! - and tell everyone about clear seeds.
-[] Segue into explaining your overall goals. Everyone else already knows it, don't want to make them sit through it again.

[] Over lunch:
-[] Make sure that Mami is okay.
-[] Let the conversation go where they want it to. If necessary, suitable topics to keep things going or suddenly change subjects:
--[] Oh Sabrina.
--[] Naming your attacks!
We should probably add some seats and seatbelts to the Griefplane. Don't need anyone else getting thrown to the back.
I think entering with the full intent to make Umika or Kaoru facepalm because we're to similar to Kazusa is actually a damn good idea.

I mean, Kazusa is the lynchpin and leader of their little group. If we end up looking like her, only with crazier powers and maybe a bit more upstairs, they'll already be primed to accept Emperor Sabrina as their Lord and Savior.

Having the Peladies, who are overpowered, working with the Mitakihara girls, who are overpowered, and with at least two not-overpowered-but-still-powerful outsider groups makes us a incredibly powerful federation, and gives us the population to get everyone together to draft a Constitution.

I really really really like Constitutions. They're very nice.

Ooooh, this is a really good idea. It'd also encourage CAMARADERIE with Kazusa, who needs it. Also should we start brainstorming for this hypothetical Constitution? Best to have everything sorted out just in case.

Also how are we gonna keep the parfait from going splat guys?

Also did Sayaka sounds kinda.... off to anyone else? Or was she just really tired? Probably paranoia but should we check in on the blueberry sometime soon? Or just ping her for a quick "Yo Sayaka is everything okay with you?"
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[] Meet up and do proper introductions, using also your surname this time. Still getting used to it!
-[] Ask them to call you Sabrina anyway, like everybody else.
-[] Mirror Michiru's cheerfulness. Goal: "Great, there's two of them".

[] Make sure the food won't spill at any time.
-[] Warn and make proper seats with seatbelts for everyone before taking off.
-[] While flying, explain your powers and goals, and offer Gem cleanses. Making a Clean Seed can might need to wait until you land.
-[] And tell them about Cannone Picchio. ;)

[] Before arriving, remind Mami about her bringing lunch.
-[] Talk with her, calm her nerves. This is gonna be great.

[] Once you arrive:
-[] Help do introductions.
-[] Support Mami.
-[] Keep Homura from drifting away from the group.
-[] Prompt Michiru to talk about how great Mami is.
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Also did Sayaka sounds kinda.... off to anyone else? Or was she just really tired? Probably paranoia but should we check in on the blueberry sometime soon? Or just ping her for a quick "Yo Sayaka is everything okay with you?"

The implications I got were that she was in a class she wanted/needed to concentrate on. We should see how she acts at lunch before panicking.
The implications I got were that she was in a class she wanted/needed to concentrate on. We should see how she acts at lunch before panicking.
Right, that sounds good. I'm probably being paranoid. *takes off her tinfoil hat*

...... On second thought if tinfoil hats protect our brains from the alien brainwaves or whatever and Kyuubey is an alien....

*puts tinfoil hat back on*


speaking of Kyuubey, anyone else want to try snatching his ear-rings sometime? I want to science them. Maybe we can make our own versions. Give Sabrina over sized hoop earrings.~ Just kidding of course.~

Though if we want Kyuubey to be our Science Colleague it might make him uninclined to cooperating with us.
I would like to capture a Kyubey. We figured out how to do it without the captured instance ever reporting back. It'd just vanish.
We should probably add some seats and seatbelts to the Griefplane. Don't need anyone else getting thrown to the back.
We probably could just accelerate slower. The impression I got is that we jumped from 0 to 1000 in just a few seconds. If we speed up over the course of a minute, it'll probably be much smoother and probably even kinda cool.

Ooooh, this is a really good idea. It'd also encourage CAMARADERIE with Kazusa, who needs it. Also should we start brainstorming for this hypothetical Constitution? Best to have everything sorted out just in case.
"We the people of the Mitakihara Pact hold these truths to be self-evident: That all Magi are created equal, and endowed by Kyuubey with certain unalienable rights, that among those rights are the rights to life, grief seeds, and the pursuit of normal lives..."

On a more serious note, though, the hardest thing will be taxes. Can't have a government without taxes. People fucking hate taxes. Except when nobody pays their taxes, the government can't function, so... We also have the weird situation of Grief: We'll have to decide on if we should use Seeds (possibly cubes in the future) as a form of currency, or if we should collect capital as a tax and then attach a price-tag to seeds/socialize the Seed System.

The formation of a professional military is also something we /want/ to do, but may not be able to. I think I've suggested this before, but we should probably have a Huntress Militia rather than a standing military until we have the population to separate the two, if we even want to.

Capitalism or Gay space Magic Communism?

We'll also need to think about Power: where it's derived (the people, GOD, my fist, etc.), how it's obtained by those who desire it, and limitations on those with it. Democracy is a great ideal, but with the low population of Meguca and our powers in particular, we could probably make an Oligarchy or Autocracy work if we so desired. It would make what we want to do a lot easier, but we should also be cognizant of the weaknesses in our choice. Democratic systems would put our plan for the betterment of magekind in jeopardy as our system would probably be hijacked by populist ideologies. On the other hand, an Autocracy would have issues integrating in foreign Meguca, who are probably relatively libertarian by nature of their lifestyles. And Oligarchy would have issues with corruption almost from the outset.

Finally, we probably also would need to outline some basic rights for our citizenry. This would encounter some issue because we're, at this point, a secret state inside the Japanese nation-state, but with vastly different needs. If we go for Capitalism, we can't guarantee every girl a Seed, especially once the witches start to die out when no girls are witching. We also have to ponder the media - a free media in the Meguca world could be literally lethal, if they get the very foolish idea to spread the Witchbomb. On the other hand, Non-free Media and restricted speech is obviously tyrannical.

Also did Sayaka sounds kinda.... off to anyone else? Or was she just really tired? Probably paranoia but should we check in on the blueberry sometime soon? Or just ping her for a quick "Yo Sayaka is everything okay with you?"
She's in class, mate. She's just probably distracted trying to figure out how to properly generate intrest using a mix of Universal Indexed Life Insurance, Annuities, and Foreign National Bonds or whatever they do in schools in Mitakihara.
Democracy is a great ideal, but with the low population of Meguca and our powers in particular, we could probably make an Oligarchy or Autocracy work if we so desired. It would make what we want to do a lot easier, but we should also be cognizant of the weaknesses in our choice. Democratic systems would put our plan for the betterment of magekind in jeopardy as our system would probably be hijacked by populist ideologies. On the other hand, an Autocracy would have issues integrating in foreign Meguca, who are probably relatively libertarian by nature of their lifestyles. And Oligarchy would have issues with corruption almost from the outset.
Why not all three. Use the British model. You have Queen Sabrina (Autocracy) with a parliament consisting of the House of Lords Sabrina's friends (Oligarchy) and the House of Representatives (Democracy). We can even make our own church to Madokami.