We should probably add some seats and seatbelts to the Griefplane. Don't need anyone else getting thrown to the back.
We probably could just accelerate slower. The impression I got is that we jumped from 0 to 1000 in just a few seconds. If we speed up over the course of a minute, it'll probably be much smoother and probably even kinda cool.
Ooooh, this is a really good idea. It'd also encourage CAMARADERIE with Kazusa, who needs it. Also should we start brainstorming for this hypothetical Constitution? Best to have everything sorted out just in case.
"We the people of the Mitakihara Pact hold these truths to be self-evident: That all Magi are created equal, and endowed by Kyuubey with certain unalienable rights, that among those rights are the rights to life, grief seeds, and the pursuit of normal lives..."
On a more serious note, though, the hardest thing will be taxes. Can't have a government without taxes. People
fucking hate taxes. Except when nobody pays their taxes, the government can't function, so... We also have the weird situation of Grief: We'll have to decide on if we should use Seeds (possibly cubes in the future) as a form of currency, or if we should collect capital as a tax and then attach a price-tag to seeds/socialize the Seed System.
The formation of a professional military is also something we /want/ to do, but may not be able to. I think I've suggested this before, but we should probably have a Huntress Militia rather than a standing military until we have the population to separate the two, if we even want to.
Capitalism or Gay
space Magic Communism?
We'll also need to think about Power: where it's derived (the people, GOD, my fist, etc.), how it's obtained by those who desire it, and limitations on those with it. Democracy is a great ideal, but with the low population of Meguca and our powers in particular, we could probably make an Oligarchy or Autocracy work if we so desired. It would make what we want to do a lot easier, but we should also be cognizant of the weaknesses in our choice. Democratic systems would put our plan for the betterment of magekind in jeopardy as our system would probably be hijacked by populist ideologies. On the other hand, an Autocracy would have issues integrating in foreign Meguca, who are probably relatively libertarian by nature of their lifestyles. And Oligarchy would have issues with corruption almost from the outset.
Finally, we probably also would need to outline some basic rights for our citizenry. This would encounter some issue because we're, at this point, a secret state
inside the Japanese nation-state, but with vastly different needs. If we go for Capitalism, we can't guarantee every girl a Seed, especially once the witches start to die out when no girls are witching. We also have to ponder the media - a free media in the Meguca world could be literally lethal, if they get the very foolish idea to spread the Witchbomb. On the other hand, Non-free Media and restricted speech is obviously tyrannical.
Also did Sayaka sounds kinda.... off to anyone else? Or was she just really tired? Probably paranoia but should we check in on the blueberry sometime soon? Or just ping her for a quick "Yo Sayaka is everything okay with you?"
She's in class, mate. She's just probably distracted trying to figure out how to properly generate intrest using a mix of Universal Indexed Life Insurance, Annuities, and Foreign National Bonds or whatever they do in schools in Mitakihara.