What of the familiars that successfully eat enough people to become witches? If they aren't being fought they'll just keep multiplying. I just want to know if this has been considered at some point, or if it'll be addressed in the future.

It is not really an immediate problem, and Sabrina won't really need to worry about it until after clear seeds become commonplace. Please don't mistake my tone for alarmist.
Just out of curiosity, is there a plan in place if witch populations start skyrocketing because meguca stop fighting them? I'm concerned that without motivation, magical girls wont risk life and limb keeping the witches under control, leading to much more frequent witch attacks.
On the other hand, people can use their Final Smashes more often without worrying about running out of magic.
Clear Seeds mean that meguca can A) go nuts with their magic while fighting and B) live longer and acquire more experience. Random meguca won't be as hax as the Mitakihara girls, but they'll still be having a much better time with Witches than they have historically.
One possible way to respond:

[ ] The Clear Seed is free, and always will be. If it's lost, stolen or given away, we will make them a new one. We eventually want every magical girl to have one so they need never fear running out of Seeds.
-[ ] Suggest that knowing it exists might help ease Akiko's obsession somewhat. Make sure to mention that the remnant of the witch within seems... calmer in a Clear Seed
[ ] That said, we hope we can count on them if we ever need their help?
-[ ] If their reactions seem to be positive, mention Sayaka's ability to copy powers. Let them decide whether or not to offer to let her.
[ ] If they meet any magical girls in need of help, please send them our way.
[ ] Is there anything else we help them with?

Some other things I want to get into at some point, maybe not now:

[ ] Creating a network for using various meguca powers to make money that can be used to provide room and board to any meguca who need it.
[ ] Telling Nadia she's awesome, we want to be friends, please stay in touch, call if she needs anything. Maybe hugs? Group hug with Mami?
[ ] Contact Kyouko and arrange a meeting for later. If Mami agrees to let her train Sayaka, give her first payment for services rendered. See if we can arrange a place for her to stay without having to break in.

Just out of curiosity, is there a plan in place if witch populations start skyrocketing because meguca stop fighting them? I'm concerned that without motivation, magical girls wont risk life and limb keeping the witches under control, leading to much more frequent witch attacks.
We might have to start offering cash bounties or something. Employ MGs who actually want to fight as career witch hunters.

The good news is that meguca who don't have to worry about running out of Seeds are meguca who will never witch out, so creation of new witches should drop sharply.

On a side note...
Sayaka's sitting on a vent and popping out power gem after power gem. The University girl's powers, presumably.
...Sayaka is really cranking out those enchantments. Seems like it's only taking her a few seconds to make one now.
We really need to practice our brand of enchantment without the use of grief since Sayaka is having plenty of success in that endeavor.

Plus there's Mami who is already an expert in that field.
Because at this rate, it will be several more years IRL before the quest even gets close to fighting Walpurgisnacht. Like it or not, timeskips will be necessary.
You say necessary. I say, it's already been three years; why do you care about it taking another three? And what good is it to finish the quest if it means not enjoying it? The last few months IRL have had some of the single best updates of the entire quest, just hanging out with our friends "doing nothing". Everything we do is in pursuit of more of that. Why do you think we want to defeat Walpurgisnacht in the first place?
They've had enough time to stew over anger now I think we ought to leave them with something more positive. After the clear seed though I don't think that requires forcing our presence onto them. We're kinda pushy and really scary so I'd like to be able to just give them space.
How long does the moratorium last?
They've had time to stew on their anger. Now let's give them time to stew on feeling grateful.

I think the vote's general direction is fine for now.

[ ] The Clear Seed is free. Replaceable, even.
-[ ] As a favour: In order to stop Magical Girl in-fighting, we'll probably be forced to ask for their, for Sakura's help in emergencies. We'd be grateful if she could talk with her about that eventuality.
[ ] Besides that, explain Sayaka's power, ask if anyone would let her copy.

[ ] Before going, if Akiko doesn't improve, or they have other big problems? Ask them to not dismiss us. We want to help. Maybe we can be friends some day.

[ ] Nadia's on a schedule. Ask if she'd like us to drop her anywhere on the way back; invite her to hang out whenever.
-[ ] Hug the Nadia? Ask her if she knows any nice restaurants in Italy.

[ ] Once back, pick up the stuff for Kirika's in-house date, and talk with Mami about Kyouko training Sayaka.

Any consideration to going to Tokyo?
I vastly prefer the journey to the destination here. Fighting Walpurgisnacht is not of any particular interest to me.
*shrugs* The journey is likely to be full of the same thing of "Mumitimes!" over and over. That doesn't seem very interesting to me either, but then again, I'm in the minority that isn't too enthused by the current push towards a Sabrina/Mami relationship.

it's already been three years; why do you care about it taking another three?
I suppose I don't care all that much, but I'd like a clear plot progression at least.
Clear Seeds mean that meguca can A) go nuts with their magic while fighting and B) live longer and acquire more experience. Random meguca won't be as hax as the Mitakihara girls, but they'll still be having a much better time with Witches than they have historically.
Also, since a single Grief Seed can be made into a Clear Seed, there'd be more incentive to team up against Witches, since that one Seed can keep a whole group of meguca going for a long time, meaning pack hunting will become far more normal.
I vastly prefer the journey to the destination here. Fighting Walpurgisnacht is not of any particular interest to me.
It's not the battle, we've probably got the power to win without much trouble.
However, Walpurgisnacht is the one big obstacle between us and-
1- Getting Homura to open up and relax.
2- Convincing Oriko she's not going to die.
3- and being able to tell Mami everything.

Mami fluff is fine, but I'd also like to make progress on some of these other important things.
Well, since we're back on the Feathers topic and I had a brainwave for a theory about what Feathers is I might as well share it.

Feathers is a Wraith, one that is either Moksha class or higher. Kyubey collecting the Greif we give it has been studied by the Incubators and they accidentally created Wraiths from it. Since the Incubators give zero shits about potential world ending threats as long as they profit in the end, they went all "neat, now how big can we make it." since it is pumping out enough energy to outclass several Witches. The reason that it is "fated" to come is because it is attracted to our power, and it gives out vague "bad ends" to Oriko without detail because it is the very antithesis to magic itself being essentially the embodiment of Balance smacking our shit back down to normal, you know, cause of the whole "Hope cannot exceed Despair" rule that is stupid and dumb and stupid and I am off track here.

Still, that's just a theory a game theory! thanks for watching. There isn't much supporting evidence for it, and unless we ask Kyubey exactly what he does to our Greif after we give it to him and he answers, it is gonna stay that way.
Well, I still think it's iffy to ask for Sayaka to copy Sakura's powers specifically, but asking Rin if Sakura could directly help us move when it comes to an emergency? I think we can ask that.
Sakura is particular wasn't here for the the emotional revalation whatever. Letting her see it for herself and baste in gratitude for a week should have better long term results.

I suggest we keep it low key instead of explicitly asking for favors for a while longer. If we must, then restrict ourselves to asking for Sakura's services in the long run. Something like:

[ ] I want to help as many people as I can, in as wide an area as I can, eventually. I'm not demanding this - I'll help you anyway even if you or she refuses - but being able to make use of Sakura's services for transportation would ease the logistics for me significantly, once that starts to become an issue.
[ ] I want to help as many people as I can, in as wide an area as I can, eventually. I'm not demanding this - I'll help you anyway even if you or she refuses - but being able to make use of Sakura's services for transportation would ease the logistics for me significantly, once that starts to become an issue.
I was saying emergencies only, since I doubt Sakura will want to be our errand girl.

Plus, there's more teleporting meguca; if we need one to share powers with Sayaka, we can ask Nadia to prioritize that.

EDIT: Also, try to shorten that potential vote block. >_>
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Once we're done with Sendai, what's our next priority?

Off the top of my head, there's:
• Discussing Kyouko training Sayaka with Mami.
• Meeting with Kyoko to finalize the deal, potentially sitting in on a session.
• Discussing Asunaro and our plans for tommorow with Mami.
• Having the Homutalk we promised Homura earlier.
• Contacting Tokyo and schedluling our arrival in person for some time.
• Asking Bennouna about good restaurants in Italy.

Am I missing anything?
Once we're done with Sendai, what's our next priority?

Off the top of my head, there's:
• Discussing Kyouko training Sayaka with Mami.
• Meeting with Kyoko to finalize the deal, potentially sitting in on a session.
• Discussing Asunaro and our plans for tommorow with Mami.
• Having the Homutalk we promised Homura earlier.
• Contacting Tokyo and schedluling our arrival in person for some time.
• Asking Bennouna about good restaurants in Italy.

Am I missing anything?
Buying or making in-home date equipment for Kirika.
Less detail, more vote-action ideas.

[ ] Grief Seed is free.
-[ ] Ask if Sakura can help us move in case of future emergencies.
[ ] Ask if they've heard anything from the Fukushima group.
[ ] Ask if anybody would let Sayaka copy their powers.
[ ] Before leaving, say you hope to be friends in the future.

[ ] Ask Nadia where she wants us to drop her off.
-[ ] Hug Nadia. Invite her to hang out whenever. Ask if she knows nice restaurants in Italy.

[ ] High five Sayaka goodbye when you're back home.
[ ] Buy the stuff Kirika wanted and talk with Mami about Kyouko-Sayaka training.

I think that would be enough for an update, and I'm ambivalent about Tokyo.