This is gonna turn out like the Hat Fight with Oriko, isn't it?
I'm sure it does, but I can't get past the weird seductress face.Okay so it's not what I'm looking for but tell me this doesn't look good on her
I'm sure it does, but I can't get past the weird seductress face.
Well can you blame us? She's the epitome of grace and skill.
Not all obsession is lewd. You can still be obsessed with a person/thing and not want them physically.This is a false statement. Obsession is lewd. This is something gentler.
Are you saying that Sabrina's obsession over Homura's hair flips is lewd? I believe that is adorable. Therefore, not all obsessions are lewd. I'm with you on this one Dirtnap.This is a false statement. Obsession is lewd. This is something gentler.
Well, as long as we keep her from snapped she is a very great friend.
Do keep in mind we're talking about a fifteen year old. Keep it tasteful.
Kaizuki, Homura's dress in Rebellion is not a toy for your catnip daydreams of Mami. If you suggest it should be worn by her again, maybe I should remind you that it's funeral grab for the you know recently dead? (aka who the funeral is for).Okay so it's not what I'm looking for but tell me this doesn't look good on her
I can want Sabrina to look at Mami and envision her in a nice dress and blush without being lewd about it, so there!
So... Upgrade from maidBrina to butlerBrina?
Even better? Magical girls can use magic to substitute for sleep. Waking her up at 4 AM isn't vindictive. It's training.You guys should totally remind her that Sabrina is a morning person. She can comfortably wake up around 6:00 or 7:00. Sometimes even earlier. We haven't done a morning greeting in a couple of days, but since Sayaka seems to be so eager about it...
Even better? Magical girls can use magic to substitute for sleep. Waking her up at 4 AM isn't vindictive. It's training.