Could we make an actual Black Sun and gain powers from it? We could become Super Brina!! Imagine how much Mami would swoon when she sees us. But she wouldn't know it was us, and then she would think she is betraying Sabrina's love for her. It would make an excellent plot point in the future. :V
Well, a Black Sun is about 100,000,000 Marbles. A Soul Gem generally needs a cleanse at about 50 Marbles...

Actually, we're probably sitting on a Black Sun's worth of Grief right now. It should be about 2 Clear Seeds or so.

EDIT: Torg, you're missing the opportunity to go Misery then.

I'm fine with dropping most of the names though. But "The quota was 13 Miseries of Grief a week, Sabrina" has to be a thing we get Kyuubey to say at some point.
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Should we decide on a more formalized measurement of grief first? I've got a rough idea already - using the Marble as the base measurement:

1 Millimarble - 1/1000th of a Marble of Grief
1 Centimarble - 1/100th of a Marble of Grief
1 Marble - Grief which, at normal, unwitchy density and formed into a sphere at 1 atm pressure, has a radius of 10mm
1 Basketball - 100 Marbles of Grief
1 Misery - 100 Basketballs of Grief
1 Witch - 100 Miseries of Grief
1 Black Sun - 100 Witches of Grief

Any suggestions? New names, standardification, changed numbers? We won't be able to accurately measure cleanses on the scale of thousands until we have a unit system for Grief.
Since Witches exist to spread curses, what's the conversion formula between Witches and Kilonazis (a unit of measure for Evil)?
-[x] Invite Sayaka along for the day. Multiple powers == hax.
--[x] Tell her what powers are available - they have a teleporter, gotta get that Deep Strike. creeeeeeeeeeeeeed!

Still issue that we haven't explained plans to let her keep at least a few powers "on hand" -- without doing so this is pretty meh
Still issue that we haven't explained plans to let her keep at least a few powers "on hand" -- without doing so this is pretty meh
We don't even know if we need to do that in the first place - she could just be able to hold on to multiple powers and it just costs Grief. And I thought that that would be covered by "multiple powers is hax".

[x] A new day!
-[x] Of course you realize, this mean war. :p
-[x] Ask Sayaka what time it is.
-[x] Morning routine. Ask everyone if they slept well, if you get a chance try to help with breakfast, etc.

[x] After morning routine, discuss plans for today with everybody.
-[x] List out what you have to do today: Bennouna, cleansing trip, Kyouko-sorry-Mami-*hugs*, you wanted to do some enchanting done before the cleansing trip.
-[x] Invite Sayaka along for everything. You want to enchant a way for her to store powers, if she can't just hold on to more than one in the first place. Either would be be hax.
--[x] One of the girls you'll be meeting is a teleporter. Sayaka too can be a tactical geniu- CREEEEEEEED!
Might as well note that we already invited Sayaka for the cleansing trip. We can confirm that it's happening, but she already knows about it and expressed an interest in coming.

Also, I'll note that all we know is that Sayaka has figurines related to tabletop gaming- that in no way necessarily means Warhammer in particular - maybe they're D&D minis? - so she might not get the reference.
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Also, I'll note that all we know is that Sayaka has figurines related to tabletop gaming- that in no way necessarily means Warhammer in particular - maybe they're D&D minis? - so she might not get the reference.
Firn mentioned Warhammer, so I think it's a safe assumption. Still, she might not get the reference because the Creed joke may have never made it to Japan.

I think it's fine anyway as long as we don't interrupt ourselves by shouting CREEEEEED.
Hrrrrm. Okay, that needs fixing.

[x] A new day!
-[x] Of course you realize, this mean war. :p
-[x] Ask Sayaka what time it is.
-[x] Morning routine. Ask everyone if they slept well (that means you, Homura), try to help with breakfast if you get a chance, etc.

[x] After morning routine, discuss plans for today with everybody.
-[x] List out what you have to do today: Bennouna, cleansing trip, Kyouko-sorry-Mami-*hugs*, you wanted to do some enchanting before the cleansing trip.
-[x] Sayaka wants to be along for all of that, right?
--[x] You're thinking of finding a way for her to hold or store multiple powers, which'd be hax.
--[x] One of the girls you'll be meeting is a teleporter. Sayaka too can be a tactical genius!
-[x] You're thinking Bennouna, then trip, then Kyouko.

I think that that's probably a good draft, but I'd greatly appreciate dissenting opinions or competing proposals.
Bennouna then Kyoko seems more sensible, since they're both right here with only minimal travel required. With them both out of the way we can take our time in Sendai, pick up some sidequests, head to Tokyo, "fund" a run through a hospital for Rin, whatever we decide on. Saving Kyoko for last would make me feel guilty for taking too long because we don't know exactly how bad her budget is.
I think we should discuss Kyoko with Mami in private before discussing it in general with the rest of the group.

We'll also either need to squeeze in dumping our grief with QB at some point, or decide to make a statement by bringing all of it along on the cleansing trip (and maybe to Tokyo?).
Nah, I think it's better to just bandwagon the first person with a vote. :V

Time to actually get productive in thread and not keep devolving into brain damage. I'll do my best!
We'll also either need to squeeze in dumping our grief with QB at some point, or decide to make a statement by bringing all of it along on the cleansing trip (and maybe to Tokyo?).
It's a good thing to show to Bennouna just because you show reporters things.

Taking it all to Tokyo is either vital or suicidal depending on what statement we want or need to make.
Maybe talk to Bennouna and Sendai, see if they have a more current idea of what's going on in Tokyo?

I'm generally in favor of playing along too, but more information can't hurt.
Yeah. Probably best to diplo-annex Tokyo and not run in, break everything, and accidentally make a power vaccum and let fourteen Sasa's take over or something equally horrible.