If we go with that, we probably cut the vote there and leave the Enchantment thing for next vote, or maybe later if we run out of time?
Pretty much. Again, I think it is a really important thing to do. But it's not a thing that needs to be done today or we won't get another chance.

On that same note, I don't want to attach the Oriko issue to the search party issue like putting a rider on legislation. While we do need to talk to her about meeting Sayaka today, what to say to her probably deserves its own vote for us to hammer out the best way to put it.

[X] Talk to Mami. We had Kirika doing some research for us, and there's a magical girl named Kuroki who hasn't been seen the last few days. We don't have any good leads on her, and we're not in the greatest position to run off to do detective work, so we were thinking about hiring some of the magical girls we know from the surrounding areas to ask around and try to find her. Would Mami be okay with letting them pass through her territory to search, and hunting any witches they might encounter? It's not like we need the grief seeds.
-[X] If she's okay with that, telepathy Masami and Hiroko over in West Mitakihara. Ask if they're busy today, because we could use some help with something. Explain about the missing girl. We're willing to pay them for their time. Offer an appropriately generous per diem for each of them. And Ono too, if she feels like participating. With a bonus for everyone involved if the girl's actually found and saved.
--[X] This is time-sensitive, because she's already been missing. She might be high on grief and acting irrationally. If they find her you'd appreciate it if they'd telepathy you immediately and make sure that she uses a grief seed. Mami has okayed travel through her territory and hunting rights on any witches you find, so there's no worries on that end. We'll clean any seeds or soul gems as needed and cover any expenses.
----[X] It might be that we're too late and the girl's already dead in a witch's barrier, but we want to at least try.
-[X] Contact Kyouko with a similar offer to pay her to search Kasamino in case Kuroki wandered over there.
--[X] If bringing Yuma along on such a search is a sticking point, offer to have someone babysit.
-[X] E-mail or fax the info on Kuroki to Masami's group, if they accepted. If Kyouko accepts and we need to take her a copy and/or go pick up Yuma, break for voting so we can make sure Mami's okay with us going out.
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Oh, and, one other thing, I'd like to remind everyone that Homura Akemi described Kuroki as a "powerful magical girl." In other words, unlike Ono and Sasa, this girl isn't useless/worst.


No, she didn't. Just reread the update. She wasn't on the list of assets for Walpurgisnacht. All Homu had to say was:

"If we find this Kuriki, do you think we can keep her alive?"

"Kuroki," Homura corrects. "Kuroki Matsuko. I..." she glances away. "I think you can. But I don't think she's worth the effort. Even less than Miki Sayaka."
No, she didn't. Just reread the update. She wasn't on the list of assets for Walpurgisnacht. All Homu had to say was:

"The Incubator tends to seek her out after Sayaka becomes a magical girl," Homura says. "She is... a strong, but emotionally fragile magical girl."

, Kuroki Matsuko?" you say. "What can you tell me about her?"

"Her powers are better for hiding than anything else," Homura says. "She's very withdrawn. Avoids people."
[x]The Narator

Because I want to do something about Kuroki.

Actually, what if we tried making a grief map showing Kuroki's location? We could also try a grief book with her contact information. That should be on the internet and thus everywhere if range is an issue.
She has stealth powers? Crap, that will make this difficult.

Still, even if the search turns up nothing, even if she's already dead or witched out, I won't consider it time wasted if it provides an excuse for Kyouko to accept money from us so that she can actually purchase food and shelter instead of stealing it.

Didn't work when we tried it with Sasa.
Damn, and I was really liking the Marauder's Map idea. We've really been dependent on Oriko's powers up until now to point us in the direction of the plot.

What about a Grief bloodhound? Or at least a scifi chemical analyzer that does the same thing. Get something of Kuroki's from her place, follow the scent? Real life tracking dogs often have trouble with urban environments, but with magic we could make it capable of far more than would normally be possible.

...Wait, have we ever tried making a Grief item to give us clairvoyance or precognition?

EDIT: Damn, that was a lot of typos I had to fix. I'd probably better stop posting and go to bed.
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She has stealth powers? Crap, that will make this difficult.

Still, even if the search turns up nothing, even if she's already dead or witched out, I won't consider it time wasted if it provides an excuse for Kyouko to accept money from us so that she can actually purchase food and shelter instead of stealing it.

Damn, and I was really liking the Marauder's Map idea. We've really been dependent on Oriko's powers up until now to point us in the direction of the plot.

What about a Grief bloodhound? Or at least a scifi chemical analyzer that does the same thing. Get something of Kuroki's from her place, follow the scent? Real life tracking dogs often have trouble with urban environments, but with magic we could make it capable of far more than would normally be possible.

...Wait, have we ever tried making a Grief item to give us clairvoyance or precognition?

EDIT: Damn, that was a lot of typos I had to fix. I'd probably better stop posting and go to bed.
The idea of super Grief eyes that could 'see' everything in our range was mentioned at least once.
The idea of super Grief eyes that could 'see' everything in our range was mentioned at least once.
I was thinking more along the lines of scrying to determine her location, rather than ways to cancel her stealth once we find her.

Something that doesn't find someone, but instead gives us a new power (which can be used to find someone) might get past the range limitation. Worth trying, anyway.


[X] Telepathy Homura. Ask for further details on these stealth powers that Kuroki had. What are the limitations? Was there a countermeasure?
-[X] If she's concerned that we're going to drop everything to chase a lost cause, reassure her that we're still going to make the picnic. We'll outsource the searching.
[X] Try using Grief to make an item that gives us a clairvoyant power, possibly a scrying mirror or Cerebro helmet. Maybe a range amplifier for our Grief/magic sense? See if it can be used to get a fix on Kuroki.

[X] Talk to Mami. We had Kirika doing some research for us, and there's a magical girl named Kuroki who hasn't been seen the last few days. If the clairvoyance item failed or got vague results, then we don't have any good leads on her, and we're not in the greatest position to run off to do detective work, so we were thinking about hiring some of the magical girls we know from the surrounding areas to ask around and try to find her. Would Mami be okay with letting them pass through her territory to search, and hunting any witches they might encounter? It's not like we need the grief seeds.
-[X] If she's okay with that, telepathy Masami and Hiroko over in West Mitakihara. Ask if they're busy today, because we could use some help with something. Explain about the missing girl. We're willing to pay them for their time. Offer an appropriately generous per diem for each of them. And Ono too, if she feels like participating. With a bonus for everyone involved if the girl's actually found and saved. Pass along any clues we might have gotten from our scrying attempt.
--[X] This is time-sensitive, because she's already been missing. She might be high on grief and acting irrationally. And just to make things even harder, she has stealth powers. If they find her you'd appreciate it if they'd telepathy you immediately and make sure that she uses a grief seed. Mami has okayed travel through her territory and hunting rights on any witches you find, so there's no worries on that end. We'll clean any seeds or soul gems as needed and cover any expenses.
----[X] It might be that we're too late and the girl's already dead in a witch's barrier, but we want to at least try.
-[X] Contact Kyouko with a similar offer to pay her to search Kasamino in case Kuroki wandered over there.
--[X] If bringing Yuma along on such a search is a sticking point, offer to have someone babysit.
-[X] E-mail or fax the info on Kuroki to Masami's group, if they accepted. If Kyouko accepts and we need to take her a copy and/or go pick up Yuma, break for voting so we can make sure Mami's okay with us going out.
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Something that doesn't find someone, but instead gives us a new power (which can be used to find someone) might get past the range limitation. Worth trying, anyway.
Worth trying, anyway.
Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally doubting this one.

We already tried to make some sort of clairvoyant/tracking item, even restricted to our range, and it didn't work.

The way we figured we can 'exceed' our range is by causing natural phenomena.

Just trying to Witch up a whole new magical power, one that can easily break a lot of obstacles for the quest, really doesn't mesh with how we've found our powers to work.
I'm with Onmur. Previous attempts at magically extending our range or senses all puttered out.

The way we figured we can 'exceed' our range is by causing natural phenomena.
This gives me a thought: do meguca leave behind any unique scents or traces of their magic behind? While a locator might not work, a tracker however might be useful.

-[X] E-mail or fax the info on Kuroki to Masami's group, if they accepted.
...I'm pretty sure a couple of runaway teenagers don't have a fax machine lying around in their apartment :V But nah, we can probably send her picture by phone.
This gives me a thought: do meguca leave behind any unique scents or traces of their magic behind? While a locator might not work, a tracker however might be useful.
That... really sounds something we should outsource to... Niko Kanna, was it?

Though, maybe we can make some sort of magic tracker. We can see magic, we haven't tested whether that's restricted by our range.
Some good ideas. Other possibilities:

A compass that points to her

Or something to track her cellphone.

Mundane technology doesn't have our range limit, so we could order our grief to build something out of scraps.

Incubator abilities are explicitly not magic, so if we ask our grief to bud something that provides Incubator level telepathy, it wouldn't be magic and thus wouldn't be subject to our range, right?

As I said, we could also look up he contact details and phone her.

I still also want to try grief relays. Or even to enchant grief relays.


Also, giving ourselves postcognition shouldn't have range issues. We just need to go somewhere she's been and follow our visions of the past.
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Book of 'information we don't know' worked (within range).

Something something track Sasa (whenever she enters our range) didn't work.

I expect we can make tracking devices that work on things that are within our range already. In which case they're pretty shitty tracking devices as we already have our magical senses to do that.
No, she didn't. Just reread the update. She wasn't on the list of assets for Walpurgisnacht. All Homu had to say was:

Homura considers that for a moment. "Kuroki Matsuko," she says. "She is... typically a magical girl about now."

"Typically?" you ask.

"The Incubator tends to seek her out after Sayaka becomes a magical girl," Homura says. "She is... a strong, but emotionally fragile magical girl."

Derp much? You ignored the post before the one you quoted.
Make a grief object that will ping if it's in range of Kuroki, and just do a sweep of the city?
Unless we're misinterpreting the data, it seems like the concept of identity is range-limited. So when we say "give me something that pings on Kuroki" our magic doesn't know who Kuroki is at time of casting, so the transmutation fails.
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You could have some grief give a signal much like a witch barrier. Spread it out to max range and try to lure magical girls to Sabrina's sensing range.
You could have some grief give a signal much like a witch barrier. Spread it out to max range and try to lure magical girls to Sabrina's sensing range.
That's a pretty cool idea, but it presupposes Kuroki is seeking witches to fight. If she just wants to hide, and doesn't fully understand the consequences of being without grief seeds, she might avoid the signal.