The best thing is we've actually used this line IC.
Infinite number of 'brinas...
Funny thing about 2 infinites. As long as you can count them, you can match them.
So, if we have infinite 'brinas, we can have enough brinas for every magical girl, in every instance, and you will never run out of 'brinas, even if the number of magical girls is also infinite.
Brinas and Mumis Grief Cloned as necessary to meet demand.Because there's a finite number of meguca per reality... Okay, I can buy that, yeah.
But what about shitguca? What do they get, shitbrinas? Is that even a thing? Wouldnt the shit pairs reduce quality of life for the rest? What defines a shitbrina, assuming such a thing exists?
And what about the QOL for the normalbrinas who dont end up with a mumi? Isn't that, like, inequality?
BirdPoison, I don't think I like this rabbit hole you're taking us down...
Welcome to a world of madness, with neverending hotels and zig-zaging diagonals and sets within sets within sets.Because there's a finite number of meguca per reality... Okay, I can buy that, yeah.
But what about shitguca? What do they get, shitbrinas? Is that even a thing? Wouldnt the shit pairs reduce quality of life for the rest? What defines a shitbrina, assuming such a thing exists?
And what about the QOL for the normalbrinas who dont end up with a mumi? Isn't that, like, inequality?
BirdPoison, I don't think I like this rabbit hole you're taking us down...
We have enough 'brinas to couteract them. Unless they move first.
We have enough 'brinas to couteract them. Unless they move first.
Did someone call?
Oh, I am slain. *mournful cawing*
Have we ever actually called her Mumi?
I'm almost certain we did, and got weird looks for it. :lol
That would be all kinds of awkward.Guybrina: Literally just male Sabrina. Not sure how he got powers but it happened. Exactly the same otherwise.
"Well, I got nothing."
The important thing is to not get kidnapped by the incubators to be used as a battery.Hmm...we should really ask Kyubey how the system actually works, one of these days. Confirm they actually have a win condition (Endless Energy Generated by Souls >= Energy Lost as Heat). If they're only getting finite energy out of each Grief Seed...then all we need to do is establish an infinite energy sou-wait.
We need to find out if we can make self-perpetuating familiars. If so...we might be able to produce enough to reach said production goal without torturing any souls.
Actually...wait. Witchcraft is basically reality warping...could we make a system that harvests Free Energy at a profit?
I thought that was kwijibo.
Well, that too, but I feel certain we said Mumi once...I think it was on the Mobile Oppression fortress, and she had recently been "oh sabrina"ing. But idk, maybe it was an omake, or just me mixing events in my head.
[Q] Visit kwyjibo dressed in work clothes with a BLOOD COVERED APRON AND CHAINSAW.
No idea, but I assume that someone's potential would have to be incredibly high, like possibly reaching Madoka levels.Hmm, I wonder.............
How would the Incubators react if someone Wished for the existence of permanent white holes which expel matter at rates proportional to the expansion rate of the universe?